supported by 15 fans who also own “Machine Gun Drum”
this is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Nostalgic, beautiful, relaxing, and kinda sad at times depending on what you think of while listening. This game and soundtrack will forever be close to me. So i thank you C418 for everything you've given me and so many others. The Laughing Stock
Indie pop band the Catenary Wires collaborates with the beloved British poet for a truly unique record melding prose and melody. Bandcamp New & Notable Mar 8, 2025
Country pop gets a hallucinogenic twist on the Cardiff band's latest LP, out on the always excellent Kartel Music Group. Bandcamp New & Notable Mar 7, 2025
supported by 14 fans who also own “Machine Gun Drum”
A singular, harrowing experience. If this album doesn't give you a newfound appreciation of life, specifically the ability to remember it, then I don't know what will. smoothiebrain