Hand picked men's fashion gems

Put This On offers two subscription services -- The Inside Track and The Gentlemen's Association

Put This On is popular for its eBay roundups, where we pluck items from obscurity and put them on display for the world. Of course, with that popularity comes with many bidders, which is why we created the Inside Track . Every week, you'll receive a hand-curated list of eBay auctions not found anywhere else, as well as some recommended sales. It's like we've taken the world's largest clothing bazaar and transformed it into a Greenwich Village clothing boutique. Click HERE to join the Inside Track now!

The Gentlemen's Association is a very serious members-only organization dedicated to the adornment of the jacket pocket. Every other month , you'll receive a pocket square, handmade in Los Angeles exclusively for Association members. Each of our fabrics is hand-selected by Put This On's Jesse Thorn - including vintage pieces, prints from the finest mills, and everything else in-between. As an added benefit, if you join for a full year, you'll receive not just a handsome discount, but also a bonus white linen square. Click HERE to join the Gentlemen's Association now!

Step 1

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Step 2

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Step 3

Get access to sweet sales or brand new pocket squares and look good doing it!

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