Math Mammoth Review

I've been a homeschooling mom for several years now. I go to our state's convention every year. I spend hours in the vendor hall checking out products. I thought I had seen every product there was, but the TOS Crew is showing me how many wonderful things there are out there that I had never checked out before. Math Mammoth is one of those things.
Sure, I'd heard the name Math Mammoth before, and probably seen their ads in TOS (I'm an advertisers nightmare-I never really notice ads), but I knew nothing about them and had dismissed them because we are very happy with our math curriculum. Apparently I have missed a lot by dismissing it so quickly.
Math Mammoth offers four different series of books. It may seem a bit confusing but it's not really, just take the time to assess what you really want. The information from their website really sums it up best, but I will try condense it a bit here:
The BLUE series: Each book is organized by TOPIC, and includes both the textbook explanations and lots of varied problems. These are especially good for remedial or supplemental work, and can work as part of a complete curriculum as well. Blue Series books currently cover topics for grades 1-5, but since the typical US curriculum is very similar in 5th and 6th grades, several of the books are usable even for 6th grade topics.
The LIGHT BLUE Series: Math Mammoth Lightblue books constitute a complete elementary mathematics curriculum for grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. Part A is available for 5th grade. Each complete grade level consists of two worktexts (A and B), their answer keys, tests, and an additional worksheet maker. These books are organized by GRADE.
The GOLDEN and GREEN Series: Golden Series books are collections of worksheets for grades 3-8(9), consisting of two parts (A and B) for each grade. They contain one topic per sheet, but with very variable problems. The GOLDEN series is organized by GRADE. The GREEN series is the same but organized by TOPIC.
To help you decide what works best for you, Math Mammoth's creator offers a one week tutorial with daily e-mails and 280 free worksheets and sample pages for you to check out.
Because we have a math curriculum, we opted to check out two of the BLUE series books. Since Right Start has a heavy Geometry focus, I chose Early Geometry and Money. Early Geometry covers all sorts of topics from shapes to right angles over 3 different grade levels, and offers plenty of explanation and practice. In addition, the book provides a list of internet sites where additional geometry activities are available! The book is over 60 pages, is in color, and is downloadable so you can print what you need when you need it and never worry about forgetting that you have a workbook SOMEWHERE on your bookshelves if you could only find it (not that that ever happens to me, LOL). It is downloadable for only $2.50. Can you believe that?
Money focuses on counting coins, counting and making change, dollar amounts, mental math, and solving money problems. I got it because I figure practice with money problems is something my kids can never get enough of. Again, the topics cover multiple grade levels. Like the book above, the worksheets are part of a downloadable book and are in color. A full list of internet sites with money activities is included. Money is about 50 pages and is $3.00.
I didn't find any negatives with the books we tried. Other TOS Crew members tried the entire curriculum, so I encourage you to check out their reviews if you are interested in knowing more about that.
The bottom line for me is that I think we will continue to use Math Mammoth workbooks for years to come. I love that I can chose topical practice based on what we are studying or what my kids need extra work on. I really love that for one really LOW price I get a non-consumable resource that I can use for all my kids. I have a bookshelf full of tons of untouched resource books, but these worksheets we actually use which makes them priceless!
To check out Math Mammoth, go HERE. TO read reviews by other TOS Crew members, go HERE.