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Collapsing sections of infoboxes
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The size of some infoboxes overwhelms lead in many Wikipedia articles (see for example, this discussion). It is therefore desirable to collapse certain sections of the infobox. {{Collapsed_infobox_section_begin}} can be used collapse sections of infoboxes. This works when displayed on the desktop, but not on mobile. The MobileFrontend should also support collapsing of sections of infoboxes.

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Boghog raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Boghog updated the task description. (Show Details)
Boghog subscribed.

Editors are not supposed to make the assumption that content is collapsed when they indicate so in the article (MOS:DONTHIDE). So I do not consider it a problem that a section of an infobox is not collapsed.

However there is of course a general usability problem with navigation and infobox sections. Maybe like on the mobile apps, having this collapsed under a 'quick facts' or something dropdown, might be interesting. Or we can make it easier to skip through the article at a higher pace.

Maybe like on the mobile apps, having this collapsed under a 'quick facts'.

I think that is a great idea that would essential solve the problem.