Update:Revenant Maledictus & Wilderness Changes
It was added on 2 February 2022, and revised on 3 February 2022.

Issues and Hotfixes
Last Updated | Issues Raised | Current Progress | Status |
13:00 GMT - February 3rd | Players reported that the Amulet of Avarice was not noting drops within the Slayer cave. Additionally, drops from Superiors were not working as intended. | The Amulet of Avarice will now note drops from NPCs within the Wilderness Slayer cave as intended.
In addition to this, when killing Superior creatures within the Wilderness slayer cave, they will now always drop the following alongside their standard loot:
13:00 GMT - February 3rd | Some players highlighted that the new Wilderness Slayer tasks might decrease the speed at which these tasks can generally be completed. The impact of this is a potential reduction in the number of Slayer points obtained per hour.
On the other hand, players have also highlighted that the new Wilderness Slayer tasks are weighted too low, and and as result are not given out frequently enough for those wanting to priotise Gold per hour over Slayer points. |
The Wilderness Changes survey from 2021 highlighted how Wilderness Slayer should offer both a high number of Slayer points and Gold per hour. We'd like to maintain a healthy balance between to two, and understand the impact these additional Slayer taks have had.
In next week's game update, we hope to be able to offer a free toggle via the Slayer Reward Shop that allows you to opt out of the newly added Slayer tasks, should you wish to do so. With these tasks being optional, we're also able to consider them having a higher weighting than they do currently, so those of you who want to focus on Gold per hour can do so. We'll have more details to share in next week's game update! |
13:00 GMT - February 3rd | We've seen reports of the newly added creatures within the Wilderness Slayer Cave wandering away from combat as you try to pile them up for effective use of multi-combat spells. | We'll look to increase the amount these creatures can wander, so that they remain in combat with you as you try to gather them all up together. | COLDFIX - NEXT WEEK |
13:00 GMT - February 3rd | Some of you would like to see Thammaron's Sceptre be improved as part of Wilderness-related content. | We're aware of your feedback and we've discussed it as a team. Whilst there is nothing we're able to share at present, it is something we'll keep in mind for the future. | N/A |
13:00 GMT - February 3rd | Players felt that our change to the Kalphite Queen disproportionately affected Iron accounts, who are now more suceptible to crashing. | The change to Kalphite Queen was made to prevent illegitimate kills, which is part of our game's integrity. However, we appreciate that the way it was resolved has caused additional issues for Iron accounts.
We're considering adding an Iron-only Kalphite Queen instance in the future, similar to what has been implemented at the Corporeal Beast and God Wars Dungeon. Whilst this instance would separate Iron accounts from non-Irons, you would still share the same room with other Iron accounts. There is no expected time frame for this as we are yet to scope out the work involved, but it will be high on our priorities and hope to update you on this soon. |
N/A |
Revenant Maledictus and Wilderness Changes
Revenant Maledictus

Something is lurking in the dark corners of the Revenant Caves – a new demi-boss known as the Revenant Maledictus!
Every Revenant you kill now has the cumulative chance, based on its Combat Level, to spawn the Revenant Maledictus. Here’s how that works:
- If a player kills a Revenant Demon, the chance to spawn the Maledictus is 98/X
- If another player then kills a Revenant Cyclops, the chance to spawn the Maledictus is (98+82)/X
- If a third player then kills a Revenant Dragon, the chance of spawning the Maledictus is (98+82+135)/X
‘X’ will remain the same. The more Revenants killed in the caves, the greater the chance of the Maledictus spawning – but when it does spawn, the chance is reset.
There’s also a failsafe which guarantees Maledictus will spawn if it has not appeared for a decent length of time. Another system prevents a Maledictus from spawning if another recently appeared.
To avoid long waits for the Maledictus when servers update, the cumulative chance will be set to a random number – so it could appear at any time! After the first kill per world, the chance will reset to 0 and increase as Revenants are killed, as normal.
Now, let’s hear about the loot! Maledictus’ drops work just like those of Superior Slayer creatures, with a slight modification; Maledictus will run the Revenant Dragon’s loot table three times. One of these rolls is reserved for dropping a guaranteed lower-tier Ancient Artefact (the Ancient Emblem or Ancient Totem). The other two will roll the loot table as standard.
On top of these loot rolls, and dependent on how many players were attacking the Maledictus, a certain number of players who dealt the most damage will be granted a buff we’re calling 'Forinthry Surge.
For Iron players, the normal applications for loot apply however, Iron players can still receive the buff regardless.
Fortinthry Surge
To acquire this buff, you’ll need to be wearing the Amulet of Avarice.
Players with the buff are marked with a unique skull above their heads and will receive a 15% Damage and Accuracy boost for all combat styles while fighting Revenants – including the Revenant Maledictus itself. The buff lasts for 30 minutes.
Removing the Amulet of Avarice during this time will also remove the buff. World-hopping will reduce the duration of the buff by one minute per hop.
If you don’t manage to grab the buff from the Revenant Maledictus, you can always snipe it from another player by killing them in PvP. For example:
- Player A acquires Forinthry Surge from fighting Maledictus.
- The same player then continues killing Revenants in the same world for five minutes.
- Player B, with an Amulet of Avarice equipped, kills Player A.
- Player B acquires Forinthry Surge with a 25 minute timer.
Wilderness Slayer

Some new task-only creatures have been added to the Wilderness Slayer Cave:
- Abyssal Demons (task amount = 75-125)
- Dust Devils (task amount = 75-125)
- Jellies (task amount = 100-150)
- Nechryaels (task amount = 75-125)
The new tasks all have a weighting of 3.
Enemies in the Wilderness Slayer Cave now also have a chance to drop items from a new loot table containing consumable blighted items and items from Justine's LMS Rewards Shop.
We've also made some changes to Wilderness Slayer:
- The number of Fire Giant kills required per task has been reduced from 100-150 to 75-125.
- The number of Hill Giant kills required per task has been reduced from 100-150 to 75-125.
- The number of Bloodveld kills required per task has been reduced from 90-140 to 70-110.
- Additional Bloodveld spawns have been added to the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon. These additional spawns will replace some of the werewolves that roam the area.
- Additional Bear spawns will be added north of the Ferox Enclave. Watch out, Derse Venator!
Leagues III: Shattered Relics Changes & Fixes

Here's some of the following small changes and fixes made over the last week:
- The Myths’ Guild Bank will now allow you to swap your Fragments.
- Extra items gained from Smithing Double now correctly count towards 'Smith X item/s' tasks.
- The Barbarian Assault tasks ‘Read Level 5 in any Role' and ‘Reach Level 5 in All Roles' now correctly complete when the Level Up interface appears at the end of the wave.
- Auto-completing the Troll III quest bundle now correctly sets up the fire pit at Weiss.
- Message in a Bottle is now more balanced and shouldn't give as many Beginner Clues.
- Players now correctly unlock the Ardougne Teleport when purchasing any of the Elf quest bundles.
- Green Dragons in the Wilderness Slayer Dungeon will now count towards League Tasks.
- Arclight now works correctly with Twin Strikes.
- Certified Farmer now works correctly in the Vinery at Hosidius.
- Catch of the Day now works correctly with Personal Banker. Rare items will continue to go to your inventory as normal.
- Dying from Poison after exiting the Wilderness will no longer result in a PvP death.
- You can now teleport to My Arm's boat with Last Recall.
- Auto-completing Sir Amik's section of Recipe For Disaster now correctly unlocks the Evil Chicken’s Lair.
- Thorgel now appears when auto-completing the Elf III quest bundle.
Other Changes
- Fixed an issue where Galvek’s waves were killing safe players as he changed phases.
- To remedy an issue where Group Ironman leaders could not leave their group if their teammates were inactive, leaders no longer need to wait until they have abdicated to leave the group. They will, however, have to wait the usual seven days for their leave request to be processed.
- Additionally, players can no longer be made the leader of a group if they have a leave request pending.
- Dagon’hai garments are now recognised as Zamorakian items. This affects monster aggression in the God Wars Dungeon, the Zamorakian Sight Fragment in League III: Shattered Relics, and various other things in the game.
- Implemented more rigorous tracking to detect alternate accounts aiding Iron players by luring the Kalphite Queen. Additionally, if combat against her halts for more than five minutes, she’ll reset her health completely so that her next opponent has a fresh boss to fight.
PvP World Rota
The PvP rota has moved to Period A:
- 539 - (US) - PvP World
- 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
- 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
- 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.
Discuss this update on our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the#gameupdate channel. For reference on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Banjo, Boko, Brow, Bruno, Con, Curse, Daizong, Deagle, Dibber, Ditto, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Grub, Halo, Havik, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, John C, Kandosii, Katies, Kamon, Kieren, Kirby, KT, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Lottie, Mack, Matheus, Maylea, Markos, Meat, Morty, Nasty, Nin, Nylu, Oasis, Peppers, Regent, Redfield, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Sigma, Skylark, Sova, Squid, Steve W, Tide, Torrance, Veda, Vegard, West, Wolfy & Zuko
The Old School Team.