Is your business prepared to Outsmart Disaster?
Outsmart Disaster is a statewide campaign led by the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA) to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. Outsmart Disaster equips California businesses and nonprofits with the training and resources they need to prepare for and recover from all types of business interruptions.
The program is dedicated to empowering small businesses to become resilient—ready to absorb stress, restore essential functions, and thrive, even in challenging circumstances. You can start building resilience today in several ways:
Join our live webinars in English and Spanish.
Explore our Business Resiliency Roadmap—a workbook designed to help you create a preparedness plan tailored to your business’s unique needs, no matter what type of business you operate.
Download fillable PDF forms from the Resiliency Roadmap. These electronic forms from the booklet, make it easy to document your continuity plan based on your business’s specific requirements.
Interested in building resilience within your business? Outsmart Disaster offers resources to help you take proactive steps toward a stronger future.
Por favor contáctenos a [email protected] para asistencia en español.
Business Resiliency Roadmap
Download our Resiliency Roadmap booklet and PDF fillable forms to help you create a customized continuity plan and build resiliency.
Guía hacia la Resiliencia
Descargue el manual de la Guía hacia la Resiliencia Empresarial y los formularios rellenables en PDF para ayudarle a crear un plan de continuidad personalizado y reforzar la resiliencia.
Disaster Resources
The information and tools you need to prepare for and recover from a disaster or significant business interruption.
Who’s Behind Outsmart Disaster?
Outsmart Disaster is an initiative of CalOSBA supported by Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Recovery Assistance funds provided by the U.S. Economic Development Administration.
The Outsmart Disaster concept was originally conceived in 2018 as a state-led tool to help businesses and communities prepare for the next big earthquake. With the support of funders such as JP Morgan Chase Foundation and Edison International, and under the leadership of California’s Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency, the program evolved to help Californians prepare for all types of disasters. Now, with the support of approximately $782,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding provided by U.S. Economic Development Agency and under the leadership of CalOSBA, Outsmart Disaster will further its work to help prepare Californians for the unexpected.
Outsmart Disaster is a disaster awareness campaign that includes a no-cost business continuity training program offered by the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA). CalOSBA employees support the program in a training capacity only. CalOSBA does not make any recommendations or guarantees and assumes no responsibility concerning the activities of participating businesses. Participants, and not CalOSBA, are responsible for all plans created and any actions taken following the Outsmart Disaster training.
California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800
Sacramento, CA 95814
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