Artigo - Ética e Moral

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Revista Bioética
Print version ISSN 1983-8042 On-line version ISSN 1983-8034
Rev. Bioét. vol.27 no.2 Brasília Apr./June 2019
Doi: 10.1590/1983-80422019272313

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service

Fernanda Dalmolin de Camargo 1, Aline Krüger Batista 1, Beatriz Unfer 2

1. Departamento de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Franciscana (UFN), Santa Maria/RS, Brasil. 2. Residência Multiprofissional em
Saúde, Departamento de Estomatologia, UFN, Santa Maria/RS, Brasil.

This study aimed to analyze the ethical dimension experienced by dentists in the professional practice of a city
in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in order to contribute to the improvement of the work of these professionals. This is
a qualitative study with content analysis. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data and eight dentist
participated in the sample. The results show that there are flaws in the understanding of the Código de Ética
Odontológico (Dentistry Code of Ethics) by most dentists, and little knowledge of professional ethics, leading to a
lack of reflections on their daily practice. The study suggests that ethical flaws may be related to the content taught
in the training of professionals in which the healing practice was predominant with focus on the technical aspects
and little emphasis on knowledge aimed at humanization, prevention and health promotion.
Keywords: Ethics. Dentistry. Public sector.

Ética e moral: reflexões de dentistas do serviço público
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a dimensão ética vivenciada por dentistas na prática profissional de uma
cidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a fim de contribuir para aprimorar o trabalho desse profissional. O estudo
é de cunho qualitativo com análise de conteúdo. Foi utilizada entrevista semiestruturada para coletar dados, e
participaram da amostra oito dentistas. Os resultados mostram que há problemas no entendimento do Código de
Ética Odontológica por parte da maioria dos dentistas participantes, e pouco conhecimento de ética profissional,
o que leva à falta de reflexões sobre a prática diária. O estudo sugere que falhas éticas podem ter relação com o
conteúdo ministrado na graduação dos profissionais, na qual predominava a prática curativa com foco nas questões
técnicas de ensino e pouca ênfase em humanização, prevenção e promoção de saúde.
Palavras-chave: Ética. Odontologia. Setor público.

Ética y moral: reflexiones de dentistas do sector público
Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la dimensión ética vivenciada por los odontólogos en la práctica
profesional de una ciudad de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, con el fin de contribuir a mejorar el trabajo de este
profesional. El estudio es de cuño cualitativo con análisis de contenido. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada
para la recolección de datos, y participaron de la muestra ocho odontólogos. Los resultados muestran que hay
problemas en la comprensión del Código de Ética Odontológico por parte de la mayoría de los odontólogos del
estudio, y poco conocimiento de ética profesional, lo que conduce a la falta de reflexiones sobre la práctica diaria.
El estudio sugiere que las fallas éticas pueden tener relación con el contenido suministrado en la carrera de grado
de los profesionales, en la que predominaba la práctica curativa con foco en las cuestiones técnicas de enseñanza
y poco énfasis en la humanización, prevención y promoción de la salud.
Palabras clave: Ética. Odontología. Sector público.

Declaram não haver conflito de interesse.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service dentists

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that infrastructure, and little or no interaction among
studies morality, a kind of “science” of morality, team members 9. Some studies still point to the need
the reflection on what is right and wrong. These to include care management technologies in practice
are norms for human social co-operation that seek in both the private and public sectors, in order to
to answer the question “how should I behave?” 1. improve the ethical 7.
Its purpose is to clarify and systematize the bases It is known that ethical professionals are well-
of moral fact and to determine the guidelines and regarded and are good examples for students of
abstract principles of morality 2. dentistry 6,11,12. In addition, the literature records that
The Código de Ética Odontológica - CEO undergraduate ethics teaching is changing 13, but it is
(Dentistry Code of Ethics)  3, is the normative still not clear how the dentist perceives the ethical
reference for dentists, whose norms have the dimension that he experiences in the public service,
pedagogical sense of avoiding the performance of considering the CEO.
unethical acts, actions that generate damages for The purpose of the present study was to
the patient and the professional 2. The latter must analyze this dimension in the context of the
be aware that in addition of the techniques learned professional practice of dentists of the public
during his academic training, they must also learn to health service of a city of Rio Grande do Sul, and its
deal with the body and mind of the human being 1,4. relationship with colleagues and users, to verify the
Ideally, professional ethics should be part of working conditions in the Sistema Único de Saúde –
the curriculum of dentistry, being essential for the SUS (Unified Health System).
professional to be able to identify the individuality
of each person and the singularity of each situation 5,
however much they have been ignored for so Methods
long. It is evident that the difficulty of dentists in
resolving ethical conflicts is accentuated by the This is a descriptive exploratory study with a
fragmentation of dentistry in technical specialties, qualitative approach. It answered very particular
which makes it difficult to perceive the integrality questions in the scope of the ethics perceived by
of the human being. Models of cognitive learning the dentists, and that could hardly be translated into
(knowledge) and psycho-motor (skills) based on numbers and quantitative indicators 14.
surgical technique and teeth repair predominate, Data were collected in September 2017, and
rather than the reflection on daily ethical problems the sample included eight dentists who worked
of the professional 6-8. in the basic health units of a city of Rio Grande
Currently, dentistry is undergoing changes and do Sul. They were randomly selected, both sexes,
some studies show that more attention has been between 34 and 64 years of age, and with training
given to a new form of treatment, in which not only time between 10 and 40 years. The number of
curative but also preventive care is done 9. This is due participants was defined during the survey, and
to changes in the curriculum of most colleges, which the sample was considered sufficient when it was
aim to emphasize knowledge aimed at humanization, noticed that the statements started to repeat, that
prevention and the promotion of health 7. is, there was a saturation of the data 14.
Today, health professionals speak more openly The purpose and the importance of the study

to patients about their health and treatment options, were explained, and anonymity and confidentiality
and they feel more comfortable asking questions and were ensured in the collection of information and
discussing concerns. This change underscores the presentation of the results, after the signature of
patient’s autonomy, that is, their right to participate the consent term. In addition, a semi-structured
in decisions regarding their health 10. This has helped interview script was used by a previously
dentists to meet their expectations, making dentistry trained person, from a pilot interview to test the
a multidisciplinary profession in which patients are understanding of the issues.
treated with commitment and justice, based on The interviews were then recorded separately
standards and the CEO 6. and the responses faithfully transcribed to a
There are some challenges in relation to the form. The subjects were questioned about their
ethical dimension in primary health care. Among perceptions of the ethical condition established
the main ones are the lack of financial incentives, in their relationships with colleagues, users and
high patient demand, lack of strategic planning, poor working conditions. The research data were

Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service dentists

examined through the content analysis proposed by was something common in the public service of
Bardin 15, and in the initial phase was read carefully health: “If the patient asks, then I say that I am an
in order to revive the first impressions of the orthodontist and give a little card, right? But there is
interviewer. no way to make a budget here in the post, there is
After that, in the coding and classification no way to entice anything, right? This is unethical, so
stage, they were regrouped, analyzed and normally, when they ask, I give my card “ (E8).
categorized. This involved re-reading the However, treating patients from the public
transcriptions, comparisons, and connections until service in the private practice was seen as an
no further categories were identified and the data unpleasant experience, because there was a case
were saturated. The validity and reliability of this where the person sought care outside of business
analysis were obtained by rigorous procedures hours: “I took my patient to the office; only that this
throughout the research and validated externally was the only patient in my life who woke me up in
by the supervision of another researcher 16,17. the middle of the night” (E1).
According to the interviewees, some
Results colleagues referred patients from the units to the
private practice, with the justification that there
was not enough material in the public system for a
Respondents were identified with code particular procedure, and there was also a suspicion
names represented by the letter “E” and numbered that they were taking materials from the unit: “We
according to the interview order. Table 1 shows that see colleagues saying that they do not have material
most of them were females, with a mean age of 44 just as an excuse to send that patient to their office ...
years and an average training time of 20 years. things like: disappearing from the office, right? So
Four categories of ethical questioning were somebody is taking it away, right? Taking material
established, the first one related to problems in to their office” (E4).
the relationship between the dentist and the user, Some dentists did not have a private practice
the second to difficulties among colleagues, the
and only worked in the SUS, or did not think it
third concerning obstacles in the relationship of the
necessary for the patient to be cared for in the
professional with the management, and the fourth
private service, because they believed to offer
dealing with the ethical perception of the subjects.
the same type of service and care in both places:
“Because the work that I would do in the office is
Table 1. Characterization of subjects the work I do in the public service and there was no
Subject Sex Age Time of training/years reason to refer them, right?” (E4).
E1 F 48 26
E2 F 57 32
Users complain about other dentists
E3 F 37 13 Dentists reported that users often complain
E4 F 64 40 about treatments performed by other colleagues: “I
E5 M 35 11 try to explain to them that, from the moment they
E6 M 45 23 sit on the chair and will have the procedure with
me, we’ll start from scratch, what happened before
is not important” (E5). They also try to show that Research
the colleague tried to do his best: “Sometimes the
colleague does their best and then they come after
me and complain about the colleague, and then we
Ethical issues in the dentist’s relationship have to explain to the patient that this is normal and
with the user never talks about a colleague to a patient” (E4).
The following statement reveals the
Patient enticement questioning that the patient did not understand
Referring patients to other colleagues and the procedure proposed by the colleague: “Once
universities came up in the interviews as a common a patient came saying very bad things about a
practice among the interviewees: “We forward them colleague: ‘that I would not believe what the
to the university, to schools that make prostheses” colleague had done, that the colleague had made
(E2), or even to offer their own business card a horrible thing ... that he had left a cotton ball Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service dentists

inside his tooth’” (E3). Another dentist offered the office, you teach them and they understand, they will
client a different treatment from the one offered not forget it again, right?” (E1).
by a colleague and reported that, afterwards, the
patient stated that they would not return to the
previous dentist: “Will you congratulate me today Ethical difficulties in the relationship among
because you have saved two of my teeth for me? I colleagues
ask her, ‘So, did you go back to the dentist to get the
new prosthesis?’ ‘No, I will not go back there again Some dentists reported having worked in
[laughs]’” (E1). teams where there was no good relationship or
respect. Others even witnessed professionals
recording other colleagues on video: “Others even
Collective and individual actions to promote
witnessed professionals recording other colleagues
on video: “I have worked in worse teams, right, that
Providing individual hygiene guidelines is a
has colleagues filming colleagues”” (E8).
common practice among dentists. Some assign the
first appointment to get know the patient better and
to solve all doubts. In the following appointments, Ethical constraints in the relationship of the
they try to carry out the planned procedures, but dentist with the management
whenever necessary, they return attention to this
type of health action. Others put these actions into
practice at each visit and when treating children, One interviewee said that he had a bad
usually accompanied by the person in charge, take relationship with the unit’s coordination because
advantage of evidence of prevention and health they did not receive support in activities that could
education: “The mother comes along, then I take improve the quality of care. Others complained
this appointment, I sometimes take the opportunity about the lack of space and environmental
to talk to the mother; I try to find a way to make the conditions: “Let’s talk about the physical part: the
mother helpful in the office”. (E8). office is a bit small, it could be larger” (E4); “I do not
have a curtain and the sunlight keeps bothering me,
Although few of them think of actions in the sunlight sometimes gives me a headache” (E8).
groups, many claim to take advantage of vaccination
campaigns to promote oral health. In addition, The lack of air-conditioning is another point
most of them do the education and prevention that interferes with the well-being of both the
work in schools through the Programa Saúde na patient and the professional “The main thing is the
lack of air conditioning, in the summer you can not
Escola - PSE (Health in the School Program), which
get in! You can not go in there ” (E3). The smell of
has partnerships with trainees assigned by the
sewage that reaches the treatment room and the
universities in the municipality:
presence of mold were also mentioned: “(...) a strong
smell of sewage, the smell of mold; all the times the
“In schools, I participate in the PSE project. Then I
coordinator has already requested, has already been
go to the schools, offer lectures, supervised brushing,
requested, but nothing has been done” (E3).
apply fluoride and provide the brushes. The PSE is
the school health program that now also includes Finally, most dentists considered as positive

the area of dentistry” (E3); the monthly training performed by the city
administration: “We are always doing training, we
“We use vaccination campaigns to have an activity, have monthly meetings, where they offer training in
kind of a mega-event because in the vaccination various areas” (E6).
campaigns, everyone comes” (E8).

Despite this, the effectiveness of these Perception on ethics

practices is questioned: “So I believe that I work
on prevention in baby steps, I do the work of the Dentistry Code of Ethics (CEO)
hummingbird that goes there and ... But I think The dentists in the study define ethics based
it is often more efficient as a collective action ... on a set of norms and behaviors that govern the
They’re going to kill me, but [laughter] when we do profession and serve for the proper functioning of
a collective action how many you can you reach that the unit and the accomplishment of the work: “Both
will keep doing... Now the patient who goes into the in relation to the place where we work, to the use

Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service dentists

of the material, and also in relation to colleagues, I duty of the dentist to promote collective health in
think we should be ethical, as well as in relation to the performance of his duties, but the professional
the patient” (E4). Ethics also appears concerning the profile still remains more focused on curative
respect for the colleague, in the good relationship actions. In most cases, preventive and/or collective
and consideration for their work: actions have been restricted to individual care in
offices or schools, and are insufficient and based
“Respect the work of the colleague, do not get on vertical policies, such as the Health in School
defective in the work of the colleague” (E3); Program. In addition, there was some resistance to
these activities - some professionals even questioned
“Very important for us to be able to provide a good its effectiveness.
service” (E6).
It was evidenced the maintenance of
traditional practices, such as individual curative
Ethical principles care and preventive work in schools, that is, work
Issues have arisen about beneficence, acting process that privileges characteristics of hegemonic
for the benefit of the patient: “To see in the other practice 19. This can be explained by the time of
one the same people, right, like a relative. So that training of the dentist, in average 20 years, indicating
is something we should be well aware of, for me an educational process still based only on curative
this is ethics” (E4). Respect for autonomy has been practice and little focused on collective health.
related to transmitting confidence to the patient
and the need for the professional to let them know Ordinance 2,436/2017  20 approved the
the details of their health condition so that they can Política Nacional de Atenção Básica (National
understand their situation: “I always tell patients Policy of Primary Care) and, when dealing with the
this: that they have to learn how to take care of their dentist’s assignments in the Family Health team,
health because patients normally give themselves defined that clinical procedures should integrate
away to professionals” (E4). collective actions and multi-professional teams. It
is noteworthy that, in the present study, no dentist
reported team activities.
Discussion Some of the interviewees sought to be
impartial in their relationship with colleagues -
The results highlight important points that when, for example, a professional received the
suggest flaws in the professional conduct of dentists, patient’s complaint about the procedures performed
according to the CEO. The results show that the by another dentist. The professional misconduct is
dentist holds relative knowledge of what is set out in often surrounded by walls of silence, especially
the CEO, and some knowledge of professional ethics, when the user is not aware of the problem, or
but does not make deeper reflections on the subject when the fault is perceived by the person and the
in his day to day practice. After all, the notion of situation is circumvented by excuses that justify the
ethics needs to be expanded not only within the action performed by another colleague, in a sort of
professional scope but encoded in obligations and “corporate loyalty” with other professionals 7.
rights for an ethics of the human race 18. However, in the sample one of the dentists
In the present study, the theoretical offered a different treatment for the mis-diagnosis
framework followed the conduct of the subjects in of a colleague, emphasizing the better quality of Research
the light of the CEO 3 standards, which condemn the their own intervention, which constitutes an ethical
enticement of patients, that is, one can not attract infraction, since criticizing the procedures of other
or divert, by any means, a patient from a public or colleagues for patients under their care is a behavior
private institution to a private clinic. However, the forbidden by the code of professional ethics 3.
statements tell us that, even though it is an unethical The lack of communication of the dentist was
procedure, dentists still practice this illegality. It one of the aspects evidenced in the present study,
is clear, therefore, that there are discrepancies considering that the treatment was not explained to the
between the knowledge of the CEO and the practice user. This disrespects the ethical principle of autonomy,
of dentistry. preventing the individual from understanding what is
From the study, it is noted that the work being done in their teeth and collaborating with the
process of the dentist is the same in the private and evolution of the treatment. Considering the general
public service. The CEO 3 considers the fundamental perception of the patient, their personality, problems, Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303

Ethics and morals: reflections of public health service dentists

and particular desires is fundamental for good Among the limitations of this study is the
communication and the success of dental care 21. possibility that dentists have taken advantage of
It is also possible to recognize a lack of care the interview opportunity to express their anguish,
management, due to the valorization of hard which may have increased the amount and intensity
technology at the expense of the humanization of care. of negative emotions. The qualitative approach was
That is, with more modern equipment, the professional adequate to the study because it provided more
tends to increased specialization and, thus, to explanations about the subjective aspects of the
move away from the broader spheres of the health actors involved.
process 7,22. This implies the removal of the dentist from
the subjective dimension that every health practice
Final considerations
presupposes, that is, from the use of light technologies,
from the relation of the health professional to the user
in the production of the act of caring 22. The importance of ethics in working life
Another relevant issue concerns the unhealthy is recognized by the interviewees, but not fully
work conditions reported by the participants: excessive implemented. The professionals have the notion
sunlight and heat, the presence of mold and the of the ethics of duties and moral acquired in their
smell of sewage. Dentists are unaware of or ignore professional training, but they still find difficulties
the fundamental right of the professional, as defined to solve problems of the daily practice. This may be
by the CEO 3, to refuse to engage in public or private related to the training of professionals in dentistry
practice under unworthy, unsafe or unhealthy working courses that focus more on curative and individual
conditions. Different considerations in the literature processes, in a context of great technicalization,
indicate that transformations in the health area without giving so much importance to ethical
depend not only on the manager’s attitudes but also conducts and collective prevention actions.
on the involvement and commitment of the dentists 2,7. There is evident lack of preparation of the
Many of the ethical problems found in the professionals regarding the ethical conduct, which
present study relate to infractions described by the leads them to ethical conflicts in the daily life of
CEO, which confirms the poor moral and ethics of the profession. Therefore, the study of the code of
duties acquired by many students during academic ethics becomes essential for more efficient inter-
training, insufficient to solve problems that arise in relationships and humanization of care, as well as
professional practice 7. better orienting professionals on their rights, duties
and working conditions.
The challenge to better understand and
apply ethics in dentistry lies in the training of The results of this study may be similar in
the professional, and in choosing the adequate several Brazilian municipalities. Considering the
methodology of teaching ethics to deal with the predominance of the curative model in the area of
current issues of society and to recognize the complex dentistry, more studies on ethical perceptions should
biopsychosocial reality of individuals. The greater be carried out to verify the effectiveness, efficiency,
dissemination of the CEO is also of paramount and impact of new dentistry curricula. In addition,
importance to clarify the profession of the dentist further research in the field of bioethics is needed
and, for further understanding, it is still suggested the that relates professional practice and training of the

elaboration of a commented version of the CEO. dentist in order to reduce unethical behavior.


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Participation of the authors

Fernanda Dalmolin de Camargo colected the data and, along with Aline Krüger Batista, conceived the project,
analyzed the information and wrote the article. Beatriz Unfer supervised the work and revised the final version of
the article.

Aline Krüger Batista – Rua Victorino da Cás, 600, casa 21B, Cerrito CEP 97060-491. Santa Maria/RS, Brasil.

Fernanda Dalmolin de Camargo – Graduanda – [email protected]

Recebido: 8. 4.2018
Aline Krüger Batista – Mestre – [email protected] Revisado: 25.10.2018

Aprovado: 26.10.2018
Beatriz Unfer – Doutora – [email protected]
0000-0002-8598-0671 Rev. bioét. (Impr.). 2019; 27 (2): 297-303


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