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For Providers Only

Thank you for your interest in participating as a panel attorney in AOPA’s Legal Services Plan; part of AOPA’s Pilot Protection Services. The Plan provides legal services to AOPA members in specified aviation legal matters, primarily FAA enforcement actions.

In order to join AOPA’s panel of attorneys, you must execute our panel attorney agreement. Prior to completing the agreement, please read the AOPA Legal Services Plan – Plan Description. The Plan Description details the benefits, exclusions, and participant eligibility, enrollment and coverages. You are encouraged to download or print a copy for future reference.

The panel attorney agreement has several required “opt-in/opt-out” sections. The first section relates to representing Plan participants in federal tax matters, the second relates to offering free ½ hour consultations for non-covered aviation related matters, and the third asks for your permission to be listed as a panel attorney on AOPA’s website.

Once you submit the completed agreement, AOPA will research your credentials by utilizing various publicly-available resources in order to establish your basic qualifications to represent plan participants in aviation legal matters. For example, we believe being a pilot can provide an initial level of knowledge of the relevant regulations and laws. (Resources utilized include but are not limited to state bar associations, law firm websites, professional associations, and social media websites.) In addition, AOPA may contact you if additional information is required to make a determination.

AOPA looks forward to a long-term relationship with you, as well as your success as a panel attorney. We provide periodic educational seminars for attorneys on the FAA enforcement process, and we are always happy to try to answer questions the panel attorneys may have concerning procedural issues or the law. If you have any questions about the Plan or the determination process, please contact the Legal Services Plan team..