Welcome to the world's most extensive apples (pommes) database.
Information on over 7,000 apples is available here, all carefully researched and provided in a way that is easy to navigate.
summary: Bred in Australia for the commercial trade, this dessert apple is sweet, crunchy and easily recognized by its conic shape and deep purple colour. It is best ...
summary: Grown from a chance seedling, this crabapple has orange flesh and is sometimes listed as a red-flesh varietal.
characteristics: The flesh is yellowish. Firm and sweet.
characteristics: Red flesh.
summary: A highly-rated cider apple that produces well with fragrant fruit; from the Normandy region of France.
summary: A popular fresh-eating apple in Western Europe since the Middle Ages.
summary: Though grown primarily for ornamental purposes, this crabapple produces sweet-tart, bright red fruit about the size of a acorn that is favoured for jellies and ...
summary: Similar to McIntosh, this hardy apple is both flavourful and juicy, it ripens fairly early and stores well. Good for fresh-eating and makes excellent pies.
characteristics: The flesh is yellow and crisp. Juicy, sweet-sharp, slightly bitter and with flavours of pineapples and strawberries. The skin colour tends to stain into the ...
summary: A pearmain-style apple. In addition to the quality of its fruit, this variety is also remarkable for its abundant blossoms. Adapts well to limited plantings in ...
origins: Malus x schiedeckeri Hants UK
summary: A red-fleshed forest apple native to the hills of central Asia and Europe.
summary: Red Blossoms, fruit the size of golf balls, purple with pink flesh.
summary: Mid-season flowering tree with an abundance of pink to lilac ornamental flowers, produces orange fruit. Useful for pollinating other apple trees.
summary: A firm, crimson fresh-eating apple found growing in a Western Canadian orchard in the late 1900s. Similar to Spartans in flavour and appearance.
summary: A flowering ornamental crabapple that produces glossy red, edible fruit.
summary: This red-fleshed apple that can be used for both culinary and decorative purposes.
summary: Popular during the 1800s, this red-flesh apple tolerates warm climates. Used for cider.
summary: Of Tasmanian origin, this red-fleshed, scarlet-skinned apple ripens early.
summary: Produces somewhat large, purple-skinned crabapples, best suited for ornamental purposes or ciders.
summary: Grown in the southeastern United States during the late 1800s and the first half of the 1900s. Restored as a heritage apple in the early 2000s. Very similar and ...
summary: Favoured for making crabapple jelly, partly because of a high pectin content. Excellent as a pollinator for other apples since it blossoms early, over a period ...
summary: An ornamental crabapple, not used for consumption.
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