Pensamento Economico

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Universidade de Brasília

Departamento de Economia
Pós-Graduação em Economia

Historia do Pensamento Econômico

Professor: Mauro Boianovsky

A disciplina tem como objetivos básicos: (i) discutir os fundamentos metodológicos em

economia, (ii) apresentar abordagens alternativas em HPE e (iii) examinar a evolução do
tratamento de conceitos fundamentais em teoria econômica. A avaliação será baseada em
discussão de textos e um paper, no qual o aluno terá oportunidade de investigar um
determinado autor ou conceito.

A. Fundamentos Metodológicos

M. Blaug (1992). The Methodology of Economics. Cambridge: CUP. Caps. 1 a 4.

R. Backhouse (2008). Methodology of Economics. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics, 2nd. ed.
D. McCloskey (1983). The Rhetoric of Economics. Journal of Economic Literature,
June: 481-517. Tr. in J.M. Rego (ed). Retórica na Economia, cap. 2. S. Paulo: Ed. 34.
J.S. Mill [1836] 1979. Da definição de economia política e do método de investigação
próprio a ela. Os Pensadores. S. Paulo: Abril.
M. Friedman [1953] 1984. The Methodology of Positive Economics. In D. Hausmann
(ed). The Philosophy of Economics. Cambridge: CUP.

B. Abordagens Alternativas em HPE

C. Goodwin. 2008. The History of Economic Thought. In The New Palgrave

Dictionary of Economics, 2nd. ed.
M. Blaug (1997). Economic Theory in Retrospect. Cambridge: CUP. Introduction.
M. Blaug (2001). No History of Ideas, Please, We’re Economists. Journal of Economic
Perspectives, Winter: 145-64.
E. Khalil (1995). Has Economics Progressed? History of Political Economy 27 (1)
P. Arida (1996). A Historia do Pensamento Econômico como Teoria e Retórica. In J.M.
Rego (ed). Retórica na Economia, cap. 1. S. Paulo: Ed. 34.
J. Niehans (1995). Multiple Discoveries in Economic Theory. European Journal of the
History of Economic Thought. 2 (1, 2).
C. Tópicos

1. Valor, Equilíbrio e Mercado

M. Foucault (1985). As Palavras e as Coisas. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes. Prefacio e caps.

6, 7 (1, 2), 8 (1, 2).
J. Amariglio (1988). The body, economic discourse and power: an economist’s
introduction to Foucault. History of Political Economy 20 (3).
M. Blaug (1997), caps. 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 e 13.
P. Mirowski (1984). Physics and the Marginalist Revolution. Cambridge Journal of
Economics, Dec.
F. Hayek (1937). Economics and Knowledge. Economica 4: 33-54.
R. Coase (1937). The nature of the firm. Economica, 16 (4)
A. Young (1928). Increasing returns and economic progress. Economic Journal. 38.
M. Boianovsky (2013). Friedrich List and the economic fate of tropical countries.
History of Political Economy. Disponível em SSRN papers.

2. Capital, Distribuição e Crescimento

M. Blaug (1997), caps. 11 e 12.

A. Cohen and G. Harcourt (2003). Whatever Happened to the Cambridge Capital
Theory Controversies? Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter: 199-214.
J. Niehans (1990). A History of Economic Theory. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins. Cap. 33 e
pp. 82-86.
M. Boianovsky (1998). Wicksell, Ramsey and the Theory of Interest. European Journal
of the History of Economic Thought. 5 (1).
J. Schumpeter (1911/1982). Teoria do desenvolvimento econômico. S. Paulo: Abril,
Cap. II.
A. Lewis. ([1954] 1958). Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. In
Agarwala and Singh. The economics of underdevelopment.
M. Boianovsky (2010). A view from the tropics: Celso Furtado and the theory of
economic development in the 1950s. History of Political Economy. 42 (2).

3. Demanda Efetiva e Emprego

L. Costabile and B. Rowthorn (1985). Malthus’s Theory of Wages and Growth.

Economic Journal.
M. Blaug (1997), caps. 5 e 16.
J.M. Keynes (1937). The General Theory of Employment. Quarterly Journal of
D. Laidler (2006). Keynes and the birth of modern macroeconomics. In R. Backhouse
and B. Bateman (eds). The Cambridge Companion to Keynes. Cambridge: University
D. Patinkin (1990). On Different Interpretations of the General Theory. Journal of
Monetary Economics. 26 (2).
M. Boianovsky (1996). Anticipations of the General Theory: the case of F.B. Hawley.
HOPE 28 (3).
R. Backhouse e M. Boianovsky (2013). Transforming modern macroeconomics –
Exploring disequilibrium microfoundations, 1956-2003. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

4. Moeda e Expectativas

K. Hoover (2003). A history of postwar monetary economics and macroeconomics. In

Companion to the History of Economic Thought. Oxford: Blackwell.
M. Boianovsky e J. Presley (2009). The Robertson connection between the natural rates
of unemployment and interest. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 20: 136-50.
A. Leijonhufvud (1981). The Wicksell Connection. In Information and Coordination.
Oxford: University Press.
R. Lucas Jr. (1996). Nobel Lecture. Journal of Political Economy. 104 (3).
J. Niehans (1990), pp. 505-16.
J. Kregel (1976). Economic Methodology in the Face of Uncertainty: the modeling
methods of Keynes and the Post-Keynesians. Economic Journal. June.
M. Boianovsky (2012). Furtado and the structuralist-monetaris debate on economic
stabilization in Latin America. History of Political Economy. 44 (2).

5. Heterodoxia: Institucionalismo, Marxismo e Escola Histórica Alemã

R. Ekelund and R. Hebert (1990). A History of Economic Theory and Method. New
York: McGraw-Hill. Cap. 17.
W. C. Mitchell (1969). Types of Economic Theory, v. 2. New York: Kelley. Cap. 20.
Minisymposium: Locating Marx After the Fall. HOPE 1995. 27 (1)
M. Blaug (1997), cap. 17.

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