Rokuyō is Japan’s way of figuring out if today is your lucky day - or maybe one to stay in bed!

Use this site to check the Rokuyō day for your birthday, or today, or any other date you’re curious about.

Dive into the ancient history of Rokuyō, see how it still impacts life today, learn how these days are calculated and explore a whole lot more about this quirky system!

Never heard of Rokuyō before now?

All right, just imagine you need to pick the best day to do something important - like getting married, starting a business, or maybe even just buying a lottery ticket. Enter the Rokuyō system, Japan’s traditional six-day fortune-telling calendar!

Think of Rokuyō like a cosmic weather forecast, but for luck, rather than just whether it will rain. Each day has a specific vibe - good, bad or "meh" - that influences whether your plans will soar like a samurai or flop like a failed sushi roll.

There are six days in all. Taian is the best, Butsmetsu is the worst, and the other four are in between.

And hey! If you ever need an excuse to procrastinate, just say, “Sorry, can’t do it today, it's Butsumetsu!”

Read on, and enjoy!