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Copy Patrol interface columns collide too soon
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


The columns collide with unpleasant effects when the "compare" link bumps into the Review column.

The first attachment shows the page just before the "elections-2013-results" runs into the buttons, the second pic shows the page after that collision triggers the responsive design.

There's a couple things we could do -- reduce the font size on the link, and allow the link to wrap to a second line. What do you think?

responsive 1.jpg (750×1 px, 181 KB)

responsive 2.jpg (750×1 px, 168 KB)

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The tool is actually not responsive. The way the column headers stack up, it's far from ideal. When I was writing it, I didn't make it responsive by choice as I don't think that the tool will have (m)any users on mobile/small screens, given that it hardly has any users at the moment (talking about Copyright/rc page). I'd say we should ship the tool without this feature and come back to it if someone asks for it, which is very unlikely.
It's not a trivial task in terms of modifying the code either.

DannyH renamed this task from Copy Patrol interface turns responsive too soon to Copy Patrol interface columns collide too soon.May 18 2016, 6:49 PM
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)

Okay, I took out the references to "responsive design", I agree that's not important for this tool. I just want to fix the collisions so I can make my browser a little smaller. :)

The markup is using bootstrap's container-fluid and col-md-* specifiers. These will collapse into a stacked layout when the horizontal screen width is less than "table width" (something around 768px). Changing to col-sm-* will make things stay in column layout until the screen width hits a mobile device size (4??px).

DannyH set the point value for this task to 2.May 19 2016, 5:53 PM
DannyH moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.

The markup is using bootstrap's container-fluid and col-md-* specifiers. These will collapse into a stacked layout when the horizontal screen width is less than "table width" (something around 768px). Changing to col-sm-* will make things stay in column layout until the screen width hits a mobile device size (4??px).

Width corrections: md cuts off at 992px and sm at 768px.

Changed md to sm. Needs a review from Danny. I can make it even smaller (xs), if needed.

The colum width looks good, I call this done.

There's a minor issue with the No action needed button, which I spun off into a low-prio ticket: T137335: Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases