Rashi Alum Mayta Cohen ('15) Led BerKalit, Berklee College of Music's Award-Winning Acapella Group, in a Special Performance
The Rashi School’s Stephanie Rotsky Tikkun Alum Award was presented to Jonny Zackman ‘11 in recognition for his extraordinary dedication
The Rashi School Board of Trustees has unanimously voted to appoint Emily Charton as Rashi’s next Head of School, effective July 1, 2024
The Rashi School announced a $2 million challenge grant from Lizbeth and George Krupp through The Krupp Fund for the Future of Rashi School.
The Rashi School is hosting an open house on Sunday, January 22 from 10 AM to 12 PM at The Rashi School, 8000 Great Meadow Road in Dedham
Students were recognized for their high scores in the New England Math League, where they competed with other regional schools
A new, lower-cost weekly program will also now be open for students in neighboring towns, including Norwood, Westwood, Canton and Milton.
Scholarship winners were announced Wednesday. They were selected from a talent pool of more than 15,000 finalists.
Scarlett Grandt will be the new Callahan School principal.
See how FAFSA applications changed for Dedham area high schools.
Dedham elementary and middle schools were included in the inaugural list ranking more than 80,000 U.S. schools by U.S. News & World Report
Starting on Oct. 13, a monthly session will be held with two School Committee members. The format will alternate between in-person and Zoom.
Michael Welch, Dedham Public Schools superintendent, said the rates reported last week were the highest weekly statewide total seen yet
Statewide, the 2021 MCAS scores showed a decline in both English language arts
Dedham chooses a stricter standard than the guidelines given by the state's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
No vote was taken after more than an hour of public comment, which was sharply divided. The policy will be revisited on September 9.
See how college aid applications changed for Dedham area high schools.
Italian Home for Children's Mary Savioli Pallotta Educational Center Welcomes Shelly Hinds as New Head of School
Dedham Patch is celebrating this year's seniors for their accomplishments.
Tell us why your grad is special and send a message of congratulations on Dedham Patch.
The U.S. News and World Report released its nationwide ranking this week, alongside its ranking of high schools by state.
The annual ranking released by U.S. News and World Report ranks schools based on factors such as graduation rates and academic performance.
FAFSA completions are down nationally. Here is how Dedham area high schools have done so far.
All graduating seniors and any Dedham resident attending a post secondary school can apply.
The share of residents holding four-year or higher degrees has been rising in the U.S. Here's how it’s changed in Norfolk County.
David Flynn was not reappointed as Dedham High School football coach after the district cited differences in values.
After the announcement, the Human Rights Commission issued a statement of support to the district and encouraged commitment to anti-racism.
Dr. Oneida Fox Roye will take over as Dedham Public School's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer.
The district is planning on bringing students back into the classroom after a party at the start of the year delayed in-person learning.
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation this week announced semifinalists for 2021 scholarships, including hundreds in Massachusetts.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom.
A series of three parties in town are being held as the source of a COVID-19 cluster that brought the town in the state-designated red zone.
See how Dedham did compared to other high schools in Greater Boston.
The meeting will be held online.
Students will start the school year fully remote and phase into a hybrid model.
The open position is unexpired three-year term that ends at the 2021 Annual Town Election.
2,340 consecutive days for "perfect attendance"
Visit the link below to view the meeting agenda.
Agendas will be posted online at the town website.
This meeting will be accessible to the public via Google Meet.