Caiet de Rezumate Denta Oradeana 2012

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Caiet de rezumate
18 20 octombrie 2012

Editura Universitii din Oradea

ISBN 978- 606 -10 0932 9

Presedintele congresului:

Comitetul stiintific:

Prof.Dr. Alexandru Bucur Conf.Dr. Mircea Suciu

Prof.Dr. Radu Septimiu Campian Conf.Dr. Ioan Tig
Prof.Dr. Augustin Mihai Conf.Dr. Ligia Vaida
Prof.Dr. Constantin Romanul Conf.Dr.Cristian Ratiu
Conf.Dr.Petru Lajosi Sef. Lucr.Dr. Dan Bonta
Conf.Dr. Adriana Pirte Sef. Lucr. Dr. Ramona Popovici

Comitet de organizare:

Sef. Lucrari Dr. Camelia Dalai Asist.Dr. Adrian Almasi

Sef. Lucrari Dr. Ioana Ignat Romanul Asist.Dr. Liana Balaj
Sef. Lucrari Dr. Anca Porumb Asist.Dr. Cristian Porumb
Sef. Lucrari Dr. Alin Sandru Asist. Dr. Liana Todor
Sef. Lucrari Dr. Dan Slavescu

Marian Marius
Plesca Angela



18.10.2012 20.10.2012, ORADEA

JOI 18.10.2012

9.00 - 9.30 - Deschiderea oficial.

Moderatori: Prof. Dr. Constantin Romanul, Conf.dr. Adriana Pirte

9.30 - 11.30 - Prof. Dr. Alexandru Bucur Chirurgia ortognata

intre estetica si functionaliate

11.30 - 11.45 - Coffee break.

11.45 - 13.30 - Prof. Dr. Gen. Mihai Augustin - Implantologia

oral prezent i viitor

13.30 15.00 Pauz de mas.

Moderatori: Conf.Dr. Ligia Vaida, Sef. Lucr. Dr. Alin Sandru

15.00 17.00 - Prof. Dr. Radu Cmpian - Aspecte particulare ale

ofertei i cererii de servicii stomatologice n Romnia

17.00 - 17.15 Coffee break.

17.15- 18.15 ef Lucrri Dr. Ramona Amina Popovici - Profilaxia

factorilor de risc n anomaliile dento-maxilare

VINERI, 19.10.2012

Moderatori: Conf.dr. Petru Lajosi, Sef. Lucr. Dr. Dan Bonta

9.30 10.30 - Conf. Dr. Ligia Vaida - Premise pentru modelarea

comportamental a pacienilor in ortodonie

10.30 11.30 - Conf. Dr. Mircea Suciu - Posibiliti i limite n

protezarea compozit

11.30 11.45 - Coffee break.

11.45 12.00 Investigatia CBCT - De ce si cand? Prezentare

Alpha Digital Center

12.00 13.00 - Conf. Dr. Adriana Pirte, Conf. Dr. Ioan ig -

Cunoaterea morfologiei canalelor radiculare condiie esenial
pentru un tratament endodontic corect

13.00 13.15 Prezentare Medica M3

13.15 15.00 Pauz de mas.

Moderatori: Conf. Dr. Ioan Tig, Asist.Dr. Adrian Almasi

15.00 16.00 ef Lucrri Dr. Dan Bonta - Protocoale de

dezinfecie i sterilizare n cabinetul de medicin dentar

16.00 16.20 - Prezentare MIP Pharma Romania SRL

16.20 16.30 - Coffee break.

16.30 17.30 - ef Lucrri Dr. Diana Pelea Saliva implicare

n patologia carioas i boala parodontal

17.30 18.30 - ef Lucrri Dr. Diana Pelea Metode clasice i

moderne de eficientizare a antibioterapiei n patologia infecioas
SMBT, 20.10.2012

Moderatori: Sef Lucr.Dr. Ioana Ignat Romanul, Asist.Dr. Liana

Todor, Asist.Dr. Liana Balaj

9.00 9.45 - Conf. Dr. Petru Lajosi - Afeciunile mucoasei bucale

9.45 11.45 Sesiune de comunicri tiinifice cadre didactice

1. Motivarea studentului mijloc de eficientizare a procesului

Gabriela Ciavoi

2. Proportia de aur
Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei

3. Dintii amprenta corpului fizic

Carmen Costras

4. Ce tratam in cabinetul de stomatologie ?

Carmen Costras

5. Caracteristici endo-orale si faciale la copii in perioada de

Ligia Vaida, Olivia Burt, Adriana Pirte, Anca Porumb, Alice
Moldovan, Maria Vranu, Albinia Cuc, Raluca Dima, Clin Anghel

6. Frecventa afectiunilor pulpare si parodontale la pacientii care

s-au adresat UPU- SMURD Bihor.
Iurcov Raluca, Slavescu Dacia, Anghel Andra, Anghel Calin, Ligia

7. Modificari salivare in cariogeneza.

Ioana Scrobot, Adriana Pirte, Radu Cosmin Scrobot

8. Reconstituirea directa corono-radiculara cu ajutorul pivotilor
de sticla.
Liana Todor

9. Raportul de aur legatura dintre medicina si arta.

Liana Todor, Corina Pantea, Ioan Pantea

10. Anomalii dentare de structura la un lot de 594 copii din zona

Stei, judetul Bihor.
Anca Porumb, Ioana Ignat-Romanul, Ligia Vaida, Camelia Dalai,
Liana Todor, Ioan Tig

11. Alternative in abordarea materialelor de coafaj direct in

endodontie: MTA/ Ciment Portland.
Diana Berechet, Cristina Toma

12. Consideraii clinice asupra eficienei tratamentului

endodontic n controlul infeciei periapicale
Diana Berechet

11.45 12.00 Coffee break.

12.00 13.00 Sesiune de comunicri tiinifice studenti

1. Principiul functional, mechanic si profilactic in restaurarea

Mihai-tefan Benchea, Bianca-Maria Stani, Liana Todor

2. Estetica in protetica dentara.

Lavinia Biri, Sorana Butea, Alexandra Clin, Alexandru Ivasuc,
Floare Nsui, Ioana Sandor, Brigitta Szabo.

3. Anestezice locale. Anestezia dentara.

Lavinia Biri

4. Hibridizarea plagii dentinare.
Jessica Chereches, Ioan-Paul Pop, Petru Lajosi

5.Coafajul indirect.
Jessica Chereches, Adriana Pirte

6. Restaurari protetice fizionomice in distructiile coronare

Bianca-Maria Stani, Corina Pantea

13.00 13.30 Sesiune postere

1. Criterii de selectie a materialelor de cimentare in protetica fixa.

Andreea Surtea

2. Concepte de management a cabinetului de medicina dentara.

Amelia Cristea, Lucia Ungurean

3. Restaurari dentare cu ajutorul rasinilor compozite.

Adriana Pirte, Gabriela Ciavoi, Anca Porumb, Eliza Seche, Andreea
Surtea, Ligia Vaida

4. Factori de conditionare in fidelitatea amprentarii.

Amelia Cristea

5. Interdisciplinaritatea necesitate pentru un tratament

stomatologic corect
Gabriela Ciavoi, Violeta Radu, Raluca Dima

6. Eruptia dentara normala si patologica.

Constantin Romanul, Ioana Ignat-Romanul, Bianca Stani, Mihai

7. Efectele radioprotectoare ale unor substante asupra

parodontiului in raportcu radioprotectia generala.
Eliza Seche

8. Albirea dintilor aplicatii ; efecte si particularitati.
Andreea Surtea

9. Inlocuirea obturatiilor de amalgam - mit sau necesitate ?

Adriana Pirte, Andreea Surtea, Ioan Tig

10. Posibilitati de profilaxie dentara, folosite la copii prescolari.

Albinita Cuc, O.Cuc

11. Refaceri coronare din materiale compozite pe structuri de

smalt estetica microscopica.
Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei

12. Rezultate ale cercetarilor histochimice la sobolanii nou

nascuti iradiati.
Eliza Seche

13. Estetica, functionalitate si profilaxie in terapia dentara.

Camelia Dalai, Ciprian Dalai, Bianca Stani, Mihai-tefan Benchea

14. Proteza partiala fixa vs implant.

Anca Bron, Bianca Stani, Andreea urtea

SMBT, 20.10.2012

Cu ncepere de la ora 9.00 Asist. Univ. Dr. Cristian Porumb

Hands-on lefuirea i amprentarea pentru coroanele integral



Mihai-tefan Benchea1, Bianca-Maria Stani1, Liana Todor2

studeni anul V, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
specializarea Medicin Dentar
asist. univ. Dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Proteza parial fix asigur refacerea

morfologic a arcadelor dentare astfel nct s redea funcia
masticatorie, fonetic i fizionomic.
Scop: Scopul acestei lucrri este evidenierea importanei
aplicrii celor trei principii (funcional, mecanic i profilactic)
n realizarea restaurrilor fixe pentru a obine lucrri protetice
stabile, cu un sacrificiu minim de esut dentar i care vor reface
nu numai funcia masticatorie ci i pe cea fonetic.
Material i metod: Necesitatea mbinrii celor trei principii
va fi exemplificat printr-un caz clinic cu edentaie intercalat
la nivelul arcadei maxilare soluionat cu o punte fix metalo-
ceramic. Trebuie s existe o privire de ansamblu asupra celor
trei principii ntruct optimizarea unuia dintre ele poate s
influeneze n mod negativ altul (exemplu: ndeprtarea unei
cantiti prea mari de substan dur pentru a asigura o anumit
grosime placajului ceramic din motive estetice va afecta
vitalitatea esutului pulpar i rezistena dintelui va fi
Rezultate: O preparare optim a bonturilor, de obicei, presupune
un compromis ntruct unul dintre principii trebuie s acorde
prioritate altora n funcie de particularitatea cazului.
Concluzii: Toate elementele sistemului stomatognat sunt
exprimate clinic i paraclinic, diagnosticate i restaurate dup
criterii nu numai individuale ci i n funcie de relaia dintre ele.
Cuvinte cheie: principiu, restaurare fix, profilaxie.

Mihai-tefan Benchea1, Bianca-Maria Stani1, Liana Todor2

students Vth year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
asist. univ. PhD, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry

Introduction: Fixed partial prosthesis ensures the

morphological reconstruction of the dental arches in order to
restore the chewing, phonetic and aesthetical function.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of
implementing the three fundamentals (functional, mechanical and
prophylactic) in fixed restorations in order to achieve stable
prosthesis, with a minimum sacrifice of dental tissues which will
fulfill both mastication and phonetic function.
Material and method: The necessity to combine the three
fundamentals will be explained on a clinical case with presents an
intercalated edentulism on the upper maxillary solved with a fixed
metal-porcelain bridge. Dentists should have an overview of the
three principles because optimizing one of them will negatively
affect the other (e.g.: sacrificing a large amount of dental tissues
will ensure a certain thickness of the porcelain in order to
accomplish the aesthetical function but will affect the tooth
vitality and the tooth strength will be considerably reduced).
Results: Usually, an optimal preparation of the tooth involves
a compromise because one of the fundamentals has to outrank
another depending on the particularities of the case.
Conclusions: Each element of the dento-maxillary apparatus is
clinically and paraclinically represented, diagnosed and
restored considering not only individual criteria but also the
relation between them.
Key words: fundamental, fixed prosthesis, prophylaxis.

Diana Berechet, Cristina Toma

Catedra Odontologie, Endodonie, Patologie Oral,
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie I. Haieganu Cluj-Napoca

Introducere: De la introducerea MTA (mineral trioxide

aggregate) n 1993 n practica stomatologic, la nceput ca
material de obturaie retrograd, s-au publicat numeroase studii
privind caracteristicile variate ale acestuia. Astfel, MTA, unul
din cele mai versatile materiale bioactive, are numeroase
aplicaii clinice n endodonie i este folosit n prezent pentru
sigilarea pulpei dentare expuse (coafaj direct i pulpotomie), a
comunicrilor dintre sistemul endodontic i esuturile
periapicale, perforaii, apexificri.
Material i metod: S-au luat n considerare 60 de articole de
specialitate disponibile n baza de date Medline i Scopus care
trateaz n mod relevant proprietilor fizico-chimice, biologice
i antibacteriene ale MTA i cimentului Portland.
Rezultate: Datele din literatur ofer informaii relevante n
ceea ce privete similaritatea celor dou materiale, att n ceea
ce privete biocompatibilitatea, ct icapacitatea de a induce
repararea osoas.
Concluzii: MTA i cimentul Portland reprezint o alternativ
la materialele clasice utilizate n endodonie.
n unele studii clinice, se ia n considerare folosirea cimentului
Portland ca i substitut pentru MTA.
Cuvinte cheie: coafaj direct, endodonie, MTA, ciment Portlan


Diana Berechet, Cristina Toma

Catedra Odontologie, Endodonie, Patologie Oral,
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie I. Haieganu Cluj-Napoca

Introduction: Since MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate) first

appeared in 1993 in dental practice, used as a retrograde filling
material, many studies have been published on its various
features. Thus, MTA, one of the most versatile bioactive
materials, has many clinical applications in endodontics and is
nowadays used for sealing off exposed pulp (direct capping and
pulpotomy), communications between the root canal system and
periapical tissues, perforation repair and apexification.
Material and method: 60 papers were reviewed from the
Medline and Scopus database, using specific keywords, that dealt
with physico-chemical, biological and antimicrobial of MTA and
Portland cement.
Results: Literature data provide relevant information regarding
the similarity of the two materials, both in terms of
biocompatibility, as to induce bone repair induction.
Conclusions: MTA and Portland cement represent an alternative
to traditional materials used in endodontics. Some clinical trials
consider using Portland cement as a substitute for MTA.
Keywords: direct pulp capping, endodontics, MTA, Portland


Diana Berechet
Catedra Odontologie, Endodonie, Patologie Oral,
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie I. Haieganu Cluj-Napoca

Introducere: Lucrarea urmrete rolul infeciei periapicale n

prognosticul terapiei endodontice efectuate n cazul dinilor
diagnosticai cu parodontit apical.
Material i metod: n urma investigaiilor clinice i
paraclinice a fost luat n considerare un lot de 56 de pacieni, la
care au fost tratai endodontic 72 de dini, din care 35 au fost
diagnosticai cu parodontite apicale acute i 37 cu parodontite
apicale cronice. n funcie de metoda de tratament aleas,
pacienii au fost mprii randomizat n 3 grupuri: grupul 1
pacieni cu dini tratai ntr-o singur edin (metoda 1);
grupul al 2-lea: pacieni cu dini la care se aplic medicaie
intracanalar pn la urmtoarea edin (metoda 2); grupul al
3-lea: pacieni cu dini nchii etan coronar, dup prepararea
chemomecanic cu hipoclorit de sodiu 5,25%.
Rezultate: Dup ncheierea tratamentului endodontic, pacienii
au fost evaluai att din punct de vedere clinic, ct i radiologic
la 3, 6, respectiv 12 luni de la tratament, pentru a urmri o
eventual reacutizare i vindecarea parodontitei apicale.
Concluzii: Au fost observate doar diferene minime n
vindecarea periapical ntre cele 3 grupuri.
Cuvinte cheie: parodontit apical, tratament endodontic,
radiografie retroalveolar


Diana Berechet
Catedra Odontologie, Endodonie, Patologie Oral,
Universitatea de Medicin i Farmacie I. Haieganu Cluj-Napoca

Introduction: This paper investigates the role of periapical

infection in endodontic treatment prognosis in teeth diagnosed
with apical periodontitis.
Material and method: 56 patients were considered after
clinical and radiological investigation; 72 teeth were
endodonticaly treated, of which 35 were diagnosed with acute
apical periodontitis and 37 with chronic apical periodontitis.
According to the treatment method, the patients were randomly
divided into 3 groups: 1st group patients treated within one
appointment, 2nd group patients treated with intracanal
medication until the next appointment, 3rd group- patients with
teeth sealed with temporary fillings until the next appointment,
after chemomechanical preparation with 5.25% sodium
Results: After completing the endodontic treatment, the
patients were evaluated both clinically and radiographically at
3, 6, and 12 months after treatment, in order to asses a possible
rebound and recovery of apical periodontitis.
Conclusions: Minimal differences of periapical healing
between the 3 groups were observed.
Keywords: apical periodontitis, endodontic treatment, retro-
alveolar radiography


Lavinia Biri1, Sorana Butea, Alexandra Clin, Alexandru

Ivasuc, Floare Nsui, Ioana Sandor, Brigitta Szabo.
Student FMF Oradea, specializarea Medicin Dentar, anul
V, grupa 2.

Introducere: Aceast prezentare conine date generale i

statistice cu privire la Estetica Dentar, frumuseea n concepia
marilor filosofi, caracteristicile zmbetului perfect, proporia
divin [raportul de Au], precum i caracteristicile sistemului
Munsell. Estetica reprezint tiina care se ocup cu studiul
categoriilor i legilor artei, considerat ca fiind cea mai nalt
form de creaie i receptare a frumosului. Utilizndu-se
criteriile generale de frumusee, specialitii n estetic dentar
au reuit standardizarea caracteristicilor zmbetului perfect,
cu toate elementele componente: buze, zona de gingie fix i
Scop: Prezentarea se adreseaz att studenilor la Medicin
Dentar, ct i medicilor dentiti practicieni, avnd ca scop
informarea acestora cu privire la noiunile de estetic dentar,
respectiv caracteristicile zmbetului perfect, a proporiei
divine aplicate n medicina dentar, ct i a sistemului Munsell.
Material i metod: S-a urmrit evaluarea criteriilor de
apreciere a aspectului estetic, att al feei, ct i cel al lucrrilor
protetice: culoarea dinilor, nclinarea axial, punctele de
contact. S-au evaluat caracteristicile zmbetului perfect,
proporiile dinilor anteriori n raport cu propoia divin i
determinanta cromatic, n concordan cu literatura actual, de
specialitate n domeniu. n cadrul prezentrii s-au folosit
imagini, tabele, respectiv diagrame sugestive, n vederea
obinerii unei interpretri corecte a informaiilor expuse.
Rezultate: Proporia divin sau raportul de aur, respectiv
1/1.618, este o constant regsit permanent n toate formele
considerate frumoase sau proporionale. Acest raport poate fi
regsit la persoanele considerate frumoase ntre elementele
principale ale figurii ca de exemplu: limea albului ochilor
distana dintre albul celor doi ochi (12), limea nasului-limea
gurii, linia bipupilar-fanta labial - gnation. Restrngnd
teoria proporiei divine la nivelul zmbetului perfect se
consider c un raport ideal ntre nlimea i limea ambilor
centrali este de 1/1.618. n realizarea complexului estetic al
feei intervin o serie de factori, printre care: proporiile dinilor
anteriori i alegerea culorii acestora.
Concluzii: Manipularea luminii, culorii, iluziei i a formei
pentru a crea o situaie mai estetic dect cea existent original
este responsabilitatea medicului stomatolog. Atractivitatea
general este cel mai des corelat cu cea a feei: ochii i dinii
constituie polii atractivi ai feei n timpul comunicrii. Dinii
nu sunt ntotdeauna proporionali cu faa pacientului. De aceea
medicul dentist trebuie s i exercite controlul artistic pentru a
obine cele mai bune rezultate n estetic.
Cuvinte cheie: frumusee, proporie divin, zmbet perfect,
sistem Munsell.


Lavinia Biri1, Sorana Butea, Alexandra Clin, Alexandru

Ivasuc, Floare Nsui, Ioana Sandor, Brigitta Szabo.
Student - FMF Oradea, Dental Medicine specialty, 5th year,
2nd group.

Introduction: This presentation contains general information

and statistics on cosmetic dentistry, beauty in great
philosophers conception, "perfect smile" characteristics, the
divine proportion and Munsell system characteristics.
Aesthetics is the science dealing with the study of art
categories and laws, regarded as the highest form of creation
and perception of beauty. Using general criteria of beauty,
aesthetic dental specialists have succeeded "perfect smile"
characteristics standardization with all components: lips, gum
area and teeth.
Purpose: The presentation addresses both students in Dentistry
and dental practitioners, aimed at informing them about the
concepts of aesthetic dentistry, that features "perfect smile",
divine proportion applied to dentistry and Munsell system.
Methods: Aimed to assess aesthetic criteria for evaluation of
both the face and that of dentures: tooth color, axial tilt, the
contact points. They evaluated the perfect smile, the
proportions of anterior teeth in relation to divine proportion
determining color, in line with current literature, expert in the
field. During the presentation we used pictures, charts, or
diagrams suggestive to obtain a correct interpretation of the
information displayed.
Results: "Divine proportion" or "golden ratio" and 1/1.618, is a
constant always found in all forms considered beautiful or
proportionate. This report can be found in people considered
"beautiful" figure among the main elements such as: wide eyes
- the distance between the two eyes white (12), wide nose,
wide mouth, bipupilar-line slot lip - gnation. Applying divine
proportion theory to the perfect smile, it is considered that an
ideal proportion between height and width of both central
incisors must be 1/1.618. The complex aesthetic aspect of the
face involves a number of factors, including: the extent of
anterior teeth and their color choice.
Conclusions: Manipulation of light, color, illusion and form to
create a more aesthetic aspect than the original is dentist
responsibility. General attractiveness is most often linked to
the face: eyes and teeth are attractive poles of the face during
communication. Teeth are not always proportional to the

patient. Therefore dentist must exercise artistic control to
achieve the best aesthetic results.
Keywords: beauty, divine proportion, perfect smile, Munsell


Lavinia Biri1
Student FMF Oradea, specializarea Medicin Dentar, anul
V, grupa 2.

Introducere: Aceast prezentare conine date generale i

statistice cu privire la anestezicele folosite n medicina dentar,
metodele de anesteziere, precum i riscul apariiei reaciilor
alergice la acestea.
Scop: Prezentarea se adreseaz studenilor la Medicin
Dentar, avnd ca scop informarea acestora cu privire la
tipurile de substane anestezice, metodele de anestezie loco-
regional i efectele loco-regionale i generale ale anesteziei n
medicina dentar.
Material i metod: Prezentarea s-a realizat prin sinteza
informaiilor cu privire la subiectul ales, prezente n cri,
articole i pagini web de specialitate, actuale n domeniu. n
cadrul prezentrii s-au folosit imagini, tabele, respectiv
diagrame sugestive, n vederea obinerii unei interpretri
corecte a informaiilor expuse.
Rezultate: La ora actual, anestezia n medicina dentar
cuprinde att metodele consacrate de anestezie loco-regional
(anestezia de contact, anestezia prin infiltraie), ct i metode
moderne de anestezie prin hipnoz, acupunctur, audio-
analgezie, anlectrotonus sau prin aer rece.
Concluzii: Metodele de anestezie i tipul de substan
anestezic se individualizeaz n funcie de starea clinic a
pacientului i de tipul manoperei clinice realizate. Incidena
toxicitii n administrarea anesteziilor locale n medicina
dentar este extrem de rar, aparnd de obicei la pacienii cu
stri fiziologice anormale i nu se datoreaz manoperei
incorecte de administrare a anestezicului. Pentru prevenirea
reaciilor de hipersensibilitate sau a celor de tip alergic, este
necesar efectuarea unui test alergologic tuturor pacienilor
Cuvinte cheie: anestezie, metode de anestezie, substane
anestezice, reacii alergice.


Lavinia Biri1
Student - FMF Oradea, Dental Medicine specialty, 5th year,
2nd group.

Introduction: This presentation contains general information

and statistics on the anesthetics used in dentistry, methods of
anesthesia and the risk of allergic reactions to them.
Purpose: The presentation is aimed at students in Dentistry,
aimed at informing them about the types of anesthetics,
methods of loco-regional anesthesia and the effects of loco-
regional and general anesthesia in dentistry.
Methods: The presentation was made by synthesis of
information on the chosen topic, present in books, articles and
web pages specialized in the field today.
During the presentation we used pictures, charts, or diagrams
suggestive to obtain a correct interpretation of the information
Results: Currently, anesthesia in dentistry includes both
established methods of loco-regional anesthesia (anesthesia
contact infiltration anesthesia) and modern methods of
anesthesia by hypnosis, acupuncture, audio-analgesia,
anlectrotonus or cold air.
Conclusions: Methods of anesthesia and anesthetic type
substance is individualized depending on the clinical condition
of the patient and the clinical labor type.
The incidence of toxicity in the administration of local
anesthesia in dentistry is extremely rare, appearing often in
patients with abnormal physiological and not due to improper
workmanship anesthetic management.
To prevent hypersensitivity reactions or allergic ones, it is
necessary to perform an allergy test to all suspected patients.
Keywords: anesthesia, methods of anesthesia, anesthetics,
allergic reactions.



Dan Florin Bonta

Departamentul de medicin dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie Oradea, Universitatea din Oradea.

Curenia n cabinetul de medicin dentar reprezint o

preocupare constant i o obligaie pentru fiecare medic dentist
care lucreaz ntr-o unitate public sau privat. Termeni ca
dezinfecie, sterilizare, asepsie i antisepsie sunt foarte des
uilizai, dar nu ntotdeauna sensul lor este bine cunoscut de
medici. Lucrarea de fa realizeaz o sintez a normelor de
dezinfecie, curenie, sterilizare n ceea ce privete cabinetul
de medicin dentar. La ora actual exist mai multe legi care
reglementeaz procesul de curenie i sterizlizare precum i
substanele biocide care trebuie folosite pentru ca dezinfecia i
sterilizarea s fie eficiente. Toate modalitile i protocoalele
de lucru privind echipamentul, suprafeele i insrumentarul
sunt trecute n revist i detaliate pentru a fi nelese de medicii
practicieni. Nerespectarea procedurilor i neexecutarea tuturor
protocoalelor a trage rspundere a celui responsabil de
executarea acestor manopere. Medicul practician este
responsabil prin fia postului de supravegherea i urmrirea
realizrii cureniei i dezinfeciei. Exist mai multe organe
abilitate care pot controla toate aceste protocoale i manopere
care trebuie consemnate n registre speciale i evideniate prin
diferite documente. Medicii practicieni trebuie s
contientizeze importana acestor protocoale i manopere pe
care trebuie s le aplice i s urmreasc personalul abilitat cu
realizarea acestor obiective.
Cuvinte cheie: dezinfecie, sterilizare, curenie, protocoale.



Dan Florin Bonta

Dentistry department, The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Oradea University

The cleanliness in the consulting room represents a constant

concern and an obligation for each dentist who works in a
public or private unit. Terms like disinfection, sterilization,
asepsis and anti-asepsis are often used, but their meaning isnt
always well known by the dentists. This paper work does a
synthesis of disinfection norms, cleanliness, sterilization in
what the dentistry consulting room is concerned with. At this
moment there are several laws that regulate the cleanliness
and sterilizing process, as well as biocides that must be used
so that disinfection and sterilization are efficient. All the
modalities and the protocols concerned with the equipment,
the surfaces and the tools are illustrated in the magazine and
are very detailed in order to be understood by the practitioner
doctors. By not following the procedures and by not executing
all the protocols will bear the responsibility on those who are
officially in charge of this process . The practitioner doctor is
responsible by means of job description of surveillance and
pursuit of cleanliness and disinfection. There are several orangs
that are able to control all these protocols and manual labours
that have to be signed in special registers and highlighted by
means of various documents. The practitioner doctors have to
be aware of the importance of these protocols and manual
labours and they have to make sure that people in charge with
these tasks really do them.


Anca Bron1, Bianca Stani1, Andreea urtea2

studente anul V, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
specializarea Medicin Dentar
asist. univ., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Protetica dentar este specialitatea medicinei

dentare care se ocup de diagnosticarea, tratamentul,
reabilitarea i meninerea morfo-funcional i estetic a
aparatului dento-maxilar al pacientului prin nlocuirea dinilor
i esuturilor pierdute cu substitute artificiale numite proteze.
Scop: Compararea avantajelor i dezavantajelor tratamentului
protetic prin proteze pariale fixe adezive (puntea de colaj
Maryland) cu avantajele i dezavantajele tratamentului protetic
prin protezare pe implant. De asemenea, se evideniaz
indicaiile i contraindicaiile celor dou metode de tratament.
Material i metod: Vom prezenta dou cazuri clinice cu
edentaie unidentar n zona frontal rezolvate terapeutic prin
protezare pe implant i printr-o punte adeziv. Pentru edentaii
unidentare nu se justific sacrificarea dinilor adiaceni
sntoi. Un implant este o alternativ pentru pacienii cu
suficient suport osos si care doresc o intervenie chirurgical
Rezultate: Puntea adeziv cu costuri i sacrificiu dentar
minim rezolv aspectul fizionomic n cazul tinerilor cu
agenezie dentar i cu maxilarul n dezvoltare, metod care
poate fi nlocuit ulterior dup finalizarea creterii osoase cu
implantul dentar.
Concluzii: O punte adeziv poate rezolva situaia, fiind nc o
soluie de actualitate n tratamentul protetic, chiar dac este o
metod clasic spre deosebire de implant care este o metod
Cuvinte cheie: proteza parial fix adeziv/de tip Maryland,
implant, tratament protetic.


Anca Bron1, Bianca Stani1, Andreea urtea2

students Vth year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
asist. univ., Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry

Introduction: Dental prosthetics is the part of dentistry that

diagnoses, treats, rehabilitates and assures the morphological,
functional and aesthetic function of the stomatognathic system
by replacing lost teeth and tissues with artificial substitutes
called prosthesis.
Purpose: comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the
treatment using fixed Maryland prosthesis with the advantages
and disadvantages of the treatment using implants. Also, it
emphasizes the indications and contraindications of the both
ways of treatment.
Material and method: There are presented two clinical cases both
with one missing teeth in the aesthetic zone one treated using
implant and another using the Maryland prosthesis. For only one
missing tooth it is not justified sacrificing the adjacent teeth. An
implant is the best alternative for patients with enough bone support
and who desire a minimal surgical intervention.
Results: The Maryland prosthesis with minimal costs and dental
sacrifices solves the aesthetic function for young people with dental
agenesis and with growing maxillaries, method that can be replaced
with implants after the growth of maxillaries has ended.
Conclusion: The Maryland prosthesis can be used for
prosthetic treatment because it is still used even though it is a
classical method compared to implants which represent a
modern method.
Key words: fixed partial adhesive prosthesis/ Maryland,
implant, prosthetic therapy.


Jessica Chereches, Studenta, Medicina Dentara anul IV, Oradea,

Ioan-Paul Pop, Student, Medicina Dentara anul IV, Oradea
Prof. coordonator: Conf. dr. Lajosi Petru

Introducere: Plaga dentinara este leziunea dentinara rezultata in

urma prepararii unei cavitati carioase sau a pregatirii bontului in vederea
realizarii unei lucrari protetice. Pe suprafata plagii dentinare exista detritus
dentinar remanent (DDR) denumit si ,,smear layer``, care se prezinta sub
forma unei pelicule organice amorfe cu particule fine de aspect
globular alcatuite din matrice de colagen mineralizata,
provenite din zdrobirea dentinei in timpul actului chirurgical de
preparare a cavitatii.
Scopul: O consecinta importanta a generarii DDR este
coborarea nivelului energiei de suprafata a plagii dentinare, cu
influenta negativa asupra reactivitatii acesteia la medicamente
si materiale de obturatie. DDR se poate dispune sub forma unor
cepuri, mai frecvente in cavitatile profunde decat in cele
superficiale, deoarece calibrul canaliculelor dentinare creste in
apropierea camerei pulpare.
Material si Metode: Compozitia chimica a DDR depinde de
compozitia dentinei din care se formeaza, precum si de
adancimea cavitatilor (matrice dentinara organica si
anorganica, teaca Neumann, prelungiri ale odontoblastilor,
citoplasma, organite celulare sau fragmente de predentina).
Continutul organic al DDR creste in apropierea pulpei dentare.
Rezultate: Semnificatia functionala a DDR este de liner
natural, deoarece prin grosimea si calibrul canalelor de
difuziune dintre particulele sale minerale controleaza filtrarea
limfei dentinare, reducand mult mai eficient decat alt liner,
permeabilitatea dentinei. DDR asigura si o buna protectie
antibacteriana, fiind extrem de aderent. De asemenea, combate
fenomenul de microinfiltratie marginala prin pastrarea DDR
doar in interiorul canaliculelor dentinare sub forma cepurilor
sau prin tratamentul de hibridizare a plagii dentinare, care
presupune intarirea cuplarii adezive de interfata intre materialul
de obturatie si plaga dentinara, simultan cu sigilarea
canaliculelor. Exista si un dezavantaj reprezentat de cresterea
de 4-9 ori a permeabilitatii dentinare, cu variatii in functie de
grosimea inegala a DDR.
Concluzie: Hibridizarea intareste si imbunatateste adeziunea
intre obturatie si plaga dentinara si previne aparitia in timp a
recidivelor de carie.
Cuvinte cheie: hibridizare, plaga dentinara, detritus dentinar
remanent, gravare acida


Jessica Chereches1, Ioan-Paul Pop1, Petru Lajosi

students IVth year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,

Introduction: Plague dentin is dentin injury resulting from

preparation of carious cavities or abutment preparation in order
to achieve a prosthetic. Wound surface dentin debris remaining
there (DDR) called and, `` smear layer, which is in the form of
an amorphous organic film look fine globular particles
composed of mineralized collagen matrix, derived from
crushing dentin during the surgical cavity preparation.
Purpose: An important consequence of lowering energy
generation DDR is wound dentin surface with negative
influence on its reactivity to drugs and filling materials. DDR
can have the form of caps, more common than the superficial
deep cavities as size increases dentinal tubules near the pulp
Material and Methods: Chemical composition of DDR
depends on the composition of which is formed dentin and the
cavity depth (dentin matrix organic and inorganic sheath
Neumann extensions of odontoblasts, cytoplasm, cell
organelles or young fragments of dentin). Organic content of
DDR increases near the dental pulp.
Results: Functional significance DDR liner is natural, because
the thickness and size of its particles broadcasters filtering lymph
dentin mineral controls, reducing much better than other liner,
dentin permeability. DDR also provide good protection
antibacterial and extremely sticky. Also, combat the phenomenon
of small marginal infiltration DDR by keeping only within
dentinal tubules form annealing fouling or treatment of dentine
wound, which involves strengthening adhesive coupling interface
between the filling material and dentin wound, while sealing the
channels. There is a disadvantage represented by 4-9 fold increase
dentin permeability, which varies depending on uneven thickness
of DDR.
Conclusion: hybridization strengthens and improves adhesion
between root and dentin wound and prevents the recurrence of
decay time.
Keywords: hybridization, wound dentin, debris remaining,


Jessica Chereches, Adriana Pirte,

Departamentul Medicina Dentara, FMF Oradea, Universitatea
din Oradea

Introducere: Coafajul indirect reprezinta un act terapeutic care

asigura pastrarea sub o medicaie a dentinei afectate din
vecinatatea pulpei dentare. In acest fel se previne deschiderea
camerei pulpare, tubulii dentinari sunt obliterati, mecanismele
de neodentinogeneza sunt stimulate, iar plaga dentinara este
Scop: Ca procedura stomatologica, coafajul indirect, in cazul
cariilor profunde are rolul de a evita indepartarea in totalitate a
tesuturilor afectate din zona pulpei. Prin alegerea unui
tratament bazat pe aplicarea agentilor de coafare si a unei
obturatii temporare in cavitatea carioasa, pulpa beneficiaza de
protectie fata de agentii exteriori si totodata este asigurata
depunerea straturilor de dentina noua.
Material si Metode: In functie de situatia clinica prezenta la
nivelul cavitatii carioase, pot fi aplicate mai multe conduite
terapeutice. Astfel, daca dentina alterata este indepartata fara
deschiderea camerei pulpare, materialul de electie este
eugenatul de Zn avand o consistenta chitoasa. In cazul in care
sunt identificate mici zone de dentina afectata in dreptul
coarnelor pulpare, a caror indepartare creste riscul deschiderii
camerei pulpare este indicata pastrarea si sterilizarea dentinei
respective. Aceasta metoda necesita aplicarea unor paste cu
antibiotice in asociere cu corticosteroizi sub eugenatul de Zn,
cu rol in producerea dentinei de reactie, numite si tertiara sau
poate fi recomandata utilizarea ozonului (insuflatie cu O3).
Rezultate: Eficienta coafajului indirect depinde de cativa
factori importanti precum: varsta pacientului, intinderea
suprafetei afectate, procedura aleasa in vederea restaurarii si
testarea vitalitatii pulpare.
Concluzii: Indirect s-a observat o rata crescuta de reusita a
coafajului indirect aplicat pacientilor tineri in comparatie cu cei
in varsta, acest lucru datorandu-se potentialului biologic,
volumului mare al camerei pulpare si implicit al tesutului
pulpar, dar si vascularizatiei bogate, conditii care faciliteaza
vindecarea. Rezultate mai slabe au fost evidentiate la nivelul
dintilor cu abrazie, eroziune, carii extinse, datorita capacitatii
scazute de aparare survenite in urma modificarilor atrofice
Cuvinte cheie: coafaj indirect, eugenat, dentina tertiara, plaga
dentinara, obturatie temporar


Jessica Chereches, Adriana Pirte,

Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: indirect pulp capping is a therapeutic act that

ensures preservation under medication affected dentine near the
pulp. In this way prevents opening pulp chamber, dentinal

tubules are obliterated, new dentin mechanisms are stimulated
and dentin wound isdisinfected.
Purpose: As a dental procedure, indirect pulp capping, when
deep cavities is to avoid completely removing the affected
tissue pulp. By choosing a treatment based on the application
of styling agents and a temporary cavity fillings, pulp receive
protection from external agencies and also is guaranteed
deposit new layers of dentin.
Material and Methods: Depending on the clinical situation
present in the carious cavity, can be applied to many
therapeutic conduct. So if altered dentin is removed without
opening the pulp chamber, the material of choice is the Zn
eugenics with a putty consistency. Where are identified small
areas affected dentin pulp horns right, whose removal increases
the risk of opening pulp chamber dentin is indicated that
preservation and sterilization. This method requires the
application of antibiotic paste in combination with
corticosteroids in Zn eugenics, producing dentine with role in
the reaction, also called tertiary dentin or may be recommended
using ozone (O3 insufflation with).
Results: indirect pulp capping efficiency depends on several
important factors such as patient age, extent of area affected,
the procedure chosen in order to restore and testing
Conclusions: Indirect there was a high rate of success of
indirect pulp capping applied to younger patients compared
with older people, this is due to the biological potential, the
large volume of pulp chamber and pulp tissue default, and rich
vasculature, conditions that facilitate healing. Poorer results
were highlighted in the teeth with abrasion, erosion, decay
extended capacity due to low defense degenerative atrophic
changes occurred following.
Keywords: indirect pulp capping, eugenics, tertiary dentin,
dentin wound, temporary filling.

Gabriela Ciavoi, Violeta Radu, Raluca Dima

Departamentul de Medicina Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie Oradea

Introducere: Colaborarea intre medici este in ultima perioada

o problema datorita faptului ca inca nu se accepta ideea ca in
anumite situatii avem nevoie unii de altii si nu putem rezolva
cazul fara ajutorul unui coleg specialist.
Scopul lucrarii: Prin acest studiu dorim sa evidentiem
importanta cooperarii intre medicii specialisti chirurgi dento
alveolari si medicii specialisti ortodonti in vederea realizarii
unui tratament stomatologic corect si rapid.
Material si metoda: Avem in evideta si tratament 820 pacienti
cu varsta sub 18 ani care beneficiaza de servicii decontate de
CAS Bihor.Dintre acestia 70 de pacienti au necesitat consultatii
si tratament de specialitate ortodontic .In cazul prezentat la
inspectie se observa lipsa de pe arcada a lui 21 coroborata cu
ingustarea spatiului si prezenta unei tumefactii in zona
palatinala anterioara stanga.In urma examenului radiologic OPG
se constata prezenta unui dinte supranumerar situat juxtaicisiv
21.Se considera necesara o radiografie CBCT pentru zona 21
pentru a evidentia corect raportul supranumerarului cu 21.
Rezultate: In urma tratamentului chirurgical combinat cu cel
ortodontic s a reusit obtinerea spatiului necesar aducerii pe
arcada a lui 21 inclus,extractia dintelui supranumerar dupa
imobilizare prealabila a lui 21.
Concluzii: Aparitia unor noi specializari cum sunt
ortodontia,endodontia,paradontologia vor duce la cresterea
calitatii tratamentelor stomatologice. Cooperarea intre medicii
specialisti stomatologi este o conditie esentiala, o necesitate
pentru a obtine cele mai bune rezultate in tratarea pacientilor.

Gabriela Ciavoi, Violeta Radu,RalucaDima

Department of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and
Pharmacy Oradea

Introduction: Collaboration between physicians is a problem

lately because we still do not accept the idea that in some cases we
need each other and we can not resolve the case without a
Purpose: Using this study we want to highlight the importance
of collaboration between dental alveolar specialist surgeons
and orthodontist specialists for having a correct and fast
dental treatment.
Material and methods: We have out and for treatment 820
patients under 18 benefit by the settled services of CAS Bihor.
70 patients of these needed special orthodontic treatment and
consultation. In the case presented for inspection you can see
the missing of 21 on the arch fortified with the narrowed and
the presence of a swelling in the left ry tooth placed juxta
incisive 21. It is considered necessary a CBCT x-ray for 21
zone for precedent palatine zone. After the OPG X-ray
examination you can see the presence of a supernumeraowing
correctly the relation of supernumerary with 21.
Results: After the surgery treatment combined with the
orthodontic one managed the obtaining of the necessary space
for bringing the 21 included on the arch, the extraction of the
supernumerary tooth after the preliminary immobilization of 21.
Conclusions: The appearance of new specializations as
orthodontics, endodontics, periodontology will lead to the
quality of dental treatments. The collaboration between
specialist dentists is an essential condition, a necessity for
obtaining the best results in treating the patients.
Keywords: Interdisciplinarity, orthodontist, dental alveolar
specialist surgeons.

Gabriela Ciavoi
Departamentul de Medicina Dentara, Facultatea de Medicina si
Farmacie, Universitatea Oradea

Introducere: Motivarea studentului este parte importanta a

procesului educational, ea avand rol esential in obtinerea
rezultatelor favorabile acestuia. Se pune intrebarea: cum putem
sa motivam studentii sa participe la cursuri, sa le asimileze si sa
reuseasca sa le puna in practica pe viitor? Evolutia societatii si
implicit a mijloacelor tehnice cu care suntem obisnuiti a dus la
necesitatea adaptarii tehnicii de predare si implicit de
relationare cu studentii. S-a constatat faptul ca cea mai
eficienta forma de motivatie este cea interna, adica studentul
sa doreasca sa acumuleze cunostiinte. Aspectele mentionate se
refera atat procesul de predare cat si cel de evaluare.
Scopul lucrarii de fata este gasirea mijloacelor eficiente de
predare si evaluare,astfel incat sa se stimuleze motivatia
interna a studentului si cresterea gradului de implicare al
acestuia in activitatea didactica.
Material si metoda: Pornind de la sistemul introdus de Keller,
respectiv sistemul ARCS ( Attention, Relevance, Confidence,
Satisfaction) am incercat adaptarea la nivelul sistemului de
invatamant medical dentar romanesc.
Rezultate: Aplicarea acestor principii elementare in activitatea de
predare invatare poate duce la cresterea implicarii studentilor in
propria educatie. De asemeni sistemul face trecerea de la predarea
centrata pe profesor pe cea centrata pe student.
Concluzii: Este necesara schimbarea mentalitatii cadrului
didactic, adaptarea mijloacelor de predare pe nevoile
studentului, evaluarea continua a propriilor rezultate.
Cuvinte cheie: Motivatie, invatare eficienta, performante

Gabriela Ciavoi
Department of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy Oradea, University Oradea

Introduction: Student`s motivation is an important part of

educational process, it being important instrument in obtaining
favorable results. The question arises: how can we motivate
students to attend classes, to assimilate and succeed to put them
into practice in the future? Evolution of society and therefore
the technical means that are used resulting in the need to adapt
teaching techniques and default relationships with students. It
was found that the most effective form of motivation is
internal, students willing to acquire acknowledgments. The
aspects mentioned refer to both the teaching and assessment.
Purpose: This paper is to find effective means of teaching and
assessment so as to stimulate internal motivation of students
and increasing its involvement in teaching.
Material and methods: Starting from the system introduced
by Keller, respectively ARCS system (Attention, Relevance,
Confidence, Satisfaction). I tried adapting the Romanian dental
medical education system.
Results: Applying these basic principles in the teaching -
learning can increase student involvement in their education.
Such systems make the transition from teacher - centered
teaching to student - centered one.
Conclusion: It is necessary to change the mentality of the
teacher, adaptation means of teaching student needs, ongoing
evaluation of their results.
Keywords: Motivation, learning efficiency academic


Carmen Costras
preparator Facultatea de Medicina Dentara Oradea

Introducere: Dintii sunt expresia fortelor de vointa ale omului si

se transform n timp n funcie de modul cum isi aplic omul
vointa in practica. Exista o analogie intre patologia dentara si
echilibrul intern al corpului prin rolul important pe care cavitatea
bucala il are,si anume de introducere a hranei, de rezonant sonor
pentru vocea produs de coardele vocale, in respiratie.
Scop: pastrarea si restabilirea sanatatii
Materiale si metode: studiu avand ca subiecti 1000 de oameni
cu diferite afectiuni ale cavitatii bucale. S-a observat ca
forma, pozitia si vitalitatea dentara determina starea generala
de sanatate, caracterizeaza tipul de temperament si modul de
gandire al omului.
Rezultate: 90% din cei evaluati in trecut au prezentat afectiuni
la nivelul dentitiei si au avut probleme si la nivelul organismului.
Constientizand importanta inteligentei emotionale acestia si-au
redobandit starea de sanatate dentara si generala.
Concluzii: Dinti sanatosi inseamna organism sanatos,
Cuvinte cheie: dinti, vointa omului, corp fizic, temperament



Carmen Costras,
preparator, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Oradea

Introduction: The teeth are the expression of the forces of will

of the human and they transform, in time, depending on how
the man applies the will, in practice. There is an analogy
between the dental pathology and the internal balance of the
body through the important roles that the oral cavity has,
namely, to be introduced the food and sound of resonance for
the voice produced by the vocal cords, during breathing.
Aim: keeping and restoring the health
Material and Methods: study in which 1000 patients were
analysed, patients having various diseases of the oral cavity. It
was noticed that the form, the position and the dental vitality
cause the general state of health, characterize the type of
temperament and the manner of thinking of the man.
Results: 90% of evaluated patients presented, in the past,
affectations of the dentition and they had, too, problems with
their organism. Realizing the importance of the emotional
intelligence, they regained their dental and general state of
Conclusions: Healthy teeth mean healthy and balanced body.
Key words: teeth, human will, physical body, temperament


Carmen Costras
preparator Facultatea de Medicina Dentara Oradea

Introducere: Nu vindeca organul, pn nu ai vindecat trupul.

Nu vindeca trupul nainte de a vindeca sufletul. -Hypocrate,
parintele medicinei. La nivelul hipotalamusului - acea parte a
creierului care are rol in reglarea superioara a functiilor
vegetative ale organismului se creeaza, practic, felul in care
functioneaza corpul. Adica inteligenta emotionala modifica
celulele pana la nivelul nucleului incat, dupa un timp, ele nu-si
mai pot indeplini nici macar functiile fundamentale.
Predispozitia pentru o anumita boala este data de propriul
temperament, de modul de gandire, de caracterul omului.
Scop: pastrarea si restabilirea sanatatii
Materiale si metode: studiu avand ca subiecti 1000 de oameni
cu diferite afectiuni ale cavitatii bucale. S-a observat ca
sanatatea aparatului dento-maxilar este strans legata de
inteligenta emotionala(energia emotionala).
Rezultate: 90% din cei evaluati au avut probleme grave in
trecut, cu stari si emotii negative. Dupa constientizarea valorii
inteligentei emotionale acestia si-au redobandit starea de
Concluzii: Inteligenta emotionala influenteaza echilibrul
Cuvinte cheie: Hypocrate, starea de sanatate, inteligenta


Carmen Costras
preparator, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Oradea

Introduction: Dont heal the organ, until you have healed the
body. Dont heal the body before healing the soul
Hypocrate, the father of medicine. At the level of
hypothalamus that part of the brain involved in superior
adjustment of the vegetative functions of the body is created,
practically, how the body works. Well, the emotional
intelligence modifies the cells until the level of the proper
nucleus, thus, after a while, they cant perform even their
fundamental functions. The predisposition to a particular
disease is given by the individual temperament, by the manner
of thinking, by the human character.
Aim: keeping and restoring the health.

Material and Methods: study in which 1000 patients were
analysed, patients having various diseases of the oral cavity. It
was noticed that the health of the dento-maxillary is closely
related to the emotional intelligence (emotional energy).
Results: 90% of evaluated patients had serious problems in the
past, with negative states and emotions. After the awareness of
the value of the emotional intelligence, they have regained their
state of health.
Conclusions: The emotional intelligence influences the
internal balance.
Key words: Hypocrate, state of health, emotional intelligence



Amelia Cristea,
Medicina dentara, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere. Studiul de fata porneste de la observatiile potrivit

carora multiple amprente incorecte pornite din cabinetul de
medicina dentara,ajung in laboratoatele de tehnica dentara.
Scopul preocuparii noastre este acela de a atrage atentia
asupra factorilor ce trebuie luati in considerare in reusita
Materiale si metode. Cunoasterea cit mai multor materiale de
amprenta dar in special a anatomiei cimpului protetic, face
posibila corecta amprentare.
Concluzii. Majoritatea eecurilor in amprentare se datoreaza,in
urma statisticii realizate de noi, unei abordri limitate a
cmpului protetic, ct i nerespectrii protocolului de lucru n
cazul materialelor dentare.
Cuvinte cheie: cmp protetic, amprentare, materiale de

Amelia Cristea,
Dentistry, University of Oradea.

Introduction: This study is based on the fact that errors in

dental impressions conducted in the dental practice reach the
dental laboratory unnoticed.
The aim of this study is to draw attention onto the decisive
factors of a correct impression.
Materials and methods: A correct impression technique is
possible by using a large arsenal of impression materials and
by an extensive knowledge of local anatomy.
Conclusions: Most failures in impression techniques are due to
an insufficient approach of the prosthetic field and to the
incorrect handling of impression materials.
Key words: prosthetic field, impression, impression material.



Amelia Cristea, Lucia Ungurean

Departamentul Medicina Dentara,Universitatea din Oradea.

Introducere: Autorii, avind o experienta indelungata in

practica privata, au considerat necesar un astfel de studiu
observind o insuficienta documentare a celor aflati in situatia
de a porni o astfel de activitate.
Scopul lucrarii de fata este cel de a oferi celor interesati
liniile directoare pentru ca afcerea pornita sa aiba succes.
Materiale si metode: Studiul se foloseste de experienta personala
si cea a diferitelor cabinete care desfasoara acelasi tip de activitate.
Concluzii: Din aceasta lucrare se desprind citeva principii de
baza ce trebuiesc luate in considerare in administrarea
cabinetului de medicina dentara.
Cuvinte cheie: medicina dentara, management, principii.



Amelia Cristea, Lucia Ungurean

Dental School, University of Oradea.

Introduction: The authors, having a long experience in private

practice, have considered such a study necessary, taking notice
of the insufficient research of those who are in the position of
starting such an activity.
The goal of this paper is to offer those interested guidelines to
assure the success of the started business.
Materials and methods: The study uses personal experience
and that of other practices that develop the same kind of
Conclusions: There are some basic principles that come off
from this paper that must be taken in consideration in
managing the dental medicine private practice.
Key words: dental medicine, management,principles.



Albinita Cuc 1, O.Cuc 2

1-FMF Oradea, Departamentul de Medicina Dentara
2-FMF Oradea, Departamentul de Stiinte Morfologice

Educatia pentru sanatate este un drum sigur prin care notiunile

ajung la copilul de varsta prescolara ca reguli sau norme ce vor
patrunde adanc in modul de viata cotidian.

Scop: formarea unui stil de viata sanatos in vederea dezvoltarii
armonioase sub aspect psiho-fizic prescolarilor prin derularea
unor activitati specifice.
Material si metoda: copii prescolari cu varsta intre 5-6/7 ani,
de la gradinita nr.36 Oradea.
Tehnici de lucru: explicatia,conversatia, demonstratia,
exercitiul, povestirea, jocul didactic.
Rezultate: atitudini pozitive fata de sanatatea lor si a celor din
jur,dezvoltare psiho-fizica corecta,grija pentru sanatatea
proprie,deprinderea tehnicilor de periaj dentar si mentinerea
unei igiene orale corespunzatoare.



Albinita Cuc 1, O.Cuc 2

1-FMF Oradea, Departamentul de Medicina Dentara
2-FMF Oradea, Departamentul de Stiinte Morfologice

Health education is a safe way through which notions and

information reach preschool children as rules or norms that will
enter deeply into their daily lifestyle.
Purpose: shaping a healthy lifestyle in order to ensure a
harmonious psycho-physical development of preschoolers by
means of fulfilling specific activities.
Material and methods: Preschool children aged 5-6/7 years,
from the Kindergarten No. 36, City of Oradea.
Working techniques employed: explanation, conversation,
demonstration, exercise, telling stories, teaching game.
Results: positive attitudes towards their own health and their
friends and family, an appropriate psycho-physical
development, care for their own health condition, learning
brushing techniques and maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Camelia Dalai1, Ciprian Dalai2, Bianca Stani3, Mihai-

tefan Benchea3
ef lucrri Dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar
Asist. univ. dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar
Studeni anul V, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
specializarea Medicin dentar

Introducere: Protetica dentar este, conform ISO, o ramur a

medicinei dentare care se ocup cu restabilirea estetic i
funcional a aparatului dento-maxilar, prin nlocuirea dinilor
lips i a esuturilor limitrofe cu piese protetice artificiale.
Scop: Scopul acestei lucrri este de a evidenia principiile de
tratament (funcional, profilactic i estetic) care trebuie urmate
n realizarea unei piese protetice, reguli indispensabile pentru
nelegerea modului n care factori multipli interacioneaz i se
influeneaz reciproc pentru ca o punte dentar s devin parte
integrant a unui organism.
Material i metod: Cazul subliniaz cum o lucrare anterioar
chiar dac mai puin corespunztoare din punct de vedere
fizionomic poate s influeneze estetica i percepia de sine a
Rezultate: Medicul dentist va elabora ct mai multe soluii
terapeutice care s cuprind procedee de restaurare a arcadelor
dentare n funcie de fiecare situaie clinic.
Concluzii: n ultimele decenii dintele este considerat n strns
legtura cu toate componentele aparatului dento-maxilar prin
mecanisme neuro-chimico-musculare, reprezentnd un
subsistem n cadrul organismului.
Cuvinte cheie: tratament protetic, principii de tratament, puni


Camelia Dalai1, Ciprian Dalai2, Bianca Stani3, Mihai-

tefan Benchea3
Lecturer PhD., Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry
Asist. univ. dr., Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry
Students Vth year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,

Introduction: Dental prosthetics represents, according to ISO,

the part of dentistry that deals with aesthetic and functional
restoration of the dento-maxillary apparatus by replacing the
missing teeth and the adjacent tissues with artificial prosthetics.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to emphasize the
fundamentals (functional, prophylactic and aesthetic) that have
to be observed when conceiving a prosthetic treatment plan,
indispensable rules for a good understanding of the multiple
factors that mutually interact and influence each other so that a
dental bridge become a part of an organism.
Material and method: The clinical case underlines how a
previous, less aesthetic dental prosthesis can influence the
aesthetic and the self perception of a person.
Results: The dentist has to elaborate several therapeutic
solutions which have to include methods of restoring dental
arches taking into consideration each clinical situation.
Conclusions: During the last decades, the tooth has been
considered in a tight connection with each component of the
dento-maxillary apparatus through neuro-chemical-muscular
mechanisms, representing itself a subsystem of the organism.
Key words: prosthetic treatment, fundamentals of therapy,
dental bridges.

Iurcov Raluca, Slavescu Dacia, Anghel Andra, Anghel

Calin, Ligia Vaida

Introducere: Limitele i atribuiile cabinetului de Urgen n

Medicina Dentar din cadrul serviciului UPU-SMURD BIHOR
sunt stabilite conform Ordinului Ministrului Sntii Publice
numrul 1706 din 2007. Durerea este considerat ca fiind
motivul primordial al prezentrii pacienilor care se adreseaz
acestui cabinet.
Scop: Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua frecvena
afectiunilor pulpare si cele ale parodontiului marginal la copiii
i adulii care s-au adresat acestui serviciu, n funcie de vrst,
sex i mediul de provenien (urban/rural).
Material i metod: ntr-o prim etap s-a efectuat
diagnosticarea afeciunilor pacienilor care au apelat la c. al
Spitalului Judeean Oradea n perioada 21 decembrie 2009 - 2
ianuarie 2012. n acest scop s-au utilizat trusa de consultaie
stomatologic, sonda parodontal, aspiratoare bucale, spray
pentru testarea vitalitii pulpare (Glacier, Endofrost), freze n
vederea forajului explorator. Eantionul a cuprins 4028 de
pacieni, dintre care 746 (18,52%) sunt copii, iar 3282
(81,48%) pacieni aduli. Din efectivul de pacieni copii,
43,02% au fost de sex feminin i 56,98% de sex masculin. n
cazul adulilor s-a nregistrat un numr total de 1504 femei, din
care 69,81% din mediul urban i 30,19% din mediul rural.
Pacienii de sex masculin investigai au fost n numr de 1778,
din care 68,67% din mediul urban i 31,33% din mediul rural.
Rezultate: n cazul pacienilor de sex masculin s-au nregistrat
urmtoarele valori medii pentru frecvena diferitelor afeciuni
dento-parodontale: 55,9% pulpite, 55,58% parodontite apicale
acute i 54,17% parodontite marginale cronice. Repartiia pe
afeciuni dento-parodontale a pacienilor de sex feminin a fost
urmtoarea: 44,1% pulpite; 44,42 parodontite apicale acute;
45,83% parodontite marginale cornice.
Concluzii: Din acest studiu rezult necesitatea implementrii
unor programe de profilaxie mai numeroase i mai riguroase,
axate pe reducerea frecvenei cariei i a complicaiilor ei i
necesitatea informrii continue a pacienilor cu privire la
importana controalelor stomatologice periodice i rolul
acestora n profilaxia i interceptarea bolii carioase i a bolii
Cuvinte cheie: urgena n medicina dentar, pulpite,



Iurcov Raluca, Slavescu Dacia, Anghel Andra, Anghel

Calin, Ligia Vaida

Introduction: Limits and powers of emergency services in

Dental Medicine are set according to Minister of Public Health
Order No. 1706 of 2007. Pain is considered the primary reason
for patient presentation to S.U.M.D.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of
pulpitis, the acute apical periodontitis and marginal
periodontitis in children and adults who have addressed
S.U.M.D., depending on age, sex and area of origin.
Materials and methods: In a first step we established the
diagnostic of patients who addressed SUMD County Hospital
Oradea between 21 December 2009 - 2 January 2012. For this
purpose we used kit dental consultation, periodontal probe,
suction mouth spray for pulp vitality testing (Glacier,
Endofrost), mills for exploratory, drilling. The sample included
4028 patients, of which 746 (18.52%) are children, and 3282
(81.48%) adult patients. In the number of pediatric patients,
43.02% were female and 56.98% male. In adults there was a
total of 1504 women, of which 69.81% urban and 30.19%
rural. Male patients were investigated in number 1778, of
which 68.67% urban and 31.33% rural.
Results: In male patients were recorded the following average
values for the frequency of various dento- periodontal disease:
55.9% pulpitis, acute apical periodontitis 55.58% and 54.17%
chronic marginal periodontitis. Distribution by dental-
periodontal disease female patients was as follows: 44.1% -
pulpits; 44.42% - acute apical periodontitis; 45.83% chronic
marginal periodontitis.
Conclusions: Results of this study need to implement
prevention programs more and more stringent, focused on
reducing the frequency of decays and its complications and the
need to continue informing patients about the importance of
regular dental checks and their role in disease prevention and
interception of decays and periodontal disease.
Keywords: emergency medicine, pulpitis, periodontitis.


Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei
Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Pornind din natur i pn la art i tiin, s-a observat

existena unui principiu comun ce guverneaz frumuseea i
armonia Proporia de Aur.

Descoperit nc din antichitate, i s-a dat valoarea de 1/0,618
sau 1,618/1, n funcie de segmentele comparate. Pentru
msurarea Proporiei de Aur se folosete un instrument specific
Compasul de Aur.
La nivelul corpului (i n special n cazul medicinei dentare la
nivelul figurii umane i a dentaiei) s-a remarcat prezena
Proporiei de Aur, constatndu-se existena unor corelaii dintre
aceasta cu starea de sntate.
Utilizarea Proporiei de Aur s-a dovedit de un real folos n
restabilirea ad integrum a funciilor i morfologiei aparatului
dento-maxilar, fiind astfel necesar a fi recunoscut i utilizat
ca principiu estetic n cadrul terapiilor stomatologice.
Cuvinte cheie: Proporia de Aur, estetic, medicin dentar


Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei
Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

From nature to arts and science, has been noticed the existence
of a common principle that governs the beauty and harmony
the Golden Proportion.
Descovered since Antiquity it was given the value of 1/0.618
or 1.618/1, depending on the compared segments. To measure
the Golden Proportion it is used a specific device the Golden
In the human body (especially in dental medicine in human
face and dentition) was noted the presence of Golden
Proportion, with correlations to health status.
The use of Golden Proportion was really helpful in restoring
ad integrum of dento-maxillary system functions and

morphology, and should therefore recognized and used as
esthetic principle during dental therapies.
Key words: Golden Proportion, esthetics, dentistry



Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei
Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: Dispariia echilibrului armonic dintre elementele

aparatului dento-maxilar se pare c acioneaz negativ pe dou
componente: mecanic i fizionomic. Rezolvarea
dezechilibrului determinat de elementele dentare este o
provocare att din punct de vedere macroscopic (refacerea
coronar propriu-zis), ct i din punct de vedere microscopic
(rezistena reconstituirii respective).
Scop: Autorul i-a propus s rspund ntr-o anumit msur la
ntrebarea dac performanele clinice ale reconstituirii plastice
pot fi influenate de tipul tehnicii de depunere a adezivului pe
substratul dentar, pe lng gravarea acid, pentru a se obine o
structur ct mai omogen.
Material/metod: S-au utilizat 16 premolari superiori extrai
n scop ortodontic, indemni de carie i un sistem de adeziv n 2
pai. S-au abordat dou maniere diferite de aplicare a
adezivului pe suprafaa dentar pensularea i rotaia
mecanic, alturi de utilizarea compozitului n straturi i prin
intermediul capei.
Rezultate: Rezistena n timp a construciilor compozite
depinde de calitatea adeziunii realizate ntre substratul de tip
smal i materialul compozit. Din punct de vedere microscopic
optic, acest lucru se concretizeaz ntr-un strat intermediar ce
trebuie s aib un aspect cvasi-omogen.
Concluzii: Tehnica inovativ rotatorie de aplicare a adezivului
i utilizarea materialelor auxiliare de conformare coronar tip
cap, alturi de retentivizarea suplimentar a smalului prin
prelucrarea cu freze sau pietre diamantate ar conduce la
obinerea unui sistem compozit mai performant calitativ.
Cuvinte cheie: smal, materiale compozite, refaceri coronare,



Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei
Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: The disappearance of the harmonic balance of

dental-maxillary elements seems to act negatively on two
components: mechanical and esthetic. To resolve that is a
challenge both from macroscopic point of view (the proper
dental restoration), but also from microscopic point of view
(the resistance of this restoration).
Aim: The author intended to answer the following question:
are the composite restoration clinical performance influenced
by the type of adhesive clinical technology, in order to obtain a
homogeneous structure?
Material and method: Were used 16 upper bicuspids,
extracted for orthodontic reasons, and a two steps adhesive
system. The adhesive was applied onto the enamel surface in
two manners: brushing (classical) and mechanical rotation
(innovative). The composite paste was placed by layering and
with transparent acetate crowns.
Results: The dental composite constructions resistance in time
depends on adhesion quality between enamel substrate and
composite material. From optic microscopic point of view this
means an interface with a homogenous aspect.
Conclusions: The mechanical innovative adhesive system
application (rotation), the use of acetate crowns to configure
the dental crown, and the increased enamel retention (enamel
preparation with burs) can lead to a composite system with
improved qualities.
Key words: enamel, dental composites, crown restorations,



Adriana Pirte, Gabriela Ciavoi, Anca Porumb, Eliza Seche,

Andreea Surtea,Ligia Vaida
Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: Proiecte de cercetare permanente au avut n

vedere realizarea unui material pentru restaurare care s aib un
aspect favorabil, o rezisten convenabil n condiiile mediului
bucal i efect nociv cat mai diminuat fa de pulpa dentara.
Dei nu s-a descoperit nc materialul ideal, se folosesc
frecvent si cu diferite grade de succes, trei tipuri de materiale:
rini compozite, glassionomeri i ceramica.
Scop: Scopul prezentului studiu a fost realizarea unor
restauraii dentare directe i urmrirea comportrii clinice n
timp a acestora (pe o perioada de un an).
Material si metod: Au fost luati in studiu un numr de 27 de
pacieni, cu vrste cuprinse ntre 17 i 47 de ani. La aceti
pacieni s-au aplicat un numr de 71 de restaurari dentare cu
ajutorul rasinilor compozite. n toate cazurile tratate s-a inut
cont de criteriul biologic, dar i cel fizionomic i s-a avut n
vedere obinerea unor restaurare coronare de durat, care s
refac ct mai bine morfologia dintelui si aspectul estetic.
Rezultate: Din cele 71 de restauraii efectuate, doar 49 au
putut fi evaluate dup o jumtate de an, iar dup un an numrul
acestora a sczut la 27. Absenta unei simptomatologii
dureroase sau a unor tulburri fizionomice au fost suficiente
pentru a-i determina s nu se prezinte la control.
Concluzii: Rinile compozite sunt cele mai frecvent utilizate
materiale n stomatologia estetic, evoluia lor fiind
controversat i contradictorie.
Cuvinte cheie: restaurari dentare, rasini compozite, estetica



Adriana Pirte, Gabriela Ciavoi, Anca Porumb, Eliza Seche,

Andreea Surtea, Ligia Vaida
Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: Permanent research projects were working towards

a restorative material that has a positive aspect, a convenient
resistance in oral and harmful environmental conditions as
reduced to pulp. Although not yet found the ideal material, are
often used with varying degrees of success, three types of
materials: resin composites, glass ionomers and ceramics.
Aim: The purpose of this study was the development of dental
restorations direct clinical behavior while tracking them (over a
Material and methods: The study was taken in a number of
27 patients, aged between 17 and 47 years. These patients were
applied a total of 71 dental restorations with composite resins.
In all cases treated biological criteria were taken into account,
but also the physiognomic and it was intended to obtain
coronal restoration lasting, better to restore the tooth
morphology and appearance.
Results: Of the 71 restorations performed, only 49 could be
evaluated after six months and one year after their numbers
dropped to 27. Absence of painful symptomatology of esthetic
problems were enough to make them not appear in control.
Conclusions: Composite resins are the most commonly used
materials in dentistry aesthetic, their evolution is controversial
and contradictory.
Keywords: dental restorations, composite resin, cosmetic



Adriana Pirte, Andreea Surtea, Ioan Tig

Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: Razboiul oburatiilor de amalgam a aparut intr-

o perioada in care materialele si tehnica de obturatie au
cunoscut o dezvoltare spectaculoasa.Intrebarea se pune daca
acest razboi a aparut din dorinta de schimbare sau ca
Scop: Lucrarea are ca scop prezentarea avantajelor si
dezavantajelor inlocuirii obturatiilor de amalgam in functie de
varsta pacientilor si a calitatii materialelor de obturatie
Material si metoda: Au fost luati in studiu pacienti cu varste
cuprinse intre 8-40 ani la care s-au inlocuit obturatiile de
amalgam cu material de obturatie tip compozit, compomer,
glassionomeri sticla, inlay ceramic si de compozit in functie de
varsta si tipul de cavitati.
Rezultate: Criteriile fizionomice au prioritate in alegerea
tipului de material de obturatie dar si rezistenta la uzura ceea ce
a dus la inlocuirea obturatiilor de amalgam.
Concluzii: Inlocuirea amalgamelor a aparut ca necesitate din
cauza evolutiei materialelor de oburatie si tipurilor de
reconstructive protetica dar tinind cont de indicatiile in functie
de varsta si posibilitatile financiare.
Cuvinte cheie: obturatii de amalgam, onlay ceramic, inlay
ceramic, compozit.



Adriana Pirte, Andreea Surtea, Ioan Tig

Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: The War of amalgam filling appeared in a

period when the materials and the technique was improved.
The question is, this war appeared like a changed or a
Aim: This work wants to present the advantages of
substitutions amalgam filling with aesthetics materials as
composites or inlays and onlays ceramics
Material and method: In this study war included patients
between 8-40 years. The amalgam fillings war substitution
with composites, inlays and onlays ceramic, depending on age
localization and destruction ( Class I, Class II, etc)
Results: The aesthetics criterions have a priority when we
chose a filling material, but it is important also the resistance.
Conclusions: The substitutions of amalgam fillings appeared
as a necessity because of development of fillings materials and
prosthetics reconstructions.
Keywords: Amalgam filling, inlays ceramic, onlay ceramic,



Anca Porumb, Ioana Ignat-Romanul, Ligia Vaida, Camelia

Dalai, Liana Todor, Tig Ioan
Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: Etiopatogenia anomaliilor dentare de structur

este multipl, acionnd att factori genetici, endocrini, dar i
factori de mediu. n ultimii 50 de ani radioactivitatea natural
n zona tei, judeul Bihor, prezint modificri semnificative
datorit activitii omului. Dei activitatea specific a uraniului
este mic, potenialul de contaminare este ridicat ntruct se
extrag i se prelucreaz cantiti mari de minereu, aprnd n
acelai timp cantiti importante de deeuri radioactive.
Scop: Pentru a evalua influena factorilor de mediu asupra
anomaliilor dentare de structur ne-am propus s studiem
incidena acestor anomalii n 3 zone ale judeului Bihor,
considerate a avea grade diferite de poluare: zona uranifer
tei, Beiu i Oradea.
Material i metod: Examinarea copiilor s-a fcut n
cabinetele colare, cu instrumentarul de stomatologie obinuit.
La fiecare copil s-a ntocmit o fi de observaie stomatologic.
Datele obinute au fost sintetizate pe categorii de vrst, sex.
Rezultate: 9 grafice.
Concluzii: Procentul de distrofii mare, de 29,2% din zona
uranifer tei, mult mai mare dect lotul martor, l-am putut
explica prin existena factorilor poluani n zon, confirmndu-
se efectul favorizant al factorilor de mediu n apariia acestor
anomalii, deci tot al treilea copil din zona tei prezint
Cuvinte-cheie: anomalii dentare de structura, factori de mediu.



Anca Porumb, Ioana Ignat-Romanul, Ligia Vaida, Camelia

Dalai, Liana Todor, Tig Ioan
University from Oradea

Summary: The ethyopathogeny of the structural dental

anomalies is manifold, by the action of not only endocrine,
genetic factors, but also environment factors. In the last fifty
years the natural radioactivity in the area of Stei, Bihor county,
presents significant modifications due to the human activity.
Although the specific activity of uranium is limited, the
contamination potential is large because of the extraction and
the manufacture of vast ore quantities, with the occurrence, in
the same time, of important quantities of radioactive waste.
Introduction: In order to evaluate the influence of the
environmental factors on the structural dental anomalies we
have established as our target the study of these anomalies
occurrences in three area of Bihor county, evaluated as having
different levels of pollution: uranium area Stei, Beius and
Material and method: Children analysis has been made in
school cabinets, with the regular stomatology instruments. For
each child has been filled a stomatology evidence file. The
results that has been obtained have been structured on age and
sex categories.
Results: Nine graphics are presented.
Conclusions The high number of dystrophies 29.2% from the
Stei uranium area much higher than the control sample, we
could have explained through the existence of pollution factors
in the area, confirming the favorable effect of the
environmental factors on the presence of these anomalies;
every third child in the Stei area has dystrophies.
Key-words: dental structural anomalies, environments factors


Constantin Romanul1, Ioana Ignat-Romanul2, Bianca

Stani3, Mihai Benchea3
Prof. univ. Dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar
ef lucrri Dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar
Studeni anul V, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
specializarea Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Erupia dentar este un fenomen fiziologic

complex cu o larg extindere n timp i o importan decisiv
asupra dezvoltrii ntregului aparat dento-maxilar. Ea
reprezint un proces n cursul cruia, odat cu dezvoltarea
dintelui, acesta migreaz de la locul de formare spre creasta
alveolar, n final alinindu-se pe arcad potrivit unor
caracteristici individuale.
Scop: Scopul acestei lucrri este observarea respectrii ordinii
i cronologiei normale de erupie la dinii temporari.

Material i metod: Parametrii urmrii au fost observai pe
sugari i copii mici clinic sntoi, lundu-se ca moment de
referin erupia dintelui n cavitatea bucal (cnd vrful
cuspidului sau marginea incizal a perforat mucoasa gingival).
Rezultate: n ceea ce privete ordinea de erupie a dinilor
temporari am constatat c erupia dinilor depinde de sex i se
observ c diferen exist numai la nivelul molarilor secunzi
temporari care la fete erup nti pe mandibul i apoi pe
maxilar, pe cnd la biei este invers. Cercetri recente nu
gsesc diferene concludente ntre cele dou sexe privind
cronologia erupiei dentare.
Concluzii: La fete erupia, dac nu are loc n concordan cu
datele din literatura de specialitate, este foarte puin ntrziat.
La biei de remarcat este faptul c se observ o uoar
ntrziere a erupiei tuturor grupelor de dini.
Cuvinte cheie: erupia dentar, dini temporari, cronologie,
ordine de erupi


Constantin Romanul1, Ioana Ignat-Romanul2, Bianca

Stani3, Mihai Benchea3
Prof. univ. PhD., Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry
Lecturer PhD., Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry
Students Vth year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,

Introduction: Tooth eruption is a complex physiological

phenomenon, widely extended in time and with a great
importance on the entire growth of dento-maxillary apparatus.
It is a process during which, along with the development of the

tooth, it migrates to the alveolar ridge eventually aligning on
the arch according individual characteristics.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to underline the compliance
of normal order and eruption timeline for the primary teeth.
Material and method: The tracked parameters were determined
on clinically healthy infants and young children, considering as
reference moment the tooth eruption in the mouth (when the
incisal edge of the teeth emerges through the gums).
Results: Concerning the order of tooth eruption we have
reached the conclusion that teething depends on sex and it can
be noticed a difference about the secondary temporary molars
which appear to girls first on the mandible and then on the
upper maxillary; to the boys they erupt exactly following an
opposite order. Recent research cannot find any conclusive
differences between the two genres regarding teething timeline.
Conclusions: To girls teething, unless it is according to the
books, is in a very little delay. To boys a slight delay has been
noticed to all groups of tooth eruption.
Key words: tooth eruption, deciduous teeth, eruption timeline,
order of tooth eruption.


Ioana Scrobot, Adriana Pirte 1, Radu Cosmin Scrobot 1

Departamentul de Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin
i Farmacie, Universitatea Oradea, Oradea, Romnia

Introducere: Prin frecven, gravitate i implicaii bio-psiho-

sociale, caria dentar reprezint o problem important n patologia
uman. n etiopatogenia cariei dentare au fost incriminai factori
multipli endogeni i exogeni care acioneaz simultan.
Scop: Obiectivul studiului de fa const n evaluarea
implicrii sistemului imun salivar i a stresului oxidativ n
etiopatogenia cariei dentare.

Material i Metode: Studiu clinic prospectiv, randomizat,
controlat. Lotul de studiu a fost format din pacieni cu leziuni
carioase multiple, neglijate i netratate. Lotul martor a fost
constituit din subieci considerai sntoi. Din saliva mixt
nestimulat s-au determinat imunglobulina A salivar (IgAs)
(metoda imunodifuziunii radiale Mancini) ca dovad a implicrii
sistemului imunitar salivar n etiopatogenia cariei dentare,
ceruloplasmina (metoda colorimetric Ravin) ca indicator al
aprrii antioxidante i peroxizii lipidici (metoda colorimetric cu
acid tiobarbituric) ca biomarkeri ai stresului oxidativ.
Rezultate: Nivelurile IgAs au fost semnificativ crescute n saliva
pacienilor cu leziuni carioase fa de subiecii sntoi.
Ceruloplasmina a fost semnificativ sczut i peroxizii lipidici
semnificativ crescui n saliva pacienilor cu leziuni carioase fa
de lotul martor.
Concluzii: Valorile crescute ale IgAs la pacienii cu leziuni
carioase multiple susin ipoteza implicrii aprrii antimicrobiene
locale n etiopatogenia cariei dentare. Niveluri crescute ale
peroxizilor lipidici i sczute ale ceruloplasminei indic o cretere
a stresului oxidativ i o scdere a aprrii antioxidante salivare.
Tulburarea balanei oxidani antioxidani ar putea fi unul dintre
factorii implicai n patogeneza cariei dentare.
Cuvinte cheie: carie, saliv, IgAs, ceruloplasmina, peroxizii


Ioana Scrobot, Adriana Pirte 1, Radu Cosmin Scrobot 1

Department of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea, Romania

Introduction: By frequency, gravity and bio-psycho-social

implications, dental caries represent an important problem in
human pathology. Multiple endo and exogenous factors that act
simultaneous have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the implication of
salivary imun sistem and oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of
dental caries.
Materials and Methodes: Prospective, randomized, controlled
clinical study. The study group was made up of patients with
multiple neglected, untreated dental caries. The control group
was formed by healthy individuals. In the mixt unstimulated
saliva were assayed salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA) (radial
immunodifussion Mancini) as evidence of salivary imun
system implication in the pathogenesis of dental caries,
ceruloplasmin (colorimetric method of Ravin) as an antioxidant
defence indicator and lipoperoxides (thiobarbituric acid
colorimetric method) as an oxidative stress biomarker.
Results: Salivary sIgA levels were significantly elevated in
patients with multiple dental caries. Significantly increased
levels of lipoperoxides and significantly decreased levels of
ceruloplasmin were foun in patients saliva as compared with
the control group.
Conclusions: Significantly elevated sIgA salivary levels in the
study group patients with multiple caries plead for the
implication of local antimicrobial defence in the etiopathogeny
of dental caries. Increased lipoperoxides levels and decreased
ceruloplasmin levels indicate an increase of oxidative stress
and a decrease of antioxidant defence in saliva. This oxidant-
antioxidant imbalance may be one of the factors implicated in
the pathogenesis of dental caries.
Key words: dental caries, saliva, sIgA, ceruloplasmin,


Eliza Seche
Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: La obolanii nou-nscui, iradierea corpului cu o

doz unic de 200R determin n primele 4 zile dup iradiere
modificri histologice i histochimice n fibrele i celulele din
structurile parodoniului.
Scop: Autorul i-a propus s investigheze efectele provocate de
aceste iradieri la nivelul arcadelor dentare.
Material i metod: Cercetrile experimentale privind efectul
razelor X s-au efectuat pe 116 obolani nou-nscui. Acetia au
suferit o iradiere parial cu doz unic de 200R. Dup
sacrificarea animalelor s-au recoltat arcadele dentare, care au
fost ulterior prelucrate histologic.
Concluzii: Leziunile fibrilare constau n fragmentare i
ngroare, ca rezultat al modificrilor suferite de compuii
chimici din structura acestora.
Cuvinte cheie: iradiere, modificri histologice, parodoniu



Eliza Seche
Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: In new-born rats the body irradiation with a

single dose of 200R determines in the first 4 days after
irradiation histological and histochemical changes in
periodontal fibers and cells.

Aim: The author aims to investigate the effects caused by the
radiation in the dental arch.
Material and method: The experimental research on the effect
of X-rays were performed on 116 new-born rats. They
underwent partial irradiation with a single dose of 200R. After
the rats were sacrificated, the dental arches were harvested and
then histologically processed.
Conclusions: Fibrilar lesions consist of fragmentation and
thickening as a result of changes in the chemical compounds in
their structure.
Key words: irradiation, histological changes, periodontium



Eliza Seche
Departamentul Medicin Dentar, Facultatea de Medicin i
Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

Introducere: Exist anumite substane cu efect radioprotector la

nivelul organismului. Acestea pot aciona i la nivelul parodoniului.
Material i metod: Cercetrile au fost efectuate pe 198 de
obolani masculi aduli, iradiai cu raze X, unii cu doz unic
800R, alii cu doze repetate de 50R. Protejarea a beneficiat de
urmtoarele condiii:
1. Substane stimulatoare i depresoare ale sistemului
nervos central, reprezentate prin rezerpin 4 mg/kg corp
(administrat subcutan) cu 24 de ore naintea iradierii i
serotonin 95 mg intramuscular
2. Hormoni: ACTH n doz 0,5 mg/kg corp timp de 7 zile,
hidrocortizon 5 mg, estradiol 1,25 mg, tiroxin 0,5 mg
per os, 30 de zile concomitent cu iradierea

3. Metabolii
4. Vitamine: vitamina E 0,3 mg/kg corp intramuscular n
timpul iradierii
Concluzii: Toate substanele care micoreaz respiraia
mitocondrial, inhib activitatea CITOCROMOXIDAZEI, asigur
o stare hipoxic a enzimelor participante la lanul respirator
mitocondrial i prin aceasta reduc radiosensibilitatea esuturilor.
Cuvinte cheie: radioprotecie, parodoniu, substane



Eliza Seche
Dental Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and
Pharmacy, University of Oradea

Introduction: In the body there are certain substances with

radioprotective effect. They can act also in the periodontium.
Material and method: The research was conducted on 198
adult male rats, irradiated with X-rays, some of them with
800R single dose, and others with repeated 50R doses. The
protection received the following conditions:
1. Stimulating and depresors of central nervous system,
represented by reserpine 4 mg/kg body (subcutaneous)
for 24 hours before irradiation, and serotonine 95 mg
2. Hormones: ACTH 0.5 mg/kg body for 7 days,
hydrocortisone 5 mg, estradiol 1.25 mg, 0.5 mg
thyroxine per os, 30 days parallel with irradiation
3. Metabolites

4. Vitamins: vitamin E 0.3 mg/kg body intramuscularly
during irradiation
Conclusions: All substances that deplete mitochondrial
respiration inhibit cytochrome oxidase activity, provide a
hypoxic state of enzymes from mitochondrial respiratory chain,
and thereby reduce the tissue radiosensitivity.
Key words: radioprotection, periodontium, radioprotective



Bianca-Maria Stani1, Corina Pantea2

student anul V, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
specializarea Medicin Dentar
asist. univ. dr., Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie Oradea,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Protezarea fix prin restaurarea dinilor afectai

creaz condiiile refacerii funcionale, estetice i morfologice a
arcadelor dentare obinndu-se astfel un confort funcional i
emoional al pacientului. Proprietile estetice deosebite,
biocompatibilitatea i stabilitatea chimic fac ca sistemele
integral ceramice s dein o larg aplicabilitate n
Scop: Scopul acestei lucrri const n prezentarea i explicarea
parametrilor care trebuie respectai cu strictee n conceperea
unui plan de tratament pentru o distrucie coronar frontal.
Material i metod: Principiile care trebuie aplicate sunt
exemplificate printr-un caz clinic de restaurare fizionomic
frontal utiliznd coroane unidentare integral ceramice
realizate pe schelet de oxid de zirconiu.

Rezultate: Succesul tratamentului este asigurat de alegerea
culorii materialului (ct mai apropiat de cea a dinilor
naturali), de modelajul dinilor i nu n ultimul rnd de
tolerana tisular superioar.
Concluzii: Designul restaurrilor fizionomice depinde de
cerinele estetice ale pacientului, profesionalismul medicului n
stabilirea unui plan de tratament adecvat situaiei clinice i de
manualitatea tehnicianului dentar.
Cuvinte cheie: coroane unidentare, edentaie, oxid de zirconiu.



Bianca-Maria Stani1, Corina Pantea2

1 th
student V year, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
asist. univ. dr, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oradea,
Department of Dentistry

Introduction: Fixed dental prosthesis by restoring or replacing

teeth ensures the functional, aesthetic and morphological
reconstruction of the dental arches providing an emotional and
functional comfort to the patient. All-ceramic is, by far, the
most used dental material due to its aesthetic properties,
biocompatibility and chemical stability.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to state and explain the
conditions that have to be strictly observed when conceiving a
treatment plan for the destructions of frontal crown tissues.
Material and method: The fundamentals that have to be
applied are explained through a clinical case representing a
frontal dental restoration using all-ceramic crowns based on a
cape of Zirconium oxide.

Results: The treatment success is supported by the colour of
the dental material (similar to the colour of the natural teeth),
by the dental modelling and, not at least, by the high tissue
Conclusions: The design of the physiognomic prosthesis
depends on the patient`s aesthetic demands, on the dentist`s
professionalism when setting a treatment plan adequate to the
clinical situation and on the dental technician`s skills.
Key words: dental crowns, edentulism, Zirconium oxide.



Andreea Surtea
Asistent Departamentul de Medicina Dentara, Universitatea

Introducere: Albirea dintilor a devenit in ultimii ani o metoda

rapida si eficienta de imbunatatire a aspectului fizionomic al
Scop: Lucrarea are ca scop trecerea in revista a diferitelor
metode de albire, facorii care influenteaza viteza de albire,
efectele adverse, rezultatele finale si masurile de siguranta.
Material si metoda: Au fost folosite atat metoda de albire in
cabinet cat si la domiciliu sau ambele metode pe un lot de
pacienti in functie de gradul discromiei si indicatiile
materialelor folosite.
Rezultate: Atat in cazul metodei de albire in cabinet cat si la
domiciliu rezultatele au fost evidentiate in mod pozitiv intr-un
timp relative mai scurt sau mai lung.In cazul pacientilor cu
pigmentari din cauza tetraciclinei sau a fumatorilor a fost
nevoie de combinarea celor doua metode.

Concluzii: Albirea dintilor este o metoda din ce in ce mai
uzuala in arsenalul metodelor de imbunatatire estetica, metoda
fiind sustinuta de firmele producatoare care imbunatatesc
permanent calitatea materialelor in cceea ce priveste gustul,
actiunea la nivel dentar, scaderea sensibilitatii dintilor,
prelungirea termenului de valabilitate.
Cuvinte cheie: Albirea dintilor, gutiere, peroxide de hydrogen,
peroxide de carbamina.



Andreea Surtea
Asistant-Department of dentistry, University Oradea

Introduction: Whitening the teeth became in the last years a

quick and efficient method to improve the esthetics of patients.
Aim: This work studies the materials for whitening, the factors
which improve the effects and the results.
Material and method: We used in this studied both method of
whitening, at home and in the dental praxis.
Results: In both cases of whitening at home as in dental praxis
the result was successful, in case of patients with tetracycline
treatment and the smokers we needed both methods.
Conclusion: Whitening the teeth is a usual method to improve
the esthetics, supported by the dental material producers, who
improved the quality of this materials.
Key words: Whitening the teeth, tooth whitener, hydrogen
peroxide, carbamide peroxide.


Andreea Surtea
Departamentul de Protetica Dentara,Universitatea Oradea

Introducere: Dezvoltarea continua a materialelor de cimentare

din punct de vedere a calitatilor fizice, mecanice si chimice
impun o alegere adecvata in cadrul cimentarii in functie de
tipul de lucrare protetica realizata.
Scop: Alegerea materialului de cimentare se face incit sa
indeplineasca cat mai multe criterii privind confortul in
utilizare, retentie, eliberare maxima de fluor si usurinta in
indepartarea surplusului.
Material si metoda: Au fost utilizate material din diferite
clase: ciment fosfat de zinc, policarboxilat, glassionomeri de
sticla, rasini de cimentare duale sau autopolimerizabile si la
fiecare s-a urmarit adeziunea la suprafata structurii dentare cat
si a materialului de restauratie, rezistenta la masticatie,
solubilitatea in lichidele bucale, grosimea peliculei de ciment,
biocompatibilitatea si radioopacitatea.
Rezultate: Fiecare tip de lucare protetica cum ar fi coroanele
metalo-ceramice, fatete ceramice, inlay ceramic sau de
compozit prezinta o anumita indicatie de utilizare a
materialelor de cimentare
Concluzii: Tehnologia de realizare a materialelor de cimentare
in continua dezvoltare face ca rezulatele in timp a lucrarilor
protetice sa fie sustinute si de calitatile materialelor de
cimentare din punct de vedere fizic, mecanic si chimic.
Cuvinte cheie: material de cimentare, calitati mecanice, fizice
si chimice, lucrare protetica fixa.


Andreea Surtea
Asistent Department of Dentistry, University Oradea

Introduction: The permanent development of cements

materials, physic, chemical, and mechanic imposed a real
choice during the prosthetics reconstructions.
Aim: The selection of cements materials is made so well as we
should have comfort in used, retention and facility to remove
the surplus.
Material and method: We used a different material like Zinc
phosphate cement, resins, cements composites. We followed a
few properties like adhesion to the teeth, the resistance,
solubility in saliva, biocompatibility, radiopacity.
Results: The permanent development of cement materials
sustain also the quality of fixed prosthetics works, physics,
chemical and mechanical.
Keywords: Cement material, mechanical quality, physic,
chemically, fixed prosthesis work.



Ioan-Andrei ig1, Adriana Pirte1

Confereniar Universitar Doctor Departamentul de Medicin
Dentar al Facultii de Medicin i Farmacie din cadrul
Universitii din Oradea

Introducere: Cursul se adreseaz att medicilor dentiti ct i

studenilor de medicin dentar, abordnd tema att de
problematic a morfologiei canalelor radiculare a dinilor
Cursul utilizeaz date i studii din literatura de specialitate
actual i imagistic dentar preluat din versiunea 5.1 a
softului didactic dentar 3D Interactive Tooth Atlas.
Concluzii: Autorii, titulari ai disciplinelor de Morfologie a
Aparatului Dento-maxilar (Conf.Univ.Dr. Ioan-Adrei ig) i
Endodonie (Conf.Univ.Dr. Adriana Pirte), consider c
tratamentul endodontic corect este condiionat de cunoaterea
i respectarea morfologiei canalelor radiculare, n funcie de
dintele pe care se lucreaz i de variaiile morfologice care pot
Cuvinte cheie: morfologie, canale radiculare, dini permaneni.



Ioan-Andrei ig1, Adriana Pirte1

Associate Professor, PhD - Department of Dentistry, Faculty
of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea.

Introduction: The course addresses both dentists and dental

students, addressing the problematic issue of root canal
morphology of permanent teeth.
The course uses data and studies from current literature and
dental imaging taken from version 5.1 of dental educational
software "3D Interactive Tooth Atlas".
Conclusions: The authors, holders of disciplines of The Dento-
maxillary Morphology (Associate Professor Ioan-Andrei ig)
and Endodontics (Associate Professor Adriana Pirte) consider
that correct endodontic treatment is conditioned by properly
knowing and obeying root canals morphology, depending on
which tooth is involved and what morphological variations
may exist.
Keywords: morphology, root canals, permanent teeth.



Liana Todor
Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Dezvoltarea pe care a cunoscut-o n ultimii ani

stomatologia restaurativ deschide noi orizonturi tratamentelor
protetice care vizeaz reconstituirile directe.
Scop: Lucrarea de fa prezint una dintre posibilitile
terapeutice protetice ce vizeaz restaurarile directe, aceasta
fiind utilizarea pivoturilor prefabricate ramforsate cu fibre de
quartz sau sticl.
Material i metod: Situaiile clinice care permit aplicarea
acestor tipuri de pivoturi sunt numeroase, exceptnd cazurile n
care distrucia coronar se situeaz la nivel gingival, (efectul
ferrule) colajul dintre dinte i materialul compozit putnd fi
compromis prin prezena lichidului sulcular. Acestea ctig tot
mai mult teren datorit biocompatibilitii, radioopacitii, al
modulului de elasticitate apropiat de cel al dentinei, a tehnicii
facile i rapide de aplicare, combinarea lor cu materiale
compozite dual polimerizabile permind o reconstituire
omogen din punct de vedere mecanic i fizico-chimic.
Lucrarea prezint reconstituirea direct a unui incisiv central
superior cu ajutorul unui pivot de sticl, care a suferit o fractur
coronar n treimea gingival.

Rezultate: Pivoturile din fibre de sticl diminu riscurile de
fracturi radiculare, elimin riscul de coroziune i, fiind
cimentate pasiv (nefiind nurubate) nu exercit nicio for
traumatizant n interiorul rdcinii. Sunt uor de ndeprtat cu
ajutorul aparatului de ultrasunete. Fiind de culoare alb,
rspund cu succes cerinelor estetice, putnd fi aplicate pe ele
coroane integral ceramice.
Cuvinte cheie: pivot, fibre de sticl, colaj, estetic, modul de



Liana Todor
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Department of Dental Medicine

Introduction: The recent development in restorative dentistry

opens new horizons for the prosthetic treatments which target
direct reconstructions.
Purpose: This paper presents one of the many choices in
prosthetic dentistry that target direct restorations through the
usage of reinforced precast posts using quartz or glass fiber.
Material and method: Clinical situations allowing the usage
of these types of posts are often used, unless coronary
destruction is at gingival level (ferrule effect), then the collage
between the tooth and the composite material can be
compromised through the presence of gingival fluid. The
method began to be used more often due to biocompatibility,
radioopacity, elasticity modulus close to that of dentin, easy
technique and fast to set, their combination with polymerized
dual-cure composites allowing an homogene mechanical and
physical-chemical reconstruction. This paper presents a direct
reconstruction of the upper central incisor with a glass post,
who suffered a coronal fracture in the gingival third.
Results: Glass fiber post reduces the risk of root fracture,
eliminates corrosion risk and by being passive cemented (not
screwed) does not exert a traumatic force inside the root. They
are easily removed using an ultrasonic device. Being white,
they successfully meet aesthetic requirements and can have all-
ceramic crowns on them.
Keywords: post, glass fiber, aesthetics, elastic modulus.



Liana Todor*, Corina Pantea*, Ioan Pantea**

Universitatea din Oradea,
*Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie, Departamentul de
Medicin Dentar
**Facultatea de Arte

Introducere: Numrul de aur este primul numr iraional

descoperit i definit n istorie. El este aproximativ egal cu
1,618033 i poate fi ntlnit n cele mai surprinztoare
Scop: Lucrarea vrea s sublinieze ideea c muli artiti i
arhiteci i-au proporionat operele conform raportului de aur,
considernd c acesta le confer o estetic plcut, aa cum n
medicin actul terapeutic trebuie privit nu numai din punct de
vedere medical ci i estetic.
Material i metod: Pictorii i-au nceput studiul pentru
fiecare tem cu veritabile calcule geometrice i construcii de
diagrame toate acestea s permit ncadrarea armonioasa a
personajelor n decorul stabilit. Arta greceasca a cutat n
trupul uman secretul frumuseii divine i chiar a proclamat
frumuseea i mreia omului n faa forelor naturii. Vitruviu
arhitect i matematician roman de excepie care a optimizat
canonul care i poart numele, a fost geniul care a stabilit
inscriptibilitatea individului uman ntr-un ptrat. Constructorii
de catedrale, n special cele gotice, si-au construit intrumente
de msur care aveau conexiune cu numrul de aur . Un cot
reprezenta 52,36 cm, un picior 32,36 cm, o chioapa 20 cm, o
palma 12,36 cm, iar un pumn 7,64 cm. Dac facem raportul
fiecruia dintre aceste numere cu succesorul su obinem
aproximativ 1,61 adic numrul de aur . Iar un termen al
irului cresctor este suma a doi termeni precedeni, fcnd
trimitere la irul lui Fibonacci.
Rezultate: Numrul de aur este considerat ca o adevrat
masc a frumuseii, aplicat pentru chipuri din toate
timpurile, de la Nefertiti, la actriele de succes ale zilelor
noastre. Cea mai bun carte de vizit pentru medicul dentist
este un zmbet irezistibil al pacienilor si, aa cum pentru un
artist const n estetica dat de proporiile din opera sa.
Cuvinte cheie: numrul de aur, proporie, medicin, art.


Liana Todor*, Corina Pantea*, Ioan Pantea**
University of Oradea,
*Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy the Dental Medicine
**Faculty of Arts

Preamble: The golden ratio (phi) was historically the very first
irrational number discovered and defined. Its value is
approximately 1,618033 and it can be found in surprisingly
various circumstances.
Purpose: The intent of this paper is to emphasize the fact that a
plethora of artists and architects have adjusted their works by
pursuing the golden ratio with the consideration in mind that it
bestows beauty upon their works. Similarly the therapeutic act
in medicine should be appreciated not only for its medical
results but also for its aesthetic ones.
Method and material: Before approaching a theme painters
have, for the most part, began their study with profound
geometrical calculations and diagrams in order to
harmoniously frame characters in the desired scenery. Greek
art has searched for the secret of divine beauty within the
human body and has even proclaimed mans might and beauty
against that of nature. Vitruvius an exceptional roman
architect and mathematician, who perfected the canon that
bears his name, was the genius mind who inscribed the human
body proportions into a square. Constructors of cathedrals,
especially gothic ones, have concocted measurement
instruments that were is some way connected to the golden
ratio, . A cubit was equivalent to 52,36 cm, a foot equaled
32,36 cm, a span was approximately 20 cm, a hand stood for
12,36 cm and a fist for 7,64 cm. If we were to divide each
number to its consecutive we would get an approximate value
of 1,61 which is , the golden ratio. Moreover, the fact that
one value in the increasing sequence is the sum of the two
antecedent values hints towards the Fibonacci sequence.
Results: The golden ratio is considered a true mask of
beauty, which has covered faces in every era, from Nefertiti to
the successful actresses of our days. The best business card for
a dentist are the irresistible smiles of his patients in the same
way in which aesthetic proportions give value to a piece of art.
Key words: the golden ration, proportion, medicine, art.


Ligia Vaida, Olivia Burt, Adriana Pirte, Anca Porumb,

Alice Moldovan, Maria Vranu, Albinia Cuc, Raluca
Dima, Clin Anghel
Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie

Introducere: Evoluaia aparatului dento-maxilar este

dependent de starea de sntate a sistemului dento-parodontal.
Scop: Evaluarea strii de igien i sntate dento-maxilar,
precum i analiza tulburrilor de cretere i dezvoltare cranio-
facial a elevilor din grupa de vrst 6-10 ani a constituit
principalul obiectiv al acestui studiu.
Material i metod: Eantionul a cuprins 597 de elevi din
ciclul primar, cu media de vrst 8,61 i deviaia standard 1,17
aparinnd la dou coli din Oradea i a avut avizul Centrului
de Cercetare n Medicin de nalt Performan al FMF
Oradea, acordul autoritilor colare i consimmntul
prinilor. Evaluarea afectrii prin procese carioase s-a fcut cu
ajutorul indicatorilor de intensitate dmf/T i DMF/T.
Aprecierea strii de igien oral prin intermediul Indicelui de
igien oral simplificat (OHI-S). Aprecierea strii de sntate
parodontal s-a realizat prin msurarea Indicelui parodontal. O
alt etap a examinrii a reprezentat-o stabilirea diagnosticului
clinic al unor malocluzii: aprecierea clasei Angle, sindromul
ocluziei deschise; sindromul ocluziei adnci, disarmonia dento-
maxilar (DDM) cu nghesuire, asimetrii dento-faciale. Pentru
acurateea datelor colectate, examinrile au fost consemnate n
dentograma din fia fiecrui copil. Pentru evaluarea strii de
igien oral s-a folosit albastru de metilen ca revelator de plac
Rezultate: La grupa de vrst 6-7 ani am obinut urmtoarele
valori medii: dmf/T = 4,11; DMF/T = 1,89; OHI-S = 9,66.
Afectarea parodoniului marginal a fost prezent la 9,27%
dintre elevi. Malocluziile au fost prezente cu urmtoarea
frecven: Clasa I Angle - 50,13% elevi dintre care 67,29%
elevi au prezentat DDM; Clasa a II-a Angle - 44,91% elevi;
Clasa a III-a Angle - 4,96% elevi.
Concluzii: Rezultatele obinute pot servi ca punct de reper
pentru conceperea unor programe de profilaxie a cariei dentare
i a anomaliilor dento-faciale i implementarea unui complex
de msuri axate pe pstrarea i fortificarea strii de sntate a
Cuvinte cheie: caria dentar, malocluzii.



Ligia Vaida, Olivia Ligia Burt, Adriana Pirte, Anca

Porumb, Alice Moldovan, Maria Vranu, Albinia Cuc,
Raluca Dima, Clin Anghel
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy

Introduction: Stomatognathic system evolution is dependent

on the health of dento-periodontal system.
Aim: Evaluation of the oral hygiene status and craniofacial
growth and development disorders of pupils in the age group 6-
10 years was the main focus of this study.
Materials and methods: The sample included 597 primary
school pupils, with a mean age 8.61 and standard deviation
1.17 belonging to two schools in Oradea who had the
agreement of Medicine Research Centre of High Performance
FMF Oradea, school authorities and parents consent.
Evaluation of decay pathology frequency was performed using
indicators dmf /t, DMF/T, the level of oral hygiene through
Oral hygiene index - simplified (OHI-S). Periodontal health
assessment was performed by measuring periodontal index.
Another stage of the examination was a clinical diagnosis of
malocclusions: assessment of Angle Class syndrome, open
bite, deep bite syndrome, crowding (DDM), dental-facial
asymmetries. For accuracy of data collected, examinations
were recorded in each child dentograma record. To assess oral
hygiene we used methylene blue as a developer of dental
Results: In the age group 6-7 years we obtained the following
average values: dmf / T = 4.11; DMF / T = 1.89; OHI-S = 9.66.
Marginal periodontal disease was present in 9.27% of the
pupils. Malocclusions were present with the following
frequency: Angle Class I - 50.13% 67.29% pupils, Class II
Angle - 44.91% pupils and Angle Class III 4.96% pupils.
Conclusions: The results can serve as a benchmark to design
of dental decay and malocclusions prevention programs and
implementing a set of measures focused on preserving and
strengthening the health of children.
Keywords: decay, malocclusion.



Ligia Vaida
Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Medicin i Farmacie,
Departamentul de Medicin Dentar

Introducere: Relaia dual medic-pacient este ncrcat

eminamente cu elemente psihologice. Cum marea majoritate a
pacienilor notri sunt copii i adolesceni, cu individualitate i
cu reacii emoionale determinate att de personalitatea nc n
formare ct i de prezena malocluziei, specialistul ortodont
trebuie s rspund att nevoilor medicale ct i celor
psihologice ale pacientului, s contribuie la modelarea
comportamental a pacientului pe tot parcursul tratamentului,
astfel nct s asigure cadrul optim pentru diminuarea i
prevenirea tulburrilor de adaptare specifice vrstei.
Considerm c urmtorii factori influeneaz aderena i
compliana pacientului la tratamentul ortodontic: motivaia
pacientului pentru tratament, acordul n ceea ce privete
consimmntul informat, relaia medic-pacient (comunicarea
medic-pacient), tipul de aparat ortodontic aplicat. Factorii
principali care contribuie la motivaia pacienilor pentru tratament
ortodontic sunt: percepia prezenei anomaliei, percepia gravitii
anomaliei, categoria social, considerentele economice, percepia
beneficiului psiho-social i atitudinea legat de purtarea
aparatului. n ortodonie comunicarea este o misiune important i
un scop n sine. Stilul explicativ al medicului are un impact
covritor asupra modului de percepie al pacientului. Medicul
ortodont nu poate realiza tehnici propriu-zise de psihoterapie i
nici de consiliere psihologic, dar cel puin poate recurge la
strategii clinice care s modifice atitudinea pacientului i
comportamentul acestuia n cursul tratamentului ortodontic.
Pentru a investiga influena pe care o are modificarea aspectului
dento-facial asupra variabilelor psihologice ale pacienilor am
efectuat o analiz de corelaie ntre dimensiunea aspect fizic i
variabilele stima de sine, gnduri curente n legtur cu sine,
percepia social i performane.
Concluzii: Relaia medic-pacient-printe este relevant n
obinerea unui succes al tratamentului ortodontic. Malocluziile
produc n majoritatea cazurilor disconfort psihic, astfel nct
grija pentru pacienii notri ar trebui s suplimenteze
investigaiile diagnostice cu investigaii psihologice avnd ca
scop creterea indicilor de calitate a vieii.
Cuvinte cheie: modelare comportamental, tratament
ortodontic, stima de sine.

Ligia Vaida
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Department of Dentistry

Introduction: Doctor-patient relationship is essentially loaded

with psychological elements. As most of our patients are
children and adolescents with emotional reactions caused by
individuality and personality still on going and the presence of
malocclusion, the orthodontist should respond to the medical
and psychological demands of the patient, and contribute to
patient behavioral adjustment throughout the treatment, to
ensure the optimal environment for reducing and preventing
age-specific adjustment disorders. We consider that the
following factors influence patient adherence and compliance
in orthodontic treatment: patient motivation for treatment,
agreement regarding informed consent, the doctor-patient
relationship (doctor-patient communication), the type of
orthodontic appliance used. The main factors contributing to
patients' motivation for orthodontic treatment are: perception of
anomaly, perception of gravity of the anomaly, social-
economic considerations, psychosocial benefit perceptions and
attitudes about wearing the orthodontic appliance. In
orthodontics communication is an important mission and a
goal. Explanatory style doctor has overwhelming impact on the
perception of the patient. Orthodontist can not make proper
techniques of psychotherapy or psychological counseling, but
at least can use clinical strategies to change patient behavior
during orthodontic treatment. To investigate the influence it
has dento-facial aspect changes on psychological variables of
patients we performed a correlation analysis between the
physical aspect dimension and the following variables: self-
esteem, current thoughts about the self, social perception and
Conclusions: Doctor-patient-parent relationship is relevant in
achieving a successful orthodontic treatment. In most cases
malocclusions cause psychological discomfort, so care for our
patients should add psychological investigations to diagnostic
investigations, in order to increase quality of life indices.
Keywords: behavioral adjustment, orthodontic treatment, self-










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