anice Marie Horne Brown was born in Wilson, North Carolina. She lived most of her childhood in Elm City, North Carolina. During her last year in high school, she met and married her high school swe...vizualizați mai multeanice Marie Horne Brown was born in Wilson, North Carolina. She lived most of her childhood in Elm City, North Carolina. During her last year in high school, she met and married her high school sweetheart Prentis Brown Jr, a Sergeant in the United States Air Force. After graduating from high school, she moved to Fayetteville, North Carolina. She is blessed with a wonderful son, Prentis Brown III and later a beautiful daughter-in-law Victoria Boykins-Brown who has a very sweet spirit and a special place in her heart. Janice is very close to her family whom she considers very special and the second most important to her. In 1987, she became a born again Christian and she loves the Lord her Savior Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. She is strongly convinced that God is the first and the center of her life!vizualizați mai puține