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Lemon Grove Today

Infrastructure improvements, museum reopening and a parade in our future!

Parsonage Museum of Lemon Grove
Parsonage Museum of Lemon Grove (Pete Smith)

The Lemon Grove Historical Society has always supported our city and taken keen interest in its progress. We note that despite hard times with Covid-19, and the budgetary woes that dog us, our city has made progress. To wit: Allocated more money for the worst streets in town, more money for sidewalks promised under the General Plan, money for a proper survey for the sales tax, money for a motor cop (more police and speeding control) and, who knows, maybe even the return of the fabled Old Time Days parade that everyone loved in days gone by. For the latter, everyone in town needs to pitch in.

This progress is due to the cooperative effort between Mayor Raquel Vasquez and the City Council, especially members Jerry Jones, Jennifer Mendoza and George Gastil. This is the common sense leadership our city and country need--everyone pulling together for the public good.

Said Councilman Jones, “A quick look at the staff report and even the goal-setting workshop will show the work plan and budget items. The streets are especially significant. Staff is recommending $250K additional to address those worst streets. Considering that our budget is about $1m and until recently had only been about $350K/year, that is huge. We do have more one-time money we could dedicate to this and I'm pushing for another $100K to go to those worst streets. This would go a long way to improving the public trust by showing them that we listened and we spent the money on them.”

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Some have called Lemon Grove “the little town that could,’” while the State Office of Historic Preservation has termed us “the spunkiest little town in California.” We concur.

Meantime, come on down to 3185 Olive Street and visit the story of our town inside the lovely Parsonage Museum in Treganza Heritage Park on a Saturday from 11 am to 2 pm. It's free for your kids 12 and under, who must be accompanied by an adult. A $2 donation is suggested for ages 13 and over. You'll find more information at And don't forget to check out our city's website,

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