Aphid damage to tomatoes?

Tomato    None Given

I have a very good and healthy tomato plant. I recently noticed it's leaves getting a bit damaged and i found big aphids. The plant is fruiting just fine but I was worried so I pruned the really damaged vines. Can you check the images to make sure the damage to the leaves was caused by the aphids. Will the aphids affect my plant in terms of fruiting ?


Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: February 6, 2015


This looks like nutrient stress. See how the leaves in the back are yellowing.

On the underside of the leaves you have circular depressions that are turning yellow. I think this is edema which is too much water that breaks the cells and then you have no chloroplast. They then become yellow/white https://negreenhouseupdate.info/photo...

The circular marks could be bacteria, but my guess is abiotic stress

Your plant may be root bound. Put it in a large pot.

Overall if you have many leaves you are still getting enough energy for good fruit production. How does the whole plant look?

Posted by: David Hughes (68 points) David Hughes
Posted: February 6, 2015

the plant looks great thank God! fruting well and leaves r growing just fine ... i do agree with you if overwatering is the reason as my driver has been watering them when i was away for few days !!!
as for the roots im guessing its becoming too small because i can see the roots on the top of the soil of the pot ... it is small for them now im guessing:)
do the Aphids hurt the plant massivley?

Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: February 10, 2015

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