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Wikisource OCR: Accept Google options on the API
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Acceptance Criteria:

  • The new Wikimedia OCR should accept Google options through the API like: multiple languages.

Event Timeline

ldelench_wmf set the point value for this task to 3.Apr 15 2021, 11:25 PM

QA notes: In the web interface, currently you can only enter multiple langs via the URL, i.e.[]=en&langs[]=fr

Follow-up PR that makes language input in the UI a bit more intuitive:

Better UI is merged (single input with tag-style language codes). Live on the test site (only, so far). @dom_walden, not sure if you want to have another look at this.

Better UI is merged (single input with tag-style language codes). Live on the test site (only, so far). @dom_walden, not sure if you want to have another look at this.

Thanks. This looks good to me.

When entering languages there is no autocomplete, the user has to know the correct name for the language.

There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many languages you can enter.

language_input.png (464×1 px, 53 KB)

When entering languages there is no autocomplete, the user has to know the correct name for the language.

Partially addressed in T282073: Add API endpoint to retrieve supported languages, see comment at T282073#7064537