
Renewed hope for clean banana suckers

Renewed hope for clean banana suckers

Written by Steve Chauluka

As Malawi grapples to recover from the Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) disease that wiped out 70% of bananas in the country and crippled cultivation of the same in 2016, there is now a glimmer of hope following the banana macro propagation initiative jointly implemented by the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) and PlantVillage at Luanar’s horticulture farm.


The initiative aims to revive banana farming by multiplying and supplying clean, disease-free suckers for farmers to plant.


This will also contribute to the restoration of livelihoods of 200,000 families whose lives depended on banana farming before the BBTV outbreak.

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Strengthening Nepal's Soil, Securing Our Food Future

Strengthening Nepal's Soil, Securing Our Food Future

Written by Lilian James Ngwavi

As we mark World Soil Day, under the theme "Caring for soils: measure, monitor, and manage," we're reminded of soil's crucial role in sustaining life.


Healthy soil is the life foundation of our food system, particularly in Third World nations like Nepal, yet it's under severe threat. Climate change, unsustainable farming practices, and chemical overuse are degrading our soils at an alarming rate.


Recognizing this urgent need, PlantVillage Nepal, supported by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Current and Emerging Threats to Crops, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Krishi Farmers Group, launched a soil testing campaign in Tilattoma municipality, Ward no. 9, Rupandehi, Lumbini Province. This initiative was driven by farmers' concerns about declining crop yields.

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DAES Empowered with Pest, Diseases Observatory System

DAES Empowered with Pest, Diseases Observatory System

Written by Steve Chauluka

The Department of Agriculture Extension Services (DAES) has received a boost in the monitoring of crop pests and diseases with the installation of the Agriculture (AG) Observatory system, courtesy of the Malawi Digital Health Plant Services (MaDiPHS) implementing partner, PlantVillage.

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Chitipa district council embraces MaDiPHS, PlantVillage app

Chitipa district council embraces MaDiPHS, PlantVillage app

Written by Steve Chauluka

Authorities in Chitipa district have commended the introduction of the Malawi Digital Plant Health Services (MaDiPHS), a government-led project that provides a tool for targeted and efficient pest and disease management of selected crops in Malawi.

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PlantVillage Hosts the Artisanal C-Sink Biochar Study Tour in Kenya

PlantVillage Hosts the Artisanal C-Sink Biochar Study Tour in Kenya

Written by Mercy Achieng

The recent Artisanal Study Tour in Kenya’s Baringo and Uasin Gishu counties showcased the transformative potential of smallholder biochar production as a scalable, cost-effective intervention for carbon removal and soil regeneration. Hosted by PlantVillage, this tour brought together a delegation from DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum), Circular Bionutrient Economy Network, Biochar Life, and the Ithaka Institute. (Representatives from Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Germany). The participants focused on small-scale, or “Artisanal,” biochar production and the training and monitoring of Artisanal C-Sink credits.

Through practical training, technical discussions, and knowledge exchange, the tour highlighted biochar's role in sustainable agriculture. Local farmers, agricultural officers, and government representatives were engaged in exploring biochar production techniques, project management, and the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) market’s potential to provide biochar projects through carbon credit sales.

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PlantVillage App Boosts Farmers Yields and Enhances Food Security in Ethiopia

PlantVillage App Boosts Farmers Yields and Enhances Food Security in Ethiopia

Written by Emmy Neema

To enhance smallholder farmers' livelihoods and build a more sustainable agricultural future, PlantVillage through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Current and Emerging Threats to Crops Innovation Lab (CETC IL) Vita project has benefited about 2,000 and 6,000 farmers in Arba Minch Zuria district and Chencha Woreda district, respectively, in detecting crop diseases and pests through the PlantVillage app.


In Chencha Woreda, Ethiopia, smallholder farmers have long faced the burden of poor yields caused by crop diseases. Despite their hard work, disease outbreaks often devastated their yields, making it difficult to earn a sufficient income and meet their families’ basic needs.

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Comment l'application PlantVillage a aidé un agriculteur de Konni au Niger à protéger sa récolte de sorgho

Comment l'application PlantVillage a aidé un agriculteur de Konni au Niger à protéger sa récolte de sorgho

Written by Ouattara Adéline

A Konni au Niger, de nombreux agriculteurs sont confrontés à des problèmes permanents liés aux ravageurs qui menacent leurs cultures. L'un d'entre eux, M. Issaka SALOUHOU, du département de Birni N'Konni, dans la région de Tahoua près de Dagarka a réussi à surmonter ses difficultés grâce à l'application PlantVillage. L'application lui a fourni un soutien opportun lorsque son champ de sorgho a été attaqué par des chenilles légionnaires d'automne.

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Elina Sultan's Remarkable Journey: Empowering Women through Cassava Value Addition

Elina Sultan's Remarkable Journey: Empowering Women through Cassava Value Addition

Written by Emmy Neema

Women in Kenya play a pivotal role in the agricultural sector, making up an estimated eighty percent of the agricultural labor force. Their contribution is not only foundational to household food security but also essential for national economic growth. 


One such inspiring woman is Lead Farmer Elina Sultan, a cassava farmer from Matsangoni, Kilifi County, who like many others empowered by PlantVillage, has transformed her agribusiness through dedication and innovation. Her efforts have significantly impacted both her community and the agricultural landscape in Kenya.

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PlantVillage’s Impact: Empowering Farmers with Soil Bunds and Biochar Fertilizer

PlantVillage’s Impact: Empowering Farmers with Soil Bunds and Biochar Fertilizer

Written by Mercy Achieng

In the drylands of Baringo County,Marigat Kenya, two resilient women farmers, Stella Lekakimon and Jane Lewatachum, are reshaping their lives and their communities through innovative soil bund construction and sustainable farming practices. With the support of PlantVillage, they have built soil bunds, a semi-circular structure, to combat erosion and improve water retention, and have planted Cenchrus ciliaris grass, a drought-tolerant species, using biochar fertilizer to enhance soil fertility. Their dedication to these methods is not only securing their families’ futures but also inspiring others in their community.

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Comment la culture du bourgou a transformé la vie de M. Amadou Salou, un agriculteur-éleveur au Niger !

Comment la culture du bourgou a transformé la vie de M. Amadou Salou, un agriculteur-éleveur au Niger !

Written by Ouattara Adéline

Dans le village de GAYA au Niger, M. Salou Amadou se distingue comme un agriculteur passé maître dans l'art de cultiver le bourgou une plante fourragère peu connue mais d'une grande valeur. Depuis 40 ans, M. Salou s'occupe de ses champs transformant ce qui était autrefois une culture négligée en une pierre angulaire de sa réussite dans l'élevage.

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