Update:Deadman Mode Tweaks

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This official news post is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 30 October 2015.

Hey everyone,

The release of Deadman mode has been very action-packed. With tens of thousands of you logging into Deadman worlds to take on the challenge, we have see a great deal happen in the past day:

  • Over 5 players have achieved 100+ kills.
  • 2 players have achieved 100+ deaths.
  • Many players have completed Monkey Madness.
  • 2 players have lost over 1 million coins worth of items in a single death!

With so many of you playing Deadman mode we have received a vast amount of feedback from the thousands of players who've tried it out. It isn't possible to implement everyone's requests immediately, of course, but here are a few tweaks that we've been able to prepare for today:

  • Skull timers are no longer reset when retaliating.
  • When a skulled player dies outside of PvP, they suffer a harsh death - but with no player for available to receive the key, the 28 items are dropped to the floor instead. These items will now appear instantly to everyone rather than after 1 minute.
  • Skulled players can no longer receive random events.
  • It is now possible to earn Mining experience inside the instanced essence mine.

We'll be working on some other tweaks after the weekend. Popular requests include a timer to show how much longer your skull will last, and an indicator to clarify whether you're at risk of a harsh death, among many other player suggestions.

In other news...

  • Fixed some animation issues with Anti-Santa's panties.
  • Ultimate iron men can now un-pack the item sets received from the Halloween event.

Discuss this update on the forums.

Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath

The Old School Team