State PCS

12-06-2023 20:49:50 PendulumEdu

State Civil Service

State Civil Service Exams are one of the most reputed exams conducted on an annual basis for various administrative posts like Subordinate District magistrates, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Assistant Conservator of Forest, Range Forest Officers, etc. Respective State Public Service Commissions (State PSCs) conduct these exams. These services are under the control of respective state governments, unlike the central administrative services which are under the control of the central government.

Generally, there is a normal procedure involved for these exams that go through prelims, mains, and interview stages. There are various State PCS exams conducted by respective State PSC:

UPPCS Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Services Exam

The UPPSC PCS exam is generally held on an annual basis by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC). In the first stage of the UPPCS selection procedure, the UPPCS Preliminary exam is held, divided into two papers i.e. GS 1 and GS 2. Paper 1 consists of General Studies in which it is compulsory to clear the cut-off. There are 150 objective questions in paper 1 and in Paper 2, the general aptitude questions are there which is qualifying (can be qualified by getting 33% marks) in nature. The UPPCS prelims exam is followed by the UPPCS Mains exam, the students who clear the UPPCS prelims cut-off are eligible for the UPPCS Mains exam, and the students who qualify for the UPPCS Mains exam are eligible for the UPPCS Interview. The marks of both UPPCS Mains and UPPCS Interview are considered for the final merit. The UPPSC 2023 notification is going to be released in February 2023 and the UPPSC exam is scheduled for May 2023.

Rajasthan Administrative Service Civil Service Exam

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) conducts the Rajashthan PCS exam for various administrative posts. This exam also involves preliminary, mains, and interview stage. The prelims exam is a single paper consisting of both general studies and aptitude questions. The mains exam consist of subjective papers and the final stage is of the interview.  There is more state knowledge that is being asked especially in the preliminary exam.

Madhya Pradesh Civil Service exam

The MPPSC PCS exam is conducted by Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC).  There are three stages in the selection procedure, which are prelims, mains and interview.  State-specific questions are being asked in the exam. The MPPCS prelims exam is of objective type while the mains paper is subjective and the last stage is the interview.

Uttarakhand Civil Service Exam

The UKPSC PCS exam is conducted in the prelims, mains, and interview stage. The prelims exam is objective while the mains exam is of subjective type and the last stage is the interview. This UKPSC PCS exam is conducted for the selection of candidates for the administrative services in Uttarakhand.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) Combined Competitive exam

The BPSC PCS exam is being conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). The exam involves prelims, mains, and interview stages. In the preliminary exam, there is one paper that includes general studies and aptitude questions. After that mains exam is held which consists of subjective papers which is followed by an interview.  For merit purposes, both mains and interview marks are considered.

Jharkhand Combined Civil Service Exam

The JPSC PCS exam is being conducted by the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC). In the prelims stage, there are two objective-type papers of General Studies and aptitude respectively. In mains, there are descriptive papers. The next stage is the interview.

Haryana Civil Service Exam

The HPSC PCS exam is being conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). The exam consists of three stages i.e preliminary, mains and interview exam. The prelims exam consists of 2 papers of objective type. Paper 1 consists of a General Studies paper and Paper 2 consists of an optional paper. The main stage consists of 4 papers including two optional papers. The last stage is the interview.

Andhra Pradesh Group 1 and 2 exams

The exams are being conducted by Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission. Group 1 exam is conducted for posts like SDM, DySP, etc. Prelims exam consists of 2 objective papers for General Studies and aptitude. The mains papers are of descriptive type and consist of 7 papers. 2 papers of Telugu and English are of qualifying nature. After mains, there is the interview stage.

Group 2 exam is also held by Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission for various subordinate posts like Assistant Section Officer, Deputy Tehsildar, etc. It consists of prelims, mains exam, interview stage, computer proficiency test, document verification, physical standard test.

Tamil Nadu Combined Civil Service Exam Group 1 and group 2 exam

Group 1 and group 2 exams are organized by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.

Group 1 exam consists of the prelims stage in which there is 1 objective paper and in the mains exam, there are 3 descriptive papers. The last stage is the interview stage. In mains, a Tamil language paper is also there.

The group 2 exam also consists of prelims, mains and interview stages.

Kerala Public Service Commission Civil Service Exam

The exam is being conducted by the Kerala Public service Commission. In the prelims stage, there are 2 papers of objective type. In the mains exam, there are 3 descriptive papers. The mains exam also includes Malayalam and English paper and last stage is the interview stage.


Assam Public Service Commission Civil Service Exam

The exam is conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission. The prelims exam consists of 2 papers of objective type. Paper 1 is General Studies paper and Paper 2 is optional paper. The mains exam consists of 4 papers including 2 optional papers. The last stage is the interview stage.



vikram meena
2 years ago

there is no Rajasthan pcs

3 years ago

There is no Karnataka public service commission....??

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