type: Cooking
identification: Medium size, ovate, often waisted toward the crown and sometimes angular sides. The skin is green possibly blushed light orange on the sun exposed face. The eye is small and closed, set in a deep and narrow basin, often surrounded by a lightly knobbed crown. The stem is short and slender, set in a deep and moderately wide cavity.
characteristics: The flesh is white, coarse grained, firm, crisp. Juicy, acidic.
uses: Cooking
origins: Romania
cultivation: Moderately vigorous, upright, spur bearer
cold storage: Keeps up to three months.
harvest: Starting in the middle of the fourth period.
pollination group: C
pollination peak: 11
ploidism: Self sterile. Group C. Day 11.
cold storage weeks: 12
harvest period: 4
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