Técnicas de Apoio À Gestão

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4 Financiamento
em capital de risco

Financiamento em Fundo de Capital de

01 02
capital de risco Risco

04 Leasing Plano de negócios 03

3.4.1. O surgimento do capital de risco
1960 1970

Sociedade de Capital de Risco

(SCR) 1986 S.P.R. (Sociedade Portuguesa
de Capital de Risco)
3.4.2. Definição e Objetivo do Capital do Risco
forma Financiamento participar Capital
Capital do Risco consubstanciada próprio

Objeto: procura e apoio de oportunidades de investimento capazes de

proporcionar rentabilidade

Situações comuns:
• Projetos ou empresas de novas tecnologias
• Empresas com boa perspetivas de mercado
• Projetos de modernização
• Relançamento de empresas em dificuldades
3.4.3 Atividade de Capital de Risco

Económico Financeiro Fiscal
Alienação de capital de risco

01 Empresário ou terceiro

03 Bolsa de Valores
3.4.3 Atividade de Capital de Risco
Vantagens para o empresário:

Projeto com fundos permanentes sem

perder conrolo da empresa

Apoio na reconstroção da empresa

Garantir a salvaguarda da posição

Não exige o pagamneto de encargos

Capital Social
=~ 3000€
Investimento e
inovação tecnológica

Requerimento No prazo de 3 anos

Ministério das Finanças 2/3 em participação

em capital social
Participações Duração
>12 anos
Cada partcipação >20%
Ideal 3 a 5 anos
Na totalidade >3x o
próprio capital

Financiamento Representação
Aumentar o capital
próprio Gestores de
Obrigações participações
Fundos consignados
Instituições de crédito
3.4.5. As operações de Management Buy Out/In

Management Buy Out

Os quadros da empresa
adquirem parte da empresa

A SCR ajuda no processo

Colaboradores Empresa Empregadora

3.4.5. As operações de Management Buy Out/In

Management Buy In

Obtém parte da empresa

Gestão Externa é nova na


Gestão Externa Empresa Alvo

3.4.5. As operações de Management Buy Out/In

Vantagens da MBO Interessados em uma MBO

• Proprietários não os gestores • Instituições bancárias
• Maior envolvimento da administração • Merchant banks
• Possíveis ganhos substanciais • Seguradoras
• Fundos de pensão

Fontes de financiamento

• Financiamneto em capital de risco

• Venda e lease back
• Leasing
• Instituições bancárias
3.4.6. Os fundos consignados

Vantagens da MBO Interessados em uma MBO

• Proprietários não os gestores • Instituições bancárias
• Maior envolvimento da administração • Merchant banks
• Possíveis ganhos substanciais • Seguradoras
• Fundos de pensão

Fontes de financiamento

• Financiamneto em capital de risco

• Venda e lease back
• Leasing
• Instituições bancárias
3.4.7. Os fundos de investimento de capital de risco (FCR)

Fundos de Investimento
Investir em empresas

Elevado potencial

Não cotadas na bolsa

3.4.8. O Plano de Negócios

Síntese e
01 Indice 02

A Política de Descrição da
06 03
Aprovisionamento Empresa

O Mercado Motivação dos

05 04
3.4.8. O Plano de Negócios

A Política
07 Os Produtos 08

Contas Previsionais
A Tecnologia e o
12 da Empresa ou do 09

Financiamento do Investimentos
11 10
Investimento necessários
4. O Leasing como um Financiamento Específico
4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares



s Modalidades
4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares

para Profissional ou
Objeto Bens Móveis uso empresarial

para Produtiva privada

Bens Imóveis
utilização ou pública

4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares



s Modalidades
4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares

Sociedade de Quem
locação financeira efetua


Empresa Locatário
4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares



s Modalidades

Aquisição Utilização Resolução

4.1. Noções e Conceitos Elementares

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Earth Mercury Neptune Saturn Mars

Planet Mercury is Neptune is the Despite being red,
Earth is the third It’s composed of
the closest object to farthest planet from but Mars is a cold
planet from the Sun hydrogen and helium
the Sun the Sun place
Finance Infographics

Despite being red, Planet Mars is
a very cold place

75 Jupiter is a gas giant and the

biggest object in the Solar

It is the ringed planet. It is
composed of hydrogen and helium
Finance Infographics

50% 25% 60% 80%

$2,476 $4,256 $6,324 $8,256

It is the ringed planet. It is Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest
Despite being red, Planet
composed of hydrogen and the biggest object in the planet to the Sun and the
Mars is a very cold place
helium Solar System smallest one
Finance Infographics

45% 25%
Earth is the third planet from Planet Mercury is the closest
the Sun object to the Sun

20% 35%
Saturn is composed of Jupiter is a gas giant
hydrogen and helium and the biggest planet
Finance Infographics

1,685 $ 4,964 $

Earth Mercury
Earth is the third planet from Planet Mercury is the closest
the Sun object to the Sun

3,754 $ 6,852 $

Saturn Jupiter
Saturn is composed of Jupiter is a gas giant
hydrogen and helium and the biggest planet
Finance Infographics

45% 75%
External capital Bull market
Mercury is the closest It is the ringed planet. It
planet to the Sun and is composed of hydrogen
the smallest one and helium

80% 25%
Revenue Cash outflow
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red,
and the biggest object Planet Mars is a very
in the Solar System cold place
Finance Infographics

45% 30%
Bull market External capital
Earth is the third planet from Planet Mercury is the closest
the Sun object to the Sun

25% 20%
Revenue Cash outflow
Saturn is composed of Jupiter is a gas giant
hydrogen and helium and the biggest planet
Finance Infographics

$6,000 $8,000
Mercury is the closest It is the ringed planet. It
planet to the Sun and is composed of hydrogen
the smallest one and helium

$4,000 $10,000
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red,
and the biggest object Planet Mars is a very
in the Solar System cold place
Finance Infographics

Planet Mercury is the closest object to the Sun

Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun

Saturn is composed of hydrogen and helium
Finance Infographics

Despite being red, It is the ringed planet. It Jupiter is a gas giant Mercury is the closest
planet Mars is a very is composed of hydrogen and the biggest object planet to the Sun and
cold place and helium in the Solar System the smallest one

External capital Bull market Revenue Cash outflow

Finance Infographics


2017 2018 2019 2020

Profit Investment External capital Interest Rate

Despite being red, It is the ringed planet. It Jupiter is a gas giant Mercury is the closest
planet Mars is a very is composed of hydrogen and the biggest object planet to the Sun and
cold place and helium in the Solar System the smallest one
Finance Infographics

Earth Saturn Neptune Mercury

Earth is the third It’s composed of Neptune is the Mercury is the
planet from the hydrogen and farthest planet closest object to
Sun helium from the Sun the Sun
Finance Infographics


Neptune is the
farthest planet
from the Sun
12 Cash outflow
% 75 Jupiter is a gas

% giant and the
biggest planet

Mercury is the
closest planet to %
the Sun
Finance Infographics

$8,254 $9,475 $7,652 $5,278

Earth is the third It’s the farthest planet Despite being red, It’s the closest object
planet from the Sun from the Sun Mars is a cold place to the Sun
Finance Infographics

45% 87%
Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest It is the ringed planet. It
planet to the Sun and is composed of hydrogen
the smallest one and helium

24% 48%
Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red,
and the biggest object Planet Mars is a very
in the Solar System cold place
Finance Infographics

Earth is the third planet
from the Sun Interest Rate
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
It’s the closest object to
the Sun External capital
It’s the farthest planet
from the Sun
Finance Infographics

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest It is the ringed planet. It
01 planet to the Sun and is composed of hydrogen 02
the smallest one and helium

Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red,
04 and the biggest object Planet Mars is a very 03
in the Solar System cold place
Finance Infographics

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest It is the ringed planet. It
planet to the Sun and is composed of hydrogen
the smallest one 01 02 and helium

04 03
Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red,
and the biggest object Planet Mars is a very
in the Solar System cold place
Finance Infographics

50% 20% 90% 10%

Investment External capital Interest Rate Profit

Planet Mercury is the Neptune is the farthest It’s composed of hydrogen Despite being red,
closest object to the Sun planet from the Sun and helium but Mars is a cold place
Finance Infographics

2018 2019 2020

Investment Interest Rate

Saturn is the ringed planet. It is composed Planet Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest
of hydrogen and helium object in the Solar System
Finance Infographics

7,258 $
Planet Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest
object in the Solar System

2,548 $
Saturn is the ringed planet. It is composed
of hydrogen and helium

9,124 $
Despite being red, planet Mars is a very
cold place full of iron oxide dust
Finance Infographics

60 Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and the
smallest one
40 External capital
It is the ringed planet. It is
30 composed of hydrogen and
10 Profit
Jupiter is a gas giant and
the biggest object in the
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Solar System
Finance Infographics

Mercury is the closest

planet to the Sun and Mercury
the smallest one

It is the ringed planet. It

Saturn is composed of hydrogen
and helium

Jupiter is a gas giant

and the biggest object Jupiter
in the Solar System

Despite being red,

Mars Planet Mars is a very
cold place
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