NOHrD Black DumbBells WeightBench Weight Rack Modelo 3D
- Formatos disponíveis: Autodesk FBX: fbx 7.61 MBOBJ Material: mtl 1 kbWavefront OBJ: obj 4.49 MB3DS MAX ver.2021: max2021 8.18 MB
Tornar: VRay 5.0Autodesk FBX: fbx 7.61 MBImage Textures: jpg 69.30 MB3DS MAX ver.2021: max2021 7.92 MB
Tornar: Corona
- Polígonos:186321
- Vértices:166453
- Animados:No
- Textura:
- Equipados:No
- Materiais:
- Low-poly:No
- Coleção:No
- Mapeamento UVW:
- Plugins Utilizados:No
- Pronto para impressão:No
- Scan 3D:No
- Conteúdo adulto:No
- PBR:No
- Treinamento de IA:No
- Geometria:Polygonal
- UVs não embalados:Overlapping
- Visualizações:338
- Data: 2024-10-08
- ID do Item:534734
- Avaliação:
Bench Size (mm) 1350 x 440 x 350
NOHrD ********s(mm) 135 x 100 x 50
It is the high-quality hi-poly smoothable 3D model ********s and ********-Rack set used in various fields 3D Graphics such as: game development, advertising, interior design, motion picture art, visualization, etc..
All details of design are recreated most authentically.
The competently think over topology of model allows to using any smoothing modifiers. All parts of the model need to smooth in subdivision level 1 or 2 for the best result.
If you work in the V-Ray version lower than 3.1, be careful: the materials in the BRDF section are Microfaset GTR (GGX). If your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable for you
Polygon count of non-smooth model 186321 vertex 166453
all textures in archive file
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Se precisar de um formato diferente, por favor abra um novo Support Ticket e solicite isso. Podemos converter modelos 3D para: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Não convertemos cenas 3D e formatos como .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt.!