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Post Nominals BSc Hons, PhD, FRSE
Biography Professor Linda Lawton is an internationally renowned researcher with over 35 years experience in the study of toxic cyanobacteria. Linda joined RGU in 1994 as a Lecturer and in 2000 progressed to a Reader. In 2007 she gained Professor status and in 2021 was granted Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE). Linda has outstanding success in international research collaboration and the award of major research grants totally close to £10 Million have facilitated the establishment of a research group that is world leading in cyanotoxin detection and treatment.

Linda's principal outstanding contribution has been developing the seminal detection method for blue-green algal (cyanobacterial) toxins in drinking water which is now used worldwide. This includes having trained 100s of analysts on every continent to detect these potent chemicals which can result in cancer and organ damage. Reliable detection of the key class of toxin, the microcystins, enabled the WHO to introduce guideline values for acceptable levels in drinking water. Furthermore, the development of mass culturing and isolation procedures to ensure the global availability of analytical standards for a wide panel of cyanotoxins has grown into a significant commercial venture with a US-based biochemical company. A further significant achievement resulting from this work is the availability of robust techniques allowing for the replacement of animal testing in toxin detection.

Linda has been invited to give over 50 lectures worldwide for international professional bodies including American Water Works Association (AWWA), International Water Association (IWA), United States Environmental Protection Agency advising Congress (USEPA), Royal Society (water quality in Ghana delegation), United Nations Association. Linda's research has resulted in over 100 refereed publications in high quality international journals (within the top 75% i.e. Q1) and Linda has an h-index of 45. She has also published over 20 books chapters most of which were by invitation.
Research Interests Lead of the Environmental Engineering Research Group

The study of cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria production of cyanotoxin
Development of cyanotoxin detection methods
Water treatment strategies for the removal of cyanotoxins contamination
Scopus Author ID 7004676749
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Advanced water treatment
All aspects of Cyanotoxins research
Isolating novel bioactive compounds
Environmental Microbiology