Random Memes

Handpicked by our chaos monkey during its coffee break

Linux Is Sexy

Linux Is Sexy
The meme plays on the double meaning of Linux command names when strung together in a certain sequence. What looks like innocent terminal commands to a sysadmin (unzip, strip, touch, etc.) suddenly reads like a steamy romance novel when combined. This is what happens after 15 years of managing servers - you start seeing innuendo in perfectly innocent bash commands. And they wonder why we prefer the command line to GUI interfaces... Next time your non-tech friend asks what you do all day, just show them this command sequence. Either they'll never ask again or they'll suddenly want a career in Linux administration.

Coding ability percentile

Coding ability percentile | coding-memes, python-memes, deep learning-memes, try-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, data-memes, algorithm-memes, scala-memes, rest-memes, class-memes, search-memes, algorithms-memes, cli-memes, rds-memes, ML-memes, data science-memes, data scientist-memes, mining-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Hi Our client needs a Sr. Data Scientist in Hyattsville, MD - Partial Remote. I believe you are qualified for this role. If you are interested please send me your resume and salary. If you are not available please refer someone who can work with us. Work Authorization: US Citizen or Green Card Position type: Full Time Required: - 6 years of applied Data Science experience - 2 years of experience deploying, scaling and continually improving algorithms - Broad industry experience with recommendation - Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Economics. Master's Degree preferred Extra Spices - What you should bring to the table - Expert in recommender systems and personalization algorithms - Above 95th percentile coding ability in Python - Deep understanding of, and experience applying, the following ML concepts: - Collaborative filtering - Linear and scalar algebra - Association rule mining - Ranking algorithms - Advanced regression, classification, clustering, and time series algorithms - Causal inference modeling at scale for algorithm testing and evaluation - Deep learning at scale for NLP - Experience with advanced search concepts using deep learning is a plus! Thanks Regards, ProgrammerHumor io

Well boys, issues no more.

Well boys, issues no more. | frontend-memes, node-memes, virus-memes, security-memes, http-memes, node_modules-memes, vm-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 360 anti-virus warns this is virus. 28 Open charlesgao opened this issue on 17 Jun 2017 1 comment charlesgao commented on 17 Jun 2017 edited Y 360 anti-virus warns this is virus. virus.is.gexvmc.1070 frontend node modules html-entitieslibhtml5-entities.js MD5: e23b7edbddd7c994e4c679bdf97c4aa Trackhe commented on 16 Jan 2018 Here is the solution https:www.360totalsecurity.comdesupporthow-touninstall 10

Peak hacker ability unlocked

Peak hacker ability unlocked | html-memes, web-memes, website-memes, hacker-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, rest-memes, cli-memes, overflow-memes, ML-memes, console-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Clicking a link to an interesting article "Please disable adblock to continue viewing this website" html overflow-y: visible; g, body, html, input, Console What's Ne

No it's actually worse

No it's actually worse | algorithm-memes, performance-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Spend days optimizing code Improve the algorithm imoflip.com Write custom asm routines The performance is the same

How “features” come along

How “features” come along | feature-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Bug Feature uGardan97 sandserif

what computer science? computer math!

what computer science? computer math! | computer-memes, computer science-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Alwavs has been Wait. it's all math? COMPUTER SCIENCE

Truth Bomb

Truth Bomb | programmer-memes, program-memes, startup-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content No thanks! We are too busy Programmers in Enterprise Company Programmers in Startup Company Programmers in Government

Early Prototyping

Early Prototyping | ProgrammerHumor.io

It scares me.

It scares me. | javascript-memes, java-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, language-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content rAskReddit uccaarr123 2y Redditors that speak multiple languages, what languages do you speak in your dreams? 4 23 32 1 Share BEST COMMENTS V Glitchwinkle 2y JavaScript 4 7 KDYISD 2y He said dreams, not nightmares 4 44

It's good to be back

It's good to be back | programmer-memes, program-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


(〜^∇^)〜 | developer-memes, python-memes, c++-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content C developer Python developer learning Python learning C