Where the Birds Call Her Name
Saskia Honeyman would look back on her mother’s death and see that it had the cadence of an exquisitely orchestrated sonata.
Wild Dark Shore
I have hated my mother for most of my life but it is her face I see as I drown.
In 2019 I was invited to appear on ABC TV’s Australian Story to talk about my life.
When The Deep, Dark Bush Swallows You Whole
New Zealand was greener than Emilia could ever have imagined.
Our Infinite Fates
The dining table was set for a feast, but all the carving knives had been hidden.
This Stays Between Us
Mack jogged back to the main track following the sound, which seemed to be coming from a stand of bushes to the left of the path where a second track speared into the scrub.
The Deadly Dispute
Hazel Bates arrives on the docks to the sight of a dead body being hauled out of the water.