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Critical Theories Marxism
What is Marxism Karl Marx (1818-1883) – German philosopher  Dominant classes create dominant ideology This is then seen by lower classes as natural Lower classes cant better themselves State & media spread this ideology Economics part of this
Marxism & Ideology Ideology as a set of ideas and beliefs – Marxism – Communism – Tory Party – Environmentalists – Education system etc… Marx added to this the idea that ideologies are used to lie and distort, to keep going unfair systems But we don’t realise its happening to us.  Dominant ideology
Class & Marxism In capitalism, a few own a lot (factories – land – media) Ruling class, Bourgeois,  Proletariat  Means of Production  = objects of labour & subjects of labour Those few making everything & the rest working but not progressing or benefiting Who are the ruling classes today? Do you think the class system is fair?
Class & Marxism Marx defined class as something which existed in hostility because of the relationship between factory owner and factory worker Who owns what? Who works for who? Are they the same people?
The dominant ideologies there to keep the fat cats in place If you own means of production, you can make meaning too Working classes have no channel or output – can’t oppose! How might owning the means of production allow you to produce dominant ways of thinking?
Class Consciousness Self awareness (or lack of) of your class Once aware, to act in your own interest Tendency to act in unity Class consciousness as ideological factor (you believe you are subordinate so act it) Class consciousness as earned Can awareness come through definition? If defined, and aware, do you have to act and think like all others in your class?
Case Study Class in NZ
A Classless Society? Small range of wealth  Lack of deference to authority figures  High levels of class mobility High standard of working class living   compared to Europe Progressive labour laws  Developed welfare state
Race & Class in NZ Maori and Polynesians earning less, worse jobs, more unemployed, less educated Conditions similar to lower classes in Europe Two classes – white and non white? Class consciousness should kick in for non white.
Today… 1980’s economic reforms Top 10% earned more – rest stayed same Uneven distribution of wealth creates nouveau riche Lack of employment in rural areas + welfare reform = new poverty class 3 classes  - new rich, middle class, poor – race still big part  However – no emphasis on historical factors, respect for work, not origin
Activity Define your own class Think about the impact of class in your life. Is class consciousness in play? Attempt to represent this in poster form using diagrams, cut outs, drawing etc… Present to class
social grade social status and occupation A  upper middle   class   higher managerial,  administrative or professional B  middle class   intermediate managerial, administrative or professional C1  lower middle class  supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional C2  skilled working class   skilled manual workers D  working class   semi and unskilled manual workers E  lowest level of subsistence   state pensioners or widows (no other earner), casual or lowest grade workers

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Marxism overview

  • 2. What is Marxism Karl Marx (1818-1883) – German philosopher Dominant classes create dominant ideology This is then seen by lower classes as natural Lower classes cant better themselves State & media spread this ideology Economics part of this
  • 3.  
  • 4. Marxism & Ideology Ideology as a set of ideas and beliefs – Marxism – Communism – Tory Party – Environmentalists – Education system etc… Marx added to this the idea that ideologies are used to lie and distort, to keep going unfair systems But we don’t realise its happening to us. Dominant ideology
  • 5. Class & Marxism In capitalism, a few own a lot (factories – land – media) Ruling class, Bourgeois, Proletariat Means of Production = objects of labour & subjects of labour Those few making everything & the rest working but not progressing or benefiting Who are the ruling classes today? Do you think the class system is fair?
  • 6. Class & Marxism Marx defined class as something which existed in hostility because of the relationship between factory owner and factory worker Who owns what? Who works for who? Are they the same people?
  • 7. The dominant ideologies there to keep the fat cats in place If you own means of production, you can make meaning too Working classes have no channel or output – can’t oppose! How might owning the means of production allow you to produce dominant ways of thinking?
  • 8. Class Consciousness Self awareness (or lack of) of your class Once aware, to act in your own interest Tendency to act in unity Class consciousness as ideological factor (you believe you are subordinate so act it) Class consciousness as earned Can awareness come through definition? If defined, and aware, do you have to act and think like all others in your class?
  • 10. A Classless Society? Small range of wealth Lack of deference to authority figures High levels of class mobility High standard of working class living compared to Europe Progressive labour laws Developed welfare state
  • 11. Race & Class in NZ Maori and Polynesians earning less, worse jobs, more unemployed, less educated Conditions similar to lower classes in Europe Two classes – white and non white? Class consciousness should kick in for non white.
  • 12. Today… 1980’s economic reforms Top 10% earned more – rest stayed same Uneven distribution of wealth creates nouveau riche Lack of employment in rural areas + welfare reform = new poverty class 3 classes - new rich, middle class, poor – race still big part However – no emphasis on historical factors, respect for work, not origin
  • 13. Activity Define your own class Think about the impact of class in your life. Is class consciousness in play? Attempt to represent this in poster form using diagrams, cut outs, drawing etc… Present to class
  • 14. social grade social status and occupation A upper middle class higher managerial, administrative or professional B middle class intermediate managerial, administrative or professional C1 lower middle class supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional C2 skilled working class skilled manual workers D working class semi and unskilled manual workers E lowest level of subsistence state pensioners or widows (no other earner), casual or lowest grade workers