
Welcome to the world's most extensive apples (pommes) database.

Information on over 7,000 apples is available here, all carefully researched and provided in a way that is easy to navigate.

Pollination group:
Harvest period:
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Apples with the use of pollinization


no apple  image
Type: Culinary, Dessert, Pollinization

summary: Bred in Australia for the commercial trade, this dessert apple is sweet, crunchy and easily recognized by its conic shape and deep purple colour. It is best ...

Bastian Orange Crab

Bastian Orange Crab


Type: Culinary, Jelly, Pollinization

summary: Grown from a chance seedling, this crabapple has orange flesh and is sometimes listed as a red-flesh varietal.

Beautiful Arcade

Beautiful Arcade


Type: Dessert, Pollinization

characteristics: The flesh is yellowish. Firm and sweet.

Belvedere House

no apple  image
Type: Cooking, Culinary, Pollinization, Sauce

characteristics: Red flesh.

Binet Rouge

Binet Rouge


Type: Cider, Pollinization

summary: A highly-rated cider apple that produces well with fragrant fruit; from the Normandy region of France.




Type: Culinary, Dessert, Pollinization

summary: A popular fresh-eating apple in Western Europe since the Middle Ages.

Callaway Flowering Crabapple

no apple  image
Type: Canning, Culinary, Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Though grown primarily for ornamental purposes, this crabapple produces sweet-tart, bright red fruit about the size of a acorn that is favoured for jellies and ...




Type: Culinary, Dessert, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Similar to McIntosh, this hardy apple is both flavourful and juicy, it ripens fairly early and stores well. Good for fresh-eating and makes excellent pies.




Type: Canning, Culinary, Cider, Dessert, Jelly, Juice, Ornamental, Pollinization, Sauce

characteristics: The flesh is yellow and crisp. Juicy, sweet-sharp, slightly bitter and with flavours of pineapples and strawberries. The skin colour tends to stain into the ...

Donald Wyman

no apple  image
Type: Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: not available




Type: Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: Please see Minnesota 635

Little Pax

no apple  image
Type: Dessert, Juice, Pollinization

summary: A pearmain-style apple. In addition to the quality of its fruit, this variety is also remarkable for its abundant blossoms. Adapts well to limited plantings in ...

Malus hillieri

no apple  image
Type: Ornamental, Pollinization

origins: Malus x schiedeckeri Hants UK

Malus sylvestris

no apple  image
Type: Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: A red-fleshed forest apple native to the hills of central Asia and Europe.

Malus zumi

no apple  image
Type: Cooking, Ornamental, Pollinization

origins: Eurasia.




Type: Culinary, Cider, Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Red Blossoms, fruit the size of golf balls, purple with pink flesh.

Minnesota 635

no apple  image
Type: Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: A bright red crabapple

Neville Copeman

no apple  image
Type: Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: Mid-season flowering tree with an abundance of pink to lilac ornamental flowers, produces orange fruit. Useful for pollinating other apple trees.


no apple  image
Type: Dessert, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: A firm, crimson fresh-eating apple found growing in a Western Canadian orchard in the late 1900s. Similar to Spartans in flavour and appearance.

Ralph Shay

Ralph Shay


Type: Canning, Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: A flowering ornamental crabapple that produces glossy red, edible fruit.

RF: Aldenham Purple

no apple  image
Type: Culinary, Eating, Jelly, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: This red-fleshed apple that can be used for both culinary and decorative purposes.

RF: Burford Red Flesh

no apple  image
Type: Culinary, Cider, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: Popular during the 1800s, this red-flesh apple tolerates warm climates. Used for cider.

RF: Firecracker

no apple  image
Type: Culinary, Cider, Dessert, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Please see NY 109

RF: Huon Crab

no apple  image
Type: Cooking, Cider, Juice, Pollinization

summary: Of Tasmanian origin, this red-fleshed, scarlet-skinned apple ripens early.

RF: Rubaiyat

no apple  image
Type: Cider, Dessert, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: Please see Etter 8-11

Robert's Crab

no apple  image
Type: Cider, Jelly, Juice, Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: Produces somewhat large, purple-skinned crabapples, best suited for ornamental purposes or ciders.




Type: Ornamental, Pollinization

summary: not available

Walker Yellow

no apple  image
Type: Culinary, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Grown in the southeastern United States during the late 1800s and the first half of the 1900s. Restored as a heritage apple in the early 2000s. Very similar and ...

Wickson Crab

Wickson Crab


Type: Culinary, Cider, Dessert, Jelly, Juice, Pollinization, Sauce

summary: Favoured for making crabapple jelly, partly because of a high pectin content. Excellent as a pollinator for other apples since it blossoms early, over a period ...

Wine Red Crabapple

no apple  image
Type: Pollinization

summary: An ornamental crabapple, not used for consumption.

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