
Monte Cali: a giant salt dump or a unique tourist attraction?
Every city, even the most unprepossessing, has something its residents are proud of. The city of Heringen in central Germany is no ...

Indoor plants that purify the air
Various household appliances, plastic furniture, chipboard furniture, linoleum, panels, paint, wallpaper, washing powders and ...

Reusable plastic bottles turned out to be dangerous for humans
A lot has been said and written about the dangers of disposable plastic bottles. Many environmental organizations persistently ...

Why are sunflowers planted in places of nuclear disasters
The disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 shocked the whole world. Its consequences affected the ...

Satellite images that show how much we've changed the planet
Artist Benjamin Grant pays special attention to the pictures of our planet from above. But it shows he is not the wild and ...

10 photos of the Great Smog in London
On December 5, 1952, one of the most terrible environmental events in the history of England took place. "Great Smog" (Eng. Great ...

And it happens cleanly in India: how is cleanliness observed ...
Garbage is a big problem in India: starting from plastic bottles and wrappers, ending with cow manure. But this does not apply to ...

How Singapore became the greenest metropolis on the planet
Singapore is the most controversial city in the world. Here, incredible futuristic buildings made of glass, metal and concrete are ...

18 Fantastic Animals That Live Next to Us and Could Disappear ...
The Earth is home not only to us humans, but also to thousands of other species of living creatures – big and small, predatory ...

Sensei-asshole Izawa Masana and his "war of excrement"
Today, nature, more than ever, needs the help of each of us, and anyone can make their own contribution. For example, Japanese ...

Do you like seafood? Then you regularly eat plastic
Seafood is traditionally considered very healthy. However, an experiment conducted in Belgium calls this into question. It turned ...

The couple spent 30 years restoring the reserve, replanting ...
Pamela Gale Malhotra and her husband Anil Malhotra are the owners of the only private nature reserve in India, Sai Sanctuary, which ...

Under the blue sky is a Golden city, or Why you are traveling ...
Residents of the Peruvian city of La Rinconada, located in the Andes near the border with Bolivia, live at the altitude of 5100 ...

10 everyday things people use to bring global environmental ...
Environmental scientists are ringing the bells - planet Earth is under threat. Due to human influence, the rate of extinction of ...

What will happen to the planet if all the ice melts on it
If humanity continues to burn fossil fuels and emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, global warming will eventually melt all the ...

How the Arctic is melting: an impressive comparison of the ...
A hundred years ago, the Arctic was one of the most poorly studied places on our planet. Now it has been explored far and wide, but ...

The Story of a Bag of Bags: How Precious Packaging Became an ...
Until recently, a bag with bags was in every home and could be considered a symbol of established domestic life and well-being. It ...

From the master's table, or How the US exports its garbage to ...
The United States exports around the world not only iPhones, pop culture, and their vaunted democracy, but also less standard ...

7 tips from the chef, who'll teach you to throw away food
Despite the fact that the world is full of starving people, every year the inhabitants of our planet emit not less than 1.3 billion ...

What do the world's oldest icebergs look like
Icebergs that broke away from the mainland hundreds of years ago and still float in the ocean are one of the most beautiful ...

What are "hungry stones" and why did people cry when they saw ...
To find out about the upcoming disasters, people have long resorted to fortune-telling or to the services of all kinds of ...

The photographer and his wife for 20 years has planted 2 ...
According to the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations since 1990 from the Earth forever disappeared 129 million ...

8 tech cemeteries of terrifying proportions
People are not the only ones who find their last resting place: cars and various equipment, having served their time, also go ...

The smoke of the Fatherland: the usual burning of leaves ...
Did you know that breathing burning garbage is 350 times more dangerous than cigarettes? Everyone knows about the dangers of ...

Penguins in sweaters
Penguins in little sweaters look absolutely adorable. But why do penguins dress up in them? It’s not just a cute joke or a ...

To the God of plastic, even more plastic! 30 cases when it ...
We are constantly told about the dangers of plastic and how much it pollutes our planet. And at the same time, on supermarket ...