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Somehow the code review for the changes in the popup extension part seems to be stalled. The last comment seems more general and thus, the patch will probably rot away unless there is a more abstract discussion about it beforehand. Unfortunately, it is not clear to me who is in a position to decide on features for the popup extension.

Regarding the remotely related tasks listed below, I have the respective comments:

  • T199096 We need a popup that is triggered when hovering formulae and displays information from the MathApi. While this information originates from Wikidata I do not see how this helps... (PS: Q1/2018 is over)
  • T233099 yes, but I can't do it!

Copy of the comment from Gerrit:

Sep 10 11:40 PM

Patch Set 2: Code-Review-1

Hey there! Thanks for the contribution.

Given this is about obtaining content I feel the gateway related code needs to go in the service layer in the API query itself. My worry with the client side approach is we'll add more client gateways for each bespoke problem we encounter. We specifically avoided the mediawiki api for the page previews feature as it's not able to handle the production levels of traffic it gets.

Performance aside, I believe we should  be striving to keep the page previews client code as light as possible since it loads on every page view.

Instead, I would suggest we follow up with and incorporate this in the summary API for

Once that's in place a small client change in the render layer to deal  would wire up the Math elements and hit the summary endpoint. The rendering layer would be adapted to do the rest.

Event Timeline

this is no longer relevant

Page previews are maintained by Reading Web, as noted on the extension page.

There's a MediaWiki REST API now, which has better caching characteristics and so should be able to handle high levels of load (or rather most of the load would be handled by Varnish/ATS). Moving some of the logic there might be easier than involving another service.

@Tgr thank you. We can easily change the newly created API endpoint to the REST interface as there are currently 0 consumers.

@ovasileva @phuedx @Jdlrobson from the link @Tgr posted I get the impression that you might be able to answer the following questions:

  1. Despite technical challenges, would you review and eventually merge a pull request for the popup feature described in T208758?
  2. Is there any realistic chance that T233099 will be implemented in the near future (in 2019)?
  3. Given 1, who can assist @Andreg-p in planning the re-implementation before he wastes his time on implementation details before conceptual questions are clarified?

Thank you in advance for your feedback. Please also let me know, if you feel not to be in a position to answer the questions.

@Tgr it does not seem so straight forward to identify someone who feels responsible for the Page-Previews extension.

If someone feels responsible for the extension and does not want to state this in public, please drop me an email. I promise to handle the information privately.

@Physikerwelt @ovasileva is the product owner of page previews and my team is responsible for its development (sorry if I did not make that clear when I reviewed the patch in question with a -1). We are currently reading through all the tickets and trying to get up to speed with what's being proposed. Thank you for your patience.

@Physikerwelt @ovasileva is the product owner of page previews...

Great thank you. That was the information I was looking for.

Hi @Physikerwelt - apologies for the late reply. I think the change proposed in T208758: Display popups for annotated <math> tags without touching popups extension code is interesting, but I did have a few questions. Firstly, what would be the target audience/the purpose of this change? Is the goal to display the variable names of a given equation or rather, is it more around displaying the wikidata qid? My cocnern here is that for the average reader, displaying qid might be more confusing than helpful. In addition, many articles display the variable names within the article text prior to or immediately afterwards the equation. Could you give me a few more examples where this would be useful? Thank you!


Some background information:

In a first step, this feature will be only available to select formulae. The Wikidata ID will not be displayed at all. It is only used by the editors to model the information that is displayed.
Please have a brief look at

image.png (1×823 px, 197 KB)

if one clicks on that formulae one is redirected to
image.png (1×823 px, 147 KB)

from there one can click on the elements of the formulae which can be single identifiers or larger terms. This information is currently modeled manually on Wikidata and it is not easy to automate this. On the bottom of the page the link to wikidata is shown. This is especially helpful for editors since the data can be edited from there.
For example, if one click on energy or the letter E one is redirected to
image.png (1×823 px, 152 KB)

which would show in production additional the page linked to this article. All this has been implemented and will be enabled in the near future.

The proposal

The change that @Jdlrobson reviewed

photo_2019-12-13_11-50-09.jpg (720×1 px, 120 KB)

shows a condensed version of the special page on hovering. This would be a convenience feature so that people do not need to go to the special page and back.

To your questions

Firstly, what would be the target audience/the purpose of this change?

Readers of Wikipedia pages that contain semantically enriched formulae, and do not want to go to the special page and back.

Is the goal to display the variable names of a given equation or rather, is it more around displaying the wikidata qid?

The goal is to display the description of the variables and other constituents of the formula.

Could you give me a few more examples where this would be useful?

See the example above. I can generate more examples if you think that would be helpful?

We are currently reading through all the tickets and trying to get up to speed with what's being proposed. Thank you for your patience.

A month has passed. how's that going?

We are currently reading through all the tickets and trying to get up to speed with what's being proposed. Thank you for your patience.

A month has passed. how's that going?

I'm chatting to @Physikerwelt and others over email. T208758 would be the place to follow along with the conversation when there is progress.