What’s Next in Quantum is quantum-centric
A key factor in classical supercomputing is the intersection of communication and computation. The same holds true for quantum. Quantum-centric supercomputing utilizes a modular architecture to enable scaling. It combines quantum communication and computation to increase system capacity, and uses a hybrid cloud middleware to seamlessly integrate quantum and classical workflows. To realize this next wave in quantum we are building a new system called Quantum System Two. See our quantum development roadmap
Program real quantum systems
IBM offers cloud access to the most advanced quantum computers available. Learn, develop, and run programs with our quantum applications and systems.
Our work
Release news: Qiskit SDK v1.3 is here!
ReleaseQiskit TeamDemonstrating a true realization of quantum-centric supercomputing
ExplainerRyan Mandelbaum and Iskandar SitdikovThe path to more powerful — and efficient — AI systems
NewsMike MurphyIBM Quantum delivers on performance challenge made two years ago
NewsJay Gambetta and Ryan MandelbaumNew fractional gates reduce circuit depth for utility-scale workloads
ReleaseDaniella Garcia Almeida, Kaelyn Ferris, Naoki Kanazawa, Blake Johnson, and Robert DavisIBM announces the winners of the 2024 Pat Goldberg competition
News- See more of our work on Quantum
Qiskit: Open-Source Quantum Development
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules.