And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my... And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!
A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my...

And here they are at last! Portal 2 Long Fall Boots!

A lot of time and effort went into these, but I’m fairly pleased with the way they turned out. If I had to do these over again, there would be some changes I would make, but I’m still happy with my results.

The plan is for the SO to come over tomorrow and try the pair on, as well as to try and finish up her Chell cosplay. I had made the jumpsuit about a month in a half ago, I just haven’t posted pictures of it yet. Expect those soon. And expect to see pictures of the finished cosplay. 

As always, thanks for reading! If anyone has a question, feel free to ask!

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