The skeleton is an undead monster encountered during the questThe Restless Ghost. When the player takes the ghost's skull from the altar in the basement of the Wizards' Tower, the skeleton animates and attacks them. The skeleton is not a particularly dangerous enemy, and it is not required to kill it in order to complete the quest. The player can simply leave after retrieving the skull, and the skeleton will disappear after a while.
Searching the altar while the skeleton is attacking another player will respawn the skeleton, with it attacking you and the other player no longer in combat.
It does not count as a skeleton for the purposes of a skeleton slayer task.
The skeleton can be attacked and killed by players not doing the quest, even if they have completed the quest.
This skeleton's model wasn't updated with the 22 January 2007 model rework of skeletons and many other undead monsters and NPCs - leaving it as one of the last two skeletons that still uses the older model today, the other being the skeleton that is briefly seen in a cutscene during the Enakhra's Lament quest.