Currently reply links are added in the onOutputPageBeforeHTML hook, and therefore not cached for logged-in users. While the median time spend in this hook is <50ms, on longer pages this can take a few hundred ms[1].
(At someone reported a page where adding reply links takes about 1.5 s.)
We should be able to store the output in the parser cache, so that this method is called much less frequently.
We will need to split the cache on user language as the reply link itself uses the user language.
- Beta cluster
- Check that the availability of the tool is unaffected by this patch, that it can be enabled/disabled via preferences or beta feature
- Check that the reply tool still loads correctly when enabled
From April 14, 2021 meeting between Parsing, Data Persistence and Editing teams, we came up with these action items.
- [Lukasz] DBAs might want to look at other wikis, assuming investigation has been limited to smaller wikis, as the impact is still possible on others
- [C Scott] Talk to DBAs about setting up an alarm or monitor that tells us if DT is spiking something
- [Subbu] Talk to Seve about whether additional hardware is compatible with longterm plans in Technology & get a delivery date if so.
- [Subbu/Lukasz]: When can we expect new hardware to arrive?
- [Editing/ Leza/ Peter] Editing Team to talk to Performance Team (we think?) about whether Editing should/can pursue optimizations in the code we've written [or config changes]
- [C Scott/DBAs/Perf] Test reducing retention and see what happens determine the actual storage and performance implications
- [Leza] When shall we three meet again? A: Answer early next week.