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Community Corner

How Did San Bruno CA Get Here and Where Is It Going

How Did San Bruno CA Get Here and Where Is It Going

Article Source: San Bruno CA's Community Development Director David Woltering

Director Woltering recently gave this slide presentation to the City's Planning Commission.

It starts with the history of San Bruno and how San Bruno grew and how in the past few years the City of San Bruno updated its vision and plans to accomplish them.

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Even without words under each slide, the information presented in each slide should be easily understood.

The City of San Bruno CA continues to explore various plans to continually mode its VISION forward, small step by small step and involves the input from residents.

Find out what's happening in San Brunowith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Continue reading San Bruno Patch ( for updates on the next steps San Bruno CA is taking to move the City's vision forward by the next few steps.


Robert Riechel

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Photo Credit: San Bruno CA Patch Archives

Source Credit: City of San Bruno CA - David Woltering - Community Development Department

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