URGENT: Meet the Spiritual + Physical Needs of the Unreached
 Secret Church Happens April 11. Register Soon to Get Your Study Guide Shipped in Time.

3.2 billion people in the world are unreached: they will be born, live, and die without knowing the love of Jesus.

Yet only 1% of missions giving and 3% of missionaries work among the unreached.

Together we can change that.

Unreached people groups live in areas where Christ is unknown and there is little to no local church presence.

Côte d'Ivoire
North Korea
United Arab Emirates

Make Jesus known where he’s not yet known.


Through Radical’s Urgent Project, you can support biblically faithful and practically effective ministry efforts in hard-to-reach locations among a network of vetted and trusted partners that you otherwise may not have access to.

Regular updates are shared with our ministry partners in an effort to keep them informed about the impact that their involvement is making. Due to the strict security concerns relating to work being carried out in high-risk locations, specific details about on-the-ground activities will be restricted to protect the identity of our national field workers.

Radical’s Urgent Project is designed for individuals and churches to support gospel work without designating a specific project or place. Aggregating the resources given allows each gift to have greater impact and to be utilized to address the greatest need. 

Generally, we work in hard-to-reach locations where gospel work is difficult and/or where Christ is largely unknown and the church is relatively insufficient to make Christ known in its broader population without outside help.

Due to the nature of Radical’s Urgent Projects among high-risk and volatile locations, we are unable to host visits to field operations and projects.

We are encouraged to hear that God may be directing you to cross geographic, cultural, and/or linguistic barriers to make disciples and help plant healthy churches where Christ is not yet known.

If you haven’t already, connect with a pastor or trusted leader at your local church. It is ultimately the church’s role to prepare and send God’s people to the nations. 

For those who have been equipped and affirmed by their church to serve as global workers, Radical offers a training program in Western Asia that provides biblical instruction and helps future global workers develop the resiliency and practical skills necessary to make disciples and plant churches among some of the hardest-to-reach people and places on earth. Learn more about Radical’s Training program.

Your church can support work among the unreached through prayer and by giving financially to Radical’s Urgent Project. Urgent allows your church to join with thousands who are giving toward biblically faithful and practically effective projects among some of the hardest-to-reach people and places in the world. Please contact us to learn more or schedule a meeting.

We are encouraged to hear that God has stirred your heart to learn more about people and places where Christ is not yet known. Here are some great starting points for your interest:

Please email us with any questions that you have.