PhD Program Overview

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program Requirements

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in pharmaceutical sciences requires the completion of graduate coursework, professional development activities, a comprehensive examination and a doctoral dissertation:

  • PHAR 590 Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences: Principles and Methods
  • PHAR 591 Scholarly Integrity and Research Ethics
  • PHAR 648 Seminar for Ph.D. Students
  • PHAR 649 Doctoral Dissertation
  • Additional courses may be required to help fill knowledge gaps in your chosen area of study and prepare for the comprehensive exam.
  • CTLT Instructional Skills Workshops for Graduate Students

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for detailed program requirements.

Suggested Program Timeline

Timelines for completion of the PhD program varies from student to student. Typically, PhD students are expected to complete all program requirements within five years from initial registration.

An infographic of the course timeline for a PhD degree.

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