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Para Sol AK as pessoas devem praticar humildade e evitar toda tentativa de controle sobre os
demais. Um Sol AK aflito pode fazer nascer déspotas, tiranos etc. O caminho é Raja Yoga.

Para Lua AK as pessoas devem buscar desenvolver a compaixão e a caridade. Uma Lua AK aflita
pode causar insensibilidade ao sofrimento e necessidades alheios. O caminho é Bhakti Yoga.

Para AK Marte os significadores negativos desse planeta devem ser evitados e os positivos
devem ser exaltados no caráter (disciplina, determinação, iniciativa etc). Portanto, ahimsa
deve ser observado em primeiro lugar e todas as formas de violência, paixões e vícios devem
ser evitadas. O caminho é Ahimsa.

Para AK Mercúrio as pessoas devem controlar seu discurso e serem verdadeiros todo o tempo.
Um Mercúrio AK aflito pode fazer a pessoa ferir através do discurso e ser um mitomaníaco. O
caminho é Jñana Yoga.

Para AK Júpiter as pessoas devem buscar a humildade no caminho espiritual e evitar o

pensamento de que estão acima dos outros. Eles também devem falar sempre a verdade. Um
Júpiter AK aflito pode fazer a pessoa ter uma falsa ideia sobre suas próprias habilidades
espirituais. O Caminho é Satya.

Para Vênus AK deve-se evitar a promiscuidade e respeitar mulheres e crianças. Muito comum
encontrar AK Vênus combusto ou aflito por maléficos em cartas de misóginos e/ou abusadores
de mulheres. Só aumenta o mau karma. O caminho é Bhakti Yoga.

Para Saturno AK eles devem evitar trazer sofrimento aos outros (como Marte), controlando as
paixões, vícios etc. Devem sempre respeitar os mais velhos, subalternos e servos. Devem
aprender a servir os outros. Um Saturno AK aflito causa arrogância e a pessoa acredita que
todos devem lhe servir em todos os momentos. O caminho é o Karma Yoga.

Para Rahu AK eles devem aprender a diminuir o ego e seguir pelo caminho da renúncia dos
apegos materiais. Eles não devem nunca enganar ninguém e nem fazer mal a qualquer ser
vivente. Devem também respeitar todas as culturas e caminhos espirituais de outros povos.
Um AK Rahu aflito cai no poço da cobiça e da enganação facilmente. O caminho é Vasudaiva


Om Tat Sat

now i will tell you what are this karkas: i will write them in order of their degrees ( highest to

The atma karaka (the indicator of self), planet with highest degree.

The amatya karaka (the indicator of career);

The bhatri karaka (the indicator of siblings and father);

The matri karaka (the indicator of mother and education);

The putri karaka (the indicator of children, intelligence and creativity);

The gnati karaka (the indicator of strife, disease, and spiritual sadhana);

And dara karaka, the indicator of marriage (and partnerships in general).

now coming back to the question, Atmakarka is the planet with highest degree which signifies
the reason of our birth, higher the degree , higher the pending karmas will be there to fulfill, if
someone have all the planets at very low degree , then it means the person have very less
karma remain to fulfill, higher the degree of planets more the karma are remaining to fulfill in
this lifetime.

now how to understand the significance, i will tell you what different planet signify when they
become atmakarka.

1. Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become humble.

2. Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate.

3. Mars as AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to the
path of Ahimsa.

4. Mercury as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all

5. Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always respect the Guru, husband and care for

6. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from
illegitimate sex/lust.

7. Saturn as AK indicates that the native should not give sorrow to others and will have to
share the sorrow of many others.

8. Rāhu as AK indicates that the native maybe cheated often and will still have to be free from
guilt and clean their heart.

now what is the meaning when this atmakarka placed in different houses in navmansha:
If AK is in navāṁśa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth and lineage. If
navāṁśa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of humble origin shall rise to a high
rank equal to a king. If the AK aspects navāṁśa Lagna, then Royal association shall be present
from birth. The natural karaka of 1st house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of

If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. If Saturn is strong, the
renunciation shall be complete whereas if Venus is strong the native shall perform severe

If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in many undertakings. He shall be a
friend of many powerful people.

If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a Karma Yogi. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong, he
shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong Rajyoga and a strong Saturn indicate a hard
working person.

If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his dharma diligently
and is straightforward. If Sun is strong, he shall have many good yogas. Blessings of his father
shall always protect him.

If AK is in 6th house, the native is diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya
Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT.

If AK is in 7th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If Venus is strong,
marriage shall be a great blessing.

If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. He is defeated in war.
Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth

If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and fortunate.

If AK is in 10th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home. He shall be a
pillar for his family and mother; the Moon in strength shall be an added blessing for this.

If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any
task. If Mars is strong there shall be Rājayoga.

If AK is in 12th house the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi.

now some points on condition of atmakarka:

If a malefic planet is the ātmakāraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual development whereas
a benefic planet as the ātmakāraka indicates a relatively lower level. Example: Rāhu was the
ātmakāraka for Srila Prabhupada and Ramakrishna Paramhaṁśa.

The ātmakāraka invariably indicates suffering during its Vimśottari daśā, especially if a malefic.
During the Nārāyaṇa daśā of the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka or those aspecting it, great
achievements are made. If the native is spiritually inclined then the daśā of the ātmakāraka can
be beneficial.

1. arudha lagna lord if placed in good sign than native will be from
wealthy family, if lord is strong the family reputation is strong. planet
placed in 1st house if friendly to moon and jupiter than image of native
will be protected.
2. 2nd house from the Arudha lagna is a house of sustenance. It’s natural
karaka is Jupiter, so its the sustenance of Jupiter, which is a powerful
supporting force. Positive planets here can uplift the Arudha by giving it
the best sustenance. Malefics can pull the Arudha down by the
negativities they represent.
3. planet in 3rd house is a tamasic destroying house and its karaka is Mars.
This is a very hard placement and will show a breaking nature. Tamasic
planets act very harsh here as they are supported. benefics shows
renouncing nature. Malefics conj/aspecting the 3rd house from the
significator indicates a painful/horrible death” ,“Benefics con/aspecting
the 3rd house from significator indicate a painless/easy death”. also shows
place of death.
4. planet in 4th house happiness and family of the native, type of home he
will stay in.
5. planet placed in 5th house shows the achievements and recognition
that one gets for their learning and skills. benefics here will make a person
more of a leader and good in leadership roles.
6. planet placed in 6th house, The sattvic planets are weak here . A natural
malefic in the 6th house gives very good results in the material word, but
not for spirituality. The 3rd and 6th from the AL indicate our ambitions
and what we do and or use to get what we want. That is why malefics are
good for material prosperity.
7. A planet placed in 7th house will show what one has to go through to
have the Arudha rise, to get known, that which we go through on the way
to our rise. It also shows how we relate to the public. The sign of the 7th
from AL can be used to get success if the lord is well placed from the AL,
that lord of 7th house will open the door if well placed and will help open
the way for the Arudha. If it is negatively placed it will give obstacles for
the Arudha and image of person.
8. planet placed in 8th house is a house of sustenance though its karaka is
Saturn, the significator of longevity. Planets here will show how healthy a
person is perceived, or how the life in you is perceived. Sattvic and rajasic
planets will make one be perceived as healthy, while tamasics will let
everyone know your bad habits.
9. planet placed in 9th house are also reason for destruction but for
something good. Any planet in the 9 th from AL will give support. The
dasa of the 9th house lord will be a period of bhagya, which will be good
unless afflicted.
10. planet placed in 10th house of arudha lagna will show power and
position and fame of the native. it is a house of sustenance, planet in this
house will help image of the native.
11. planet placed in 11th house or planet aspecting 11th house of arudha
will help the native gain through various means during its dasha and antar
dasha. benefic will give fair means of gains while malefic will give doubtful
means of gains.
12. planet in 12th house will be obstacle for the native success and may
ruin the image of the native.
13. look at 1st, 7th and 10th house from arudha lagna. planet placed in this
three houses from arudha will tell you which planets will bring success to
you. specially planet placed in 7th house will have more say, as 7th house
is outer world. people other than yourself. people will see your nature as
the planet placed in this house. you will get the success and fame related
to that planet. Ex. mahatma gandhi have fame of a fighter who fought for
his country, he have mars in its 7th house of arudha lagna. he get the
fame related to planet mars. just like that, we will get fame related to that
planet. if someone have jupiter or venus in the 7th house of arudha than it
is a blessing for them, because this benefic planet will bring easy and
stable fame, and this planet will help native to become successful. one
more point, the planet other than this two is the biggest obstacle for the
native in the path of success. the person have to fight the people signify
by that planet to become successful. if mars is there then the person have
to fight his/her siblings to get what they deserve. but ultimately get the
success and fame related to that planet.
14. look at the lord of the 7th house of arudha lagna. see its strength, if the
lord is strong than that planet and people related to that planet will help
you to achieve success in life. lets say moon is the 7th lord of arudha lgna
than mother will help the native in his/her journey to success and if moon
is strong than it will make the journey easy for the native.
15. if you want to confirm if the planet placed in 7th house from arudha will
give fame or not look at the arudha chart of your dashmansha /d10 chart.
if same planet will come in the 1st and 7th axis of arudha of d10 chart
than yes, fame related to that planet is sure in the native’s life.

A retrograde ātmakāraka indicates a deep-rooted desire as being the cause of the birth. This
has to be seen from the nature of the planet which becomes the AK. For example, if Mars is AK
and retrograde, then there is a very strong desire related to succeeding in some battle or
competition in this planet and the native will be dragged into innumerable fights and will be
fighting all the time. The solution lies in finding the best self defense strategies based on
Kārakāṁśa of which, Ahimsa is the greatest. Similarly, if Saturn is the retrograde AK then the
desire would manifest in the native doing something related to the elders or old knowledge in
new bottles. When retrograde, this desire is very strong and will be the cause of all direction in
life. The other signification of Saturn is sorrow and if the native gives sorrow to others,
especially elders and those who are like Guru, then know that he is running a bad time and a
lot of sorrow is in his destiny (in any case). The best remedy for him would be to develop a
stoic attitude towards the acts and words of others and keep prodding in his path. In this
manner, the retrogression is to be understood.

Combustion of AK gives spiritual insight.

now i will tell you one intresting thing about atmakarka:

this planet also signify path of our career. why? because career is our karma, and karma is
what our atma needs to fulfill in this lifetime. now how to read it. There is chart known as
karkamansha chart, you can easily make your karkamansha chart by following method:

Once you figure out which planet is the atmakaraka, look at the sign placement of that planet
in the navamsa chart.

example if i have my atmakarka in leo sign in d9(navmansha) chart, come back to your lagna
chart, in lagna chart make that leo sign your ascendent,new chart is generated, that chart is
known as karakamsa chart. this karkmansha have all its different story to tell.

if you don’t want to go in all this calculations than download an app known as astrosage, you
will get all the chart directly. now coming back to our question.

Such placements of atmakarka give a much clear indication of the native's spiritual and
professional life. Through the placement of atmakarka in karakamsa one can see what the soul
or 'Atma' is desiring.

now look where this atmakarka is placed in karkamansha, work related to that house will be
our profession, and the planet which help us or give us skills in work is amatyakarka ( 2nd
highest degree planet) look where this planet is placed in karkmansha, that house related skills
you need to develop and if that planet is strong it will help you in your profession.

example: if i have moon as my atmakarka which is placed in 9th house, then 9th house related
career will be my profession. ie. teaching , learning , publishing etc, with the help of my
imagination or emotionally connect with students etc, and if amtyakarka placed in 4th house
then , i will teach from home or home based teaching may be the profession, just like this we
have to look in karkamansha chart to see the career.


different planet placed in vargottma rashee:

mercury: Good speech, learning, and good understanding

jupiter: wisdom, supreme intelligence

venus: tremendous will power, good ojas

moon: very strong mind

sun: leadership

ketu: powerful mathematics, intuition

mars: good physical health

rahu: power to break all boundaries

saturn: power to tolerate grief

lagna: long life



 it is called as pushkara navmansa because at certain degree planet will become like
pushkara , the most positive one, the purest. and at this degrees the planet will fall in
benefic rashee in navmansa rules by either jupiter, mercury or venus. they can be
debilitated, malefic or badly placed in ur chart, but if they are at certain degree in
some signs in ur chart then they will always give very auspicious results. i have covered
all of them below:

ARIES: Any planet in Aries sign in 20° 00″ to 23° 20″ will be in Pushkar navamsha. Here planet
will be in Libra Navamsa which is ruled by natural benefic Venus.Same way, any planet in Aries
sign from 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will have Sagittarius Navamsa which is ruled by planet Jupiter and
is a Pushkar navmasha, so if you want to check if any planet is in PUSHKAR NAVAMSA in your
chart then check planets in Aries sign(if any) and their degrees, if they fall in degrees as
mentioned above then it is in PUSHKAR NAVAMSA.
TAURUS: Planets in 6° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Taurus signs in

GEMINI : Planets in 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ to 26° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Taurus sign in

CANCER: Planets in 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will fall in Cancer & Virgo sign in

LEO: Planets in 20° 00″ to 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will fall in Libra & Sagittarius sign in

VIRGO: Planets in 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Tauras sign in

LIBRA: Planets in 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Tauras sign in

SCORPIO: Planets in 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will fall in Cancer & Virgo sign in

SAGITTARIUS: Planets in 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will fall in Libra and
Sagittarius sign in navamsa.

CAPRICORN: Planets in 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Taurus sign
in navamsa.

AQUARIUS: Planets in 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ will fall in Pisces & Taurus
sign in navamsa.

PISCES: Planets in 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will fall in Cancer & Virgo sign in

just like that pushkara bhagas are also there:

Pushkar bhaga is exact degrees in zodiacs which are as follows:

 Exact 21st degree of fire sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

 Exact 14th degree of Tauras, Virgo, and Capricorn.

 Exact 24th degree of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

 Exact 7th degree of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

 any planet that is exact at this degree in ur chart will also behave in the most positive


we know their are four yugas, satyuga, treta yoga, dwapur yuga, and kaliyuga. different
rashees are divided into this four yugas as mentioned below:

satyuga: all fiery rashee, aries, leo, sagittarius , planet placed in this rashee in navmansa are
cabale of following all the four dharma, i.e, vishwa dharma, rashtra dharma, samaj dharma and
swa dharma.
tretayuga: all water signs, cancer, scorpio and pieses, capable of following rashtra, samaj and
self dharma only.

dwaparyuga: all air signs, gemini, libra and aquarius are capable to follow samaj and swa
dharma only.

kaliyuga: all earthly signs, taurus, virgo and capricorn are capable of following only swa

any planet placed in navmansa in satyuga or rashee included in it, are capable to follow all the
four dharma and like that.

5) planets in different houses:

planet placed in 1st, 5th and 9th house of navmansa chart have direct influence on our nature.
all the qualities related to those planet are naturally reflect in the nature of the native. this
planet are blessings to us. native have good knowledge related to that planet.

planet in 1st house: the quality of that planet comes from birth or we say native is born with
that knowledge. Ex: moon in 1st house, native will have good command on singing.

planet in 5th house: ability to learn the qualities by self practice

planet in 9th house: ability will come by learning or say by guru kripa.

but planet in this trikona houses will have direct impact on the nature of the native.

planet placed in 2nd house: directly impact learning of the native. whichever planet placed in it
native will learn things related to it.

3rd house: planet in 3rd house shows ability of that planet is in hand of that native.

ex: venus: painting

mars: sharp objects

saturn: gada/ club

mercury: writing

sun: sword/ fire

moon: things related to water

4th house: shows purity of the heart if the native, if benefic planet placed here heart is
considered pure, if malefic placed heart will be impure. also malefic planet here affect the
health of the native. also house of liberation ketu or jupiter in it helps native in liberation.

6th house: house of learning by practice for work related to earning and livelihood. as it is the
house of artha trikon. planet in it helps in this aspect

7th house: influences nature of spouse of the native. many times people change after
marriage, it is due to influence of the planet placed in this house. spouse will have to digest all
the negative qualities of the planet placed in this house. ie. why malefic are not considered
good here, because negative qualities of malefic planet placed are more and spouse of the
native have to handle all that.
8th house: planet placed in this house is bad for marriage, and lord of this house is also
considered bad for marriage. dasha antardasha of planet placed in this house or lord of this
house may break the marriage. if lord of this house is placed in 7th house or 7th house lord
then it may break the marriage or not allow native to marry at all.

10th house: benefic placed in this house will increase the income of the native. benefic planet
means gains and malefic means losses related to money matter. this house also related to
mother in law. good benefic planet means good mother in law and vice versa.

11th house: house of gains more planet in it or aspect it, means more gains, liquid gains, also
shows friendship after marriage.

12th house: signigicance of planet placed in this house will be destroyed, if venus is in it,
person may not marry at all. unless it is exalted, placed in friendly sign or supported by jupiter.
hence lord of this house is also not considered good related to marriage. but planet in this
house is good for spirituality.

6) yogas in d9 chart: their are any yogas assigned to this chart but i will tell you one very
important. lakshmi- vishnu yoga:

1st, 5th, 9th house are considered houses of vishu. quadarant houses, ie. 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th are
consider as house of lakshmi. when any relation is their between this houses happen in d9
chart then it is considered very auspicious.

10th lord making relation with 9th house consider as dharmakarma adipati yoga, this native
will follow dharma in his karma, god will use hands of this native to do good in society. blessing
of shakti.

7th lord making relation with trine: the person will do so much for the welfare of the world.
blessing of shiva.

4th lord making realtion with trine: person will consider whole world his family. the heart of
the native is very pure. blessing of vishnu.

lagna making relation with trine or quadrant blessing of sun. native will become famous for his

how this houses may relate:

exchange of lords, lords placed in same sign, lord aspect each other etc. this will have different
strength related to it. but the strongest is the exchange between the lord of the house.

hope this few points will help you to understand the topic more clearly.


Planets don't loose their energy, at a certain age planets get mature. Whatever planets are
promising in ur chart will manifest in your life at its full potential when they get mature. It can
be positive or negative depending on the dignity and position of that planet in ur chart.

The age when planets get mature is given below:

Jupiter Matures at 15 - 20 years of age (peak 16)

Sun Matures at 22 years of age

Moon Matures at 24 years of age

Venus Matures 25 - 27 years of age (peak 25)

Mars Matures at 28 - 31 years of age (peak 28)

Mercury Matures at 32 - 35 years of age (peak 32)

Saturn Matures at 36 - 39 years of age (peak 36)

Rahu Matures at 42 - 47 years of age (peak 42)

Ketu Matures at 48 - 54 years of age (peak 48)


maturity age (15th birthday) 16th year, will often give some special opportunities, wealth, or
higher learning (Jupiter's natural significations) and whatever else it indicates in the chart.


maturity age (21st birthday) 22nd year, will bring out the person's underlying tendencies to the
fore, and if well placed is an important time for professional advancement, along with
whatever else Sun indicates in the chart.


maturity age (23rd birthday) 24th year, will show some psychological maturity. Whatever else
the Moon indicates in the chart will come to the fore.

From one's 24th birthday (25th year)


will mature. As a natural significator of love a person will generally expect some romance even
marriage in their life, if supported by the main horoscope. Venus will also give the effects of its
chart placement.


maturity age (27th birthday) 28th year, will see a person developing more initiative and
independence in their life. Mars will also give the effects of its chart placement.


maturity age (31st birthday) 32nd year, will see more intellectual development and important
communication activities taking place. Mercury will also give the effects of its chart placement.


maturity age (35th birthday) 36th year, can usher in important changes. A person may
experience some form of upheaval or find more security and stability in their life. Whatever a
person has been working hard towards in the house that Saturn occupies, will give its full
results at this age.

maturity age (41st birthday ) 42nd year, can make one more focused on the opportunities for
growth that Rahu signifies in the chart.


maturity age (47th birthday) 48th year, is an important time for introspection and reflection on
how one has developed up till now in their lives. It can be an important spiritual turning point.

If a planet is afflicted in a chart, when it reaches maturity the full negative potential of that
planet will be able to manifest. As an example, if Saturn were badly placed in the 4th house of
a horoscope, at the age of 36 a p


Houses are said to mature at certain times in a person's life also. If a person has a particularly
strong or weak house it will show its effect quite obviously during the period of its duration,
alongside other more important predictive factors.

9th House Maturity Age (1-24 yrs)

10th House Maturity Age (25 - 26 yrs)

11th House Maturity Age (27 -28 yrs)

12th House Maturity Age (29 - 30 yrs)

1st House Maturity Age (31 - 33 yrs)

2nd House Maturity Age (34 - 36 yrs)

3rd House Maturity Age (37 - 39 yrs)

4th House Maturity Age (40 - 45 yrs)

5th House Maturity Age (46 - 51 yrs)

6th House Maturity Age (52 - 57 yrs)

7th House Maturity Age (58 - 65 yrs)

8th House Maturity Age (66 yrs onwards)

Not only maturity of planets, but dashas also play a significant role in the chart. When some
planet's dashas or antar dashas is running in ur life and at that time planets get mature it will
boost its potential to the highest and the effects of that planet will be more in the natives life..

So after 30 if u ask which is the prominent planet in my life, then look at the vimshotari dasha
in ur chart. The planet who's going through its dasha or antardasha will be prominent and
affect u in a certain way positive or negative depending upon its placement.

After 30’s your navmansha chart also gets activated. Why only after 30?

Because lagna chart shows the inputs of the person. How the person is handling the situations
coming to his way.. and navmansha is the result of that input. It is the output of our inputs that
we have put till 30. After 30 the navmansha chart will be judge to see the effects of our efforts.
Can be in positive or negative way depends upon the dignity of planets in navmansha chart..

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