Tinnitus and Sound Intolerance - Evidence
Tinnitus and Sound Intolerance - Evidence
Tinnitus and Sound Intolerance - Evidence
Brazilian Journal of
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp-EPM), Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Universidade do Vale do Taquari (Univates), Lajeado, RS, Brazil
University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Faculdade de Medicina, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Fundação Educacional D. André Arcoverde (FAA), Faculdade de Medicina de Valença, Valença, RJ, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Hospital de Clínicas, Centro de Zumbido, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Instituto Ganz Sanchez, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Hospital Samaritano São Paulo, Clinica Lima Gürtler, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Hospital das Clínicas, Hospital Felício Rocho, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Rede Mater Dei de Saúde, Mater Dei Contorno, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Hospital Santa Izabel, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Centro de Otorrinolaringologia da Bahia (CEOB), Salvador, BA, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Centro de Tratamento e Pesquisa em Zumbido, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), Derdic, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo (IAMSPE), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
夽 Please cite this article as: Onishi ET, Coelho CC, Oiticica J, Figueiredo RR, Guimarães RC, Sanchez TG, et al. Tinnitus and sound intolerance:
1808-8694/© 2017 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open
access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
136 Onishi ET et al.
Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André, SP, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Hospital Federal da Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí, Jundiaí, SP, Brazil
Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Hospital Otorrinos, Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil
Tinnitus; Introduction: Tinnitus and sound intolerance are frequent and subjective complaints that may
Hyperacusis; have an impact on a patient’s quality of life.
Hearing loss; Objective: To present a review of the salient points including concepts, pathophysiology, diag-
Hearing aids nosis and approach of the patient with tinnitus and sensitivity to sounds.
Methods: Literature review with bibliographic survey in LILACS, SciELO, Pubmed and MED-
LINE database. Articles and book chapters on tinnitus and sound sensitivity were selected.
The several topics were discussed by a group of Brazilian professionals and the conclusions
were described.
Results: The prevalence of tinnitus has increased over the years, often associated with hearing
loss, metabolic factors and inadequate diet. Medical evaluation should be performed carefully
to guide the request of subsidiary exams. Currently available treatments range from medications
to the use of sounds with specific characteristics and meditation techniques, with variable
Conclusion: A review on tinnitus and auditory sensitivity was presented, allowing the reader
a broad view of the approach to these patients, based on scientific evidence and national
© 2017 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published
by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
Medical evaluation
- Use of medication and illicit drugs: current use or at the in the fundoscopic examination of the eye assists in the
time of the tinnitus onset, paying special attention to the diagnosis.
use of ototoxic drugs. The evaluation of cranial nerves identifies central eti-
ologies, especially in patients with headache, paresthesia,
(c) Improvement and worsening factors diplopia or dizziness. The study of cranial pairs, cerebellar
Patients with tinnitus usually report worsening in silent tests and the assessment of upper and lower limb muscle
environments. Exposure to noise may be the temporary strength should be included. Tumors of cranial nerves IX,
worsening factor for tinnitus; for instance, in the tonic X, XI may generate pulsatile tinnitus by altering blood flow
tensor tympani syndrome and in the semicircular canal through the jugular bulb inside the jugular foramen.32
dehiscence.21 Studies on foods that interfere with tinnitus
are scarce. Fish consumption one or more times a week TMJ evaluation
and dairy restriction seem to reduce persistent tinnitus.22 When associated with tinnitus, TMJ disorders may also
Hearing loss is an important risk factor, as well as exposure exhibit otalgia, hearing loss, ear fullness, hyperacusis, and
to noise, hyperlipidemia, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheuma- dizziness. Physical examination should be performed with
toid arthritis and thyroid diseases23 and systemic arterial special attention to pain in the TMJ region (spontaneous,
hypertension.24 with chewing and during palpation); crackling of the joint;
Depression and anxiety may be associated, especially difficulty in maximal mouth opening. Forced jaw protrusion
in the most uncomfortable cases.25,26 Among the medica- or lateralization can modulate the tinnitus.
tions implicated in the onset of tinnitus are antibiotics
(aminoglycosides), diuretics (furosemide), chemotherapeu- Nasofibroscopy
tics (cisplatin), as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Some types of myoclonus can cause tinnitus via contraction
drugs and quinine.27 of the middle ear muscles (tensor tympani and stapedius
muscles)33 or muscles of the palatal region (soft palate
(d) Diet and habits and pharyngeal).34 Palatal myoclonus may be inhibited by
- Smoking: it may have an ototoxic effect.28 opening the mouth; thus, palatal observation through nasofi-
- Alcoholism: it can alter endolymph density, producing broscopy is essential.32 It is possible to observe rhythmic
transient dysfunction of the outer and IHCs. movements in the soft palate region.
- Xanthine consumption: the three main xanthine alkaloids
are caffeine (coffee), theophylline (teas) and theo- Questionnaires
bromine (cocoa), substances present in cola drinks, It is critical to distinguish between tinnitus and tinnitus
analgesic drugs, antihistamines, etc. Although excessive reactions. For that purpose, questionnaires assessing and
consumption of xanthines (above 250 mg/day or 3 cof- quantifying tinnitus and its effects on the patient’s life can
fees/day) is considered an exacerbating factor for tinnitus be used.
and dizziness, this is controversial.29 The most often used are: Tinnitus Questionnaire,35
- Consumption of fast-absorbing sugars and carbohydrates: Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI),36 Tinnitus Reaction
it may cause tinnitus or worsen existing tinnitus by Questionnaire37 and Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire.38 All
hyperinsulinism and alterations in the endocochlear show good reproducibility and internal consistency and,
potential.30,31 therefore, the choice of the tool should be made based
- Prolonged fasting: The Na/K pump mechanism that is on the existence of the adapted version in the country’s
responsible for the endocochlear potential is energy language and familiarity with the questionnaire. The THI,
dependent and the inner ear does not store energy. developed by Newman,36 has been validated in several lan-
Prolonged fasting (over 3 h) is related to energy deficit guages, including Portuguese.39,40 The tool consists of 25
and alteration in the endocochlear potential, which may questions with a score varying from 0 to 100; the higher
worsen tinnitus.31 the score, the greater the effect of tinnitus on the patient’s
life. The Tinnitus Questionnaire is a long questionnaire con-
Physical examination
sisting of 52 questions and has a shorter version, called the
‘‘Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire’’ (or Mini-TQ).41 The Mini-TQ
It should include otoscopy, oroscopy, anterior and posterior has a Portuguese version, with 12 questions that mainly eval-
rhinoscopy. The otoscopy of patients with vascular tinni- uate the annoyance with tinnitus and how it affects the
tus may show a reddish retrotympanic area (paraganglioma, individual’s daily life.42
aberrant internal carotid artery in the middle ear, high and The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) is used to measure subjec-
dehiscent jugular bulb, among others). Periauricular, perior- tive phenomena, and is used widely in pain assessment. It
bital, cervical auscultation and neck palpation can provide provides a simple and quick measurement of intensity and
signs of vascular malformations, arteriovenous fistulas, or degree of annoyance, using numbers from 0 to 10.43
venous ‘‘hum’’ --- a situation in which tinnitus increases with
contralateral cervical rotation and decreases with ipsilat-
eral rotation. In the case of tinnitus related to the patent Complementary assessment
auditory tube, synchrony with respiration is observed and
otoscopy reveals motion of the tympanic membrane during Hearing tests
inspiration and expiration.
Pulsatile tinnitus may be associated with benign Hearing tests help to diagnose hearing loss, as well as to
intracranial hypertension. The presence of papilledema aid in the diagnosis leading to specific treatment. A second
140 Onishi ET et al.
reason to perform these tests is to establish if the patient is - BAEP: changes in the auditory nerve and/or brainstem can
a candidate for hearing aid use. also occur without associated hearing loss.
Pulsatile tinnitus
Retrotympanic Tu Normal
Normal Arthrosclerosis
Changed fundoscopy Normal fundoscopy Jugular bulb abnormality /AVF/AVM
or sigmoid sinus /
BIH Venous HUM hydrocephalus Idiopathic
Figure 2 Flowchart of pulsatile tinnitus investigation. Tu, tumor; CT, computed tomography; TB, temporal bones; SAH; systemic
arterial hypertension; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasound; BIH, benign intracranial hypertension; AVF, arteriovenous
fistula; AVM, arteriovenous malformation.
142 Onishi ET et al.
Pharmacological and surgical treatment of Ginkgo Biloba shows diverse results in systematic
hyperacusis reviews. A recent study assessing 1543 patients, concluded
that there is limited evidence to demonstrate its efficacy in
Successful treatments have already been described tinnitus treatment.67
in patients with hyperacusis using alprazolam,63 A single study analyzed the efficacy of vinpocetine
carbamazepine,21 fluoxetine and fluvoxamine64 and demonstrating some positive results in tinnitus associated
citalopram.17 with acoustic trauma.68
Regarding the surgical treatment of hypersensitiv- Betahistine may be effective when tinnitus is associated
ity, isolated reports in the literature range from fascia with dizziness.69
reinforcement placed on the oval and round windows,
obliteration of semicircular canal dehiscence and even Ion channels
There have been studies on drugs that act on the sodium,
Pharmacological treatment of tinnitus potassium and calcium channels.
therapy for tinnitus is improved when it is associated with of the notched sound to reduce the excitability of hyperac-
counseling/guidance. tive auditory neurons, which would occur as a result of the
In patients with reduced sound tolerance, it is essential strengthening of inhibitory networks, previously weakened
to avoid sound deprivation with the use of an ear protector, in the critical frequency band of tinnitus.
which can increase central auditory gain and exacerbate the
symptoms of hyperacusis.4 In these cases, it is advisable to Tones for central neural auditory desynchronization
carry out sound desensitization with the use of a sound gen- Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation aims to reduce
erator and hearing aid, gradually introducing the sound for abnormal levels of synchronous neural activity in the cere-
the time that is tolerated by the patient. The adaptation bral auditory cortex, a condition in which a large population
must be slow and progressive, depending on the patient’s of neurons repeatedly and spontaneously fires impulses at
tolerance. Initially, it is recommended to use the hearing the same time. The Neuromodulator CR emits a sequence
aid in quiet environments and, subsequently, in noisy envi- of low intensity tones, obtained through a mathemati-
ronments. In severe cases of reduced sound tolerance, it cal algorithm in which the used tones coincide with the
may be necessary to initially apply the sound generator to frequency bands adjacent to the tinnitus frequency, individ-
improve sound tolerance and a later adaptation with a hear- ually adjusted for each person. The objective is to stop the
ing aid.102 Currently, the use of digital technology devices increase of the abnormal synchronic firing in brain auditory
has facilitated the programming of these treatments com- neurons, responsible for the tinnitus perception.106
bined with a hearing aid and a sound generator. The use of
hearing aids may be valid in patients suffering from tinnitus,
Habituation therapy or TRT
even with mild hearing loss.
TRT or Habituation Therapy aims to change the most acti-
Music therapy in tinnitus treatment vated neural networks in patients with tinnitus annoyance,
which are limbic system (hippocampal segment) and the
Customized sounds for tinnitus pitch autonomic nervous system, regardless of the source of the
Customized acoustic stimuli are adapted according to the tinnitus.2 The TRT is based on three pillars:
patient’s hearing and tinnitus pitch. Two types of sounds
are offered: relaxing soft music of variable amplitude and a - Demystification: includes all measures used to reduce or
broadband noise similar to white noise. At different phases, eliminate the negative connotation and activation of the
the white noise is added or may be removed to help mask limbic and autonomic nervous systems.
the tinnitus. Between 80 and 90% of patients experienced a - Counseling: covers all anti-tinnitus measures. The removal
significant reduction in tinnitus, even when they were not of negative associations related to tinnitus, through coun-
using the device.103 seling sessions in which the patient understands the
hearing function and the mechanisms of tinnitus percep-
Fractal tones tion, may be sufficient to promote the habituation of the
Based on the fractal analysis of sounds, five patterns of semi- reaction, that is, the patient can still perceive the tinni-
random tones, similar to bell tunes, were created along with tus, but ceases to be bothered by it.
broadband white noise. The proposal is the presentation of - Habituation: physiological process characterized by the
melodic tones with a slower time (60---70 beats per minute, progressive decline of responses to the same stimulus. The
similar to resting heart rate), less repetition and without concomitant use of sound therapy may be necessary, for
emotional content, which promotes relaxation. A study on it promotes the constant input of sounds, either through
the effectiveness of music therapy with fractal tones showed sound generators, hearing aid amplification prostheses or
that it does not depend on the nature of the hearing loss or environmental sounds. Habituation occurs if the stimulus
tinnitus characteristics.104 is neutral, that is, free of associations and/or connotations
with negative emotional states. Patients with hyperacu-
S-Tones with modulated amplitude and frequency sis, associated or not with tinnitus, are also candidates
S-Tones, with modulated frequency and amplitude, produce for treatment with TRT. Table 3 summarizes the propo-
a robust and synchronized neuronal activity in the audi- sals and modalities of TRT treatment according to patient
tory cortex. Very slow sounds produce explosions of neural groups. The efficacy of habituation therapy is around
activity, and very fast sounds do not show synchroniza- 84---86%, and may vary according to patient adherence to
tion, but if presented within a specific interval, the neurons treatment.107,108
synchronously fire in response to the sound stimulus. Sup-
pression is a physiological process where sounds modulate Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
the activity of the auditory cortex and interrupt tinnitus
generation.105 It is a noninvasive technique of neurostimulation and cor-
tical neuromodulation. The procedure generates repetitive
Spectral notched music pulses of short duration (100---300 microseconds) and high
The notched music, tailor-made with the removal of sounds power (1.5---2.0 Tesla) magnetic field.109 Modern TMS systems
that have the same frequency as the tinnitus, can reduce its apply a rapidly changing magnetic field over a specific neu-
volume. The results indicate that the short-term, intensive ral region, inducing electrical activity in the target cortical
Tailor-Made Notched Sound Therapy seems to be effective in region. This is typically characterized by disruption of the
patients with tinnitus frequencies ≤8 kHz due to the ability stimulated target area activity and potential for change in
Tinnitus and sound intolerance: evidence and experience of a Brazilian group 145
the function of the interrupted area. Therefore, there is Physical therapy in the treatment of chronic
neuroplasticity modulation in cortical and thalamic-cortical tinnitus
areas in the same way. TMS is a safe and effective proce-
dure for tinnitus control, but it requires studies with a longer There are anatomical and functional associations between
follow-up period.110 the ears and the mandible, face, nape and neck. Somatosen-
sory tinnitus may be divided according to the topography
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) of symptoms as (1) Craniofacial Dysfunction (CFD), and (2)
Craniocervical Dysfunction (CCD).
Therapeutic approaches typically involve relaxation training
to reduce alertness, creating methods to ignore the tinnitus- CFD
related information. CBT aims to identify and change the
emotional significance of tinnitus. According to McKenna
They represent TMJ, masticatory system muscles and/or
et al.,111 regardless of the symptom’s initial cause, the cog-
neuromuscular attachment dysfunctions. In 2003, Tuz et al.
nitive behavioral process contributes to its severity through
evaluated the prevalence of 4 otologic symptoms (otalgia,
intrusive negative thoughts, selective attention, hypervigi-
tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss) in 200 patients with tem-
lance, misconceptions, counterproductive behaviors and a
poromandibular dysfunction and compared them with an
distorted perception of tinnitus. CBT is structured, for a
asymptomatic control group.117 Tinnitus is at least 2 times
limited time, as an objective to help the patient face certain
more prevalent in patients with CFD. The following are asso-
difficulties, constructing positive thoughts. A 15-year follow-
ciated factors: dental malocclusion associated with stress
up study demonstrated stability in the improvement,112
and muscular tension, inadequate masticatory power and/or
constituting a good therapeutic option for patients with tinn-
muscular overload during the masticatory process, bruxism,
itus, alone or associated with other types of treatment.
anxiety disorders, systemic diseases that alter bone struc-
tures, postural disorders, sleep deprivation. The otologic
Acupuncture symptomatology is due to the fact that the ears and the TMJ
and its attachments share common innervations (mainly the
Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of tinni- V and VII cranial nerves) and have neural networks crossed
tus, similar to the treatment of painful conditions. The at the level of the brainstem that are able to modulate
needle stimulation causes an electrical discharge that trigg- each other. The cranio-cervical-facial system (mouth, face,
ers action potentials and influences the activity of the head and neck) can modulate the onset and/or perception of
olivocochlear nucleus or the modulation of ascending audi- tinnitus twice as frequently in tinnitus patients than in the
tory pathway connections with the limbic system and the ones without this symptom.118 The long-term effects of TMJ
amygdala.6 In the studies that showed positive results of treatment have been described in 73 tinnitus patients and
acupuncture on tinnitus, the time and degree of improve- in 50 patients with tinnitus and TMJ dysfunction.119 In the
ment were very variable.113---115 Acupuncture is a safe treatment group, 43% of the patients had tinnitus improve-
treatment option with no adverse effects, but more studies ment, 39% had unaltered tinnitus, and 18% had symptom
are required to evaluate its effect on tinnitus. worsening.
Mindfulness CCD
Mindfulness has its origin in Eastern meditative practices. It A recent study showed that among treated patients with
is defined as a specific form of concentration at the present non-pulsatile tinnitus, 43% were diagnosed with somatosen-
time, intentionally and without judgment. The practices sory tinnitus.120 CCD may be related to inadequate posture
encompass several techniques, such as breathing exercises, of the body. The patient has pain and physiological move-
experiencing everyday situations in a conscious way and ment limitation, neck stiffness, sensitivity and/or pain
attention to the sense organs. Studies have shown benefits at cervical muscle palpation, radiated pains, headaches
over tinnitus, reducing annoyance, improving depressive and and joint dysfunction. Cervical proprioception dysfunction
anxious states and facilitating the acceptance of tinnitus by may cause tinnitus and other neurotological symptoms.
the patient in up to 87.5%.116 The patient should be referred early for multidisciplinary
146 Onishi ET et al.
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