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by Panchiko

INFINITE PIECES 00:00 / 05:40
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

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  • Limited Edition 7" Vinyl and Panchiko's Guide To Modern Guitar Playing
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    A little while back we found some old CDR's with no titles or artwork, after taking a listen there wasn't really much of interest, but we did find this; 'Infinite Pieces' - the last Panchiko song to be recorded in 2001.
    We'd genuinely forgotten that we made this and it was weird finding it and listening back.
    Perhaps it is technically the best produced of the tracks that we recorded all those years ago, unfinished but almost there.

    We also found a higher quality version of 'Untitled Acoustic Song', so it's been remastered for this release.

    Panchiko Died:- Long live lost media and the communities that dedicate their time and energy to tracking down artists and forgotten music.

    Hope you enjoy!

    All the best,


    This release will be pressed on to a super limited edition heavyweight 7" pink vinyl.

    The first 100 copies will be signed (quite possibly) with GOLD PEN! Only one production run will be made.

    Every vinyl includes an A5 zine of 'Panchiko's Play in a Day - Guide to Modern Guitar Playing' including all the lyrics and chords to pretty
    ...  more

    Sold Out



released February 14, 2021


all rights reserved



Panchiko Nottingham, UK


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