jeep grand cherokee l 2022 3D Модель

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jeep grand cherokee l 2022 3D Модель
$ 119.00
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  • Доступные форматы:
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 15.71 MB
    Blender: blend 32.96 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Cinema4D r16: c4dr16 16.62 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Autodesk FBX: fbx 60.97 MB
    3DS MAX ver.2012: max2012 10.20 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Maya 2011: mb2011 40.07 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Wavefront OBJ: obj 33.29 MB
    SketchUp: skp 117.69 MB
    Рендер: Standard
  • Полигоны:
  • Вершины:
  • Анимированная:
  • Текстуры:
  • Скелет:
  • Материалы:
  • Низкополигон.:
  • Коллекция:
  • UVW mapping:
  • Плагины:
  • Для печати:
  • 3D Скан:
  • Контент для взрослых:
  • PBR:
  • Геометрия:
  • Unwrapped UVs:
  • Просмотры:
  • Дата:
  • ID Продукта:
  • Рейтинг:
* features:
- highly detailed exterior and shadow interior.(no detailed interior)
- model is settled to 0,0,0 xyz axis.
- standart materials are included in max rar file.
- real world scaled.(units in milimeters)
- textures included.(c:\mct\jeep ) place textures folder in that directory
- suitable for animations and architectural visualizations.
- wheels grouped seperately.
- all parts of car and materials named properly so you can easily find which material
is for which part of the car.
- body color can be changed.model color may differ from preview images.
- no modifier collapsed (as meshsmooth) so you can easily set level of detail or edit model.
- environment shown on preview renders is not included. only the model file.
- no advanced texturing skill required for modifying textures. plain and simple texturing.

- meshsmooth iteration level 2
polygon count : 1128424
vertex count : 1155670

---------two 3ds files--------
- one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count : 2190456 - 1177778
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 521634 - 313258

---------two fbx files--------
- .one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count : 1152659 - 1155670
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 386798 - 284226

---------two obj files--------
- .one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count : 2217352 - 1155286
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 521630 - 283815

attention !!!

only max file contains standart materials.all other file formats have seperated materials assigned.
all file formats include textures. Для печати: Нет
Нужно больше форматов?
Если вам необходим другой формат, пожалуйста, сделайте запрос при помощи тикета поддержки. Мы можем cконвертировать 3D модели в такие форматы: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Мы не конвертируем 3d сцены и такие форматы, как .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt и т. д.!

Скачать jeep grand cherokee l 2022 3D Модель 3ds blend c4dr16 fbx max2012 mb2011 obj skp от Swan3DStudios

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