Listening and responding to the expectations of others is importance. Doing it in a way that honours who you are at your core is equally important. When both these echos align the inner and outer become one.
While having lunch with a colleague and I asked the person “what is your new year resolution?” The answer I got was “I want to re- brand myself. I want to be able to share more about what I want in life and work. I feel I am doing what others expect of me. This year I want to do more of what I want.” This idea of being more honest with oneself and those around me resonated. How to do this delicate dance, honouring self and also be of service to others? I believe the answer lies in disintegration and integration. Being open and willing to change, while holding onto one’s core self.
What does this look like? An integration of self into all that is my life. I love the idea. It infuses new flavours into what is. Allowing what needs to remain to be there but still brings out the best and accentuates and highlights things and people that matter to me. This disintegration and integration can happen when the external and internal echoes of expectation are given equal importance.
The way a good company behaves is similar. It is focused on its reason to exist, but it exists in harmony with the ecosystem it operates in. When this integrity of behaviour (to self and others) is displayed, reputation is strengthened. And from this strong foundation like an echo one’s reputation will reach the world. When others say … “Nikhil is a wealth of information on reputation management…” or “Nikhil is a wonderful leadership and life coach…” this is how reputation gets built.
Actions they say always speak louder than words. Sometimes when you want to change perceptions a good way to go about it is to modify behaviour. Behave your way out of it…
For example, if Amy is always late and gets labelled as Amy come lately. Then Amy decides that she is going to be 10 minutes early. A few months later she is now called Amy the early bird. In the context of crisis communication, I always remind people “you can’t communicate your way out of a crisis that you have acted your way into.” Communication is the second step that follows the right remedial action.
Listening and responding has always been a great way to be welcomed and valued. Just remember to begin by listening to yourself. To welcome and value who you are is where the journey begins and ends.
A reputation that is built on this foundation will stand strong because it connects the inner you with the personal brand that gets built around the core self. Asking the right questions of yourself is a great starting point. Sometimes it’s helpful to hear yourself when another is asking the questions of you. A good coach can play a pivotal role in enabling this alignment.
What are my expectations of me this year?
Simply to allow myself to feel more and be honest with myself. Simple but not easy. Feeling mode on, let’s see what the echos bring forth. I’m listening with all my senses. Are you pausing to listen to yourself?
Here are a few questions to get you started on your journey of self-discovery.
- What are your expectations of you this year?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate yourself in this context presently?
- How will you know if you have met your expectations?
- What is the significance of meeting this expectation? What changes for you?
Pay attention to the echos of your expectations, it’s a great way to grow yourself and your reputation.
The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.
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