Neighbor News
Are you in career transition & in a conundrum? Join Rich Lucia for an inaugural workshop on "Success in the NOW!"
#careertransition #jobsearch #entrepreneurship #gigeconomy
They call it career transition. It’s that unknown amount of time between careers, where finding work isn’t always easy. Why? The playing field isn’t the same as it was in days gone by and there is the realization that your role in the world has changed. No need for alarm, as there are tremendous opportunities out there today; opportunities that were not available when you started your career. You can certainly find success in today’s world. Join Rich Lucia in his SUCCESS IN THE NOW workshop.
Links to RSVP are in our newsletter: Click Here
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- Awareness of today’s environment and how you can be successful on your terms
- Discovery how your passion can best serve you
- Avenues that you can uncover to utilize your skills in a new way
- Technology available today that will help you achieve your personal and financial goals
- Real opportunities that can fit you that weren’t available in the past
At the workshop, you will:
- Work through examples of opportunities to determine best fit
- Build a SUCCESS IN THE NOW plan that utilizes NOW strategies
- Use the 180 rule to get on track and stay there
Here’s the GOOD news!
Find out what's happening in Tredyffrin-Easttownfor free with the latest updates from Patch.
- Part of your admission fee will be tax deductible, since we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit! The exact amount will depend on the number of participants at the workshop.
- We will also engage in some networking after the workshop!
Here’s even BETTER news!
This inaugural workshop is being subsidized, so the fee is less than you will pay for a future workshop, so take advantage, as there are only 25 seats.
Here’s even BEST news!
If you don't walk away with value from this workshop, Rich will personally reimburse you for your small investment of only $15!
Rich Lucia is a speaker / author and a member of the National Speakers Association. Traveling nationally, he presents how changing times call for changing selling solutions. He believes there are more opportunities to get the things you want than ever before and shares them in his SUCCESS IN THE NOW workshop to help people in transition find success.
Questions? Contact Your Organizer
Lynne Williams
[email protected]
RSVP on the meetup for the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group or go to