Most Favorite Authors Of This Week
I don't like people who take drugs ... customs men for example.
i dream a thousandwords before isleep.
Someday it will dawn on man that woman does not read the wonderful books with which he has filled his libraries, and though she may ...
Just when you think this war has taken everything you loved, you meet someone and realize that somehow you still have more to give.
Some people say a person receives a position in this church through revelation, and others say they get it through inspiration, but I say they ...
At the very crisis, when Satan seemed about to triumph, the Son of God came with the embassage of divine grace.
My granddad used to say, If everybody liked the same thing, they'd all be after your grandma.
When the police is corrupt,it says something about the government.At least.P. Hermans
Four major existential concerns - death, meaning in life, isolation, and freedom - play a crucial role in the inner life of every human being ...
Sculpture is the art of the intelligence.
The consistent and persistent man of average intelligence is more likely to succeed than an erratic and lazy genius.
Heroes, well, they don't live so long. But they're muy suave, and we all admire them.
You became to me the visible incarnation of that unseen ideal whose memory haunts us artists like an exquisite dream.
To get into just those situations where sham virtues will not suffice, but rather where, as with the ropedancer on his rope, one either falls ...
Perseverance never loses
Of the Sun, Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, The African Origins of Civilization
I remember some students in my high school who complained about the compulsory history classes. Young as we were, we didn't realize that the course ...
Gaining people's trust might be harder than gaining all creation. But, what is harder than gaining people's trust is having to abandon them.
I miss those times when I hadn't a clue.
To every person who has never experienced genuine love and kindness, may you still have the strength to find the love and light that exists ...
Defeat is only a word. Defeat was the beginning of a victory.
Win as though you were used to it, and lose as if you like it.
The question concerning Jesus: do you want to know the real story, or just the allegory?
One day this pain and hardships will make sense to us. Just don't give up
Don't major on the fall, major on getting up!
The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.
If the Apostle justly prohibits the use of unknown tongues in the church, much less would he have tolerated these artificial musical performances, which are ...
The most radical and far-reaching solutions often need rethinking of processes and deep questioning of the status quo-and these are hard.
I also know that Edison believed the moment between being awake and being asleep was a veil, and it was in that moment that we ...
When you're looking for something, you will find it.
Whether I scare some people or not, I don't give a hoot. If you're not scared by now, nothing can scare you.
The whole crowd interrupted and told him, 'No, we won't let you go. You have worked hard for our rights and you can't quit now.''Then,' ...
Magnus's ship would sail that night...His interest in the ship and his thoughts of an adventure to come made him regret his departure less, but ...
We want any effort on our part to be the winning effort. We don't want to be a drop in the bucket, we want to ...
Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
It's such a pity," I told her "that you were so afraid of love. I could've shown you landscapes behind my lightning & poetry.
Millions of Americans find community, comfort and support in their faith.
Decisions are always characterized by the lack of information and knowledge.
Everyone here seems to know exactly what they need, but I leave without a thing.
Oh, I've got the prettiest mother. I've got the nicest mother. That's what I tell everybody. I say I've got the sweetest mother in the ...
God remains silent so that men and women may speak, protest, and struggle. God remains silent so that people may really become people. When God ...
I like the challenge of getting players to rise to certain levels, but that's the easy part. The biggest challenge is to get them to ...
God chose what is weakest in the world to shame the strong.
I pretended not to see as Eddie kissed Jill goodbye and promised to see her soon.
The distance between Don Quixote and the petty bourgeois victim of advertising is not so great as romanticism would have us believe.
Why sacrifice the innocent? Why crucify mankind, Is it just life, or the deeds of an egocentric God? Why create a thief, the monster that ...
Following the herd reduces you to a cow.
Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting.
Porn is about orgasm. Erotica is about suspending orgasm.
You don't talk dirty to make him hot. You "talk dirty" to communicate what you need. And most guys, if you go, "Yeah, yeah, just ...
If you care to know, majority of successful people in the world were all struck by limitations in one way or the other. What made ...
My number one goal ... is to preserve the music industry. The only answer is the Internet ... none of the systems are more effective ...
Is not the commission of our Lord still binding upon us? Can we not do more than now we are doing?
If you don't understand white supremacy/racism ,everything that you do understand will only confuse you..
The main lesson is that just because something is too terrible to contemplate doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
Do not take the agenda that someone else has mapped out for your life.
We're only as needy as our unmet needs.
The purest natural food for human beings would be fresh, uncooked food and nuts. A fare which consists of three-quarters of vegetable food and one-quarter ...
Let us not forget the East Bank of the (River) Jordan, where seventy per cent of the inhabitants belong to the Palestinian nation.
By all means," said Richard. "Let's talk about something other than books. Something safer. Like politics or religion.
Hans Walter Wolff has suggested that the Sabbath is the great equalizer, for that day is a foretaste of the kingdom when all-great and small-are ...
One's life is short, but the life of the spirit is long.
Behind them, across the hall, the dancers shattered their roses on the floor, and Aedion grinned at his queen as the entire world went to ...
The once red leaf, the last of its clan, that dances as often as dance it can.
We assure you there is no separateness between you and God/Goddess/The All That Is other than your perception.
If you really want to dream, be fully awake.
Life is now and now is amazing.
The theory of high-intensity, anaerobic, bodybuilding exercise is not true because I or anyone else, no matter how many might agree, say it is true. ...
He acts without contact,instructs without meeting,guides without pointing.Desires do not conflict with Him,thoughts do not mingle with Him:His essence is without qualification (takyeef),His action without ...
Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.
We all have problems, but let's not kid ourselves: it's how we deal with them that makes the difference.
Enlightenment isn't when you go there; it's when there comes here.
The greatest obstacle to liberty is not the existence of evil rulers, but the belief in the existence of good rulers.
They knew the difference between thoroughness and overkill. It was like Jay Gatsby's library: the books were real, but the pages were uncut.
She was dazzling alight; it was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance.
I took the right leg of that woman's body, from the knee to the hip took the fat off and ate it while he stared ...
Historically the buffalo had more influence on man than all other Plains animals combined. It was life, food, raiment, and shelter to the Indians. The ...
It was easy to respect an invisible god. It was the ones that turned up everywhere, often drunk, that put people off.
Surely even a brief time is better than no time?
When I leave Somalia I will leave buildings but not people.
Cram as much pleasure as you can into life, and rail against the pain that you have to suffer as a result.
[Kandinsky] arrived, as they say, 'with snow on his boots', and it never really melted.
To grow up is to stop putting blame on parents
Exceptional talent does not always win its reward unless favored by exceptional circumstances.
Poetry is the sister of Sorrow. Every man that suffers and weeps is a poet; every tear is a verse, and every heart a poem.
It's been amazing to play a character that's known by so many people, especially because everyone knows at least something about Peter Pan.
The possibility of killing one's self is a safety valve. Having it, man has no right to say life is unbearable.
We are all leaders-whether we want to be or not. There is always someone we are influencing-either leading them to good-or away from good.
God's grace is the strength for every good deed.
Popularity is an element in any system, even the most autocratic and regimented, because it is so much easier to count heads or hands than ...
thanks to Harvey, the year I died had become the year I lived. I
Our love grows soft if it is not strengthened by truth, and our truth grows hard if it is not softened by love.
I definitely am afraid of the dark. Somehow, in my mind I can always come up with some horrific stuff to worry about.
Feeding our energy appetite is top of mind for many people these days.
We have contact with alien cultures.
We must be constantly aware that Satan can take any human effort and twist it to serve his own purposes.
Alp Arslan: "What would you do if I was brought before you as a prisoner?"Romanos: "Perhaps I'd kill you, or exhibit you in the streets ...
A locked-room problem lies at the heart of my new novel, 'In The Morning I'll Be Gone,' in which an RUC detective has to find ...
To lose your father is to lose the one whose guidance and help you seek, who supports you like a tree trunk supports its branches.
Here's that which is too weak to be a sinner, honest water, which ne'er left man i' the mire.