бодоньи граммат трениров тетрадь PDF
бодоньи граммат трениров тетрадь PDF
бодоньи граммат трениров тетрадь PDF
М. А. Бодоньи кЕГЭ
Учени ___________ класса
10-11 КЛАССЫ
Издательство ООО «Легион» включено в перечень организаций, осуществляющих издание
учебных пособий приказом Минобрнауки России № 729 от 14.12.2009
Учебно-методический комплекс
«Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ»
М.А. Бодоньи
1 0 -1 1 КЛАССЫ
ББК 81.2Англ
Б 75
Н.А. Кулинцева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры
западноевропейских языков и культур ФГБОУ ВПО
«Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет»;
А.С. Юрин, учитель высшей категории МБОУ СОШ № 9
с углублённым изучением английского языка, г. Таганрог
Бодоньи М.А.
Б75 Английский язык. 10-11 классы. Грамматика. Тренировочная
тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ: учебное пособие / М.А. Бодоньи. — Рос
тов н/Д : Легион, 2014. — 144 с. — (Готовимся к ЕГЭ.)
ISBN 978-5-9966-0612-2
Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для поэтапной систематической подготовки
к выполнению заданий по грамматике английского языка на ЕГЭ. Издание в форме
тренировочной тетради позволит автоматизировать умения обучающихся в обла
сти грамматики и научить их правильно образовывать грамматические формы по
определённому алгоритму, позволяющему справиться со всеми заданиями раздела
«Грамматика и лексика».
Учебно-методическое пособие состоит из трёх разделов. В первом разделе «How to
Succeed in State Exam Grammar Tasks: Basic Knowledge» даются общие рекомендации
для успешного выполнения заданий 19—25 (в новом проекте, опубликованном ФИПИ
30.08.2014, эти задания фигурируют именно под такими номерами; ранее это были
задания В4-В10), вводятся грамматические термины, необходимые для выполнения
заданий второй части. Во втором разделе учебно-методического пособия «Parts of
Speech: Follow Steps and Complete the Tasks» предлагается освоение формальных при
знаков и вариантов грамматической трансформации каждой части речи. В третьем
разделе «Grammar Practice Tasks: 19-25» даны грамматические задания в формате
ЕГЭ, основанные на аутентичных художественных и публицистических текстах.
Тренировочная тетрадь адресована обучающимся 10-11-х классов, готовящимся
к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку, для самостоятельной работы и подготовки под
руководством учителя в классе и во внеурочное время. Издание будет полезно учи
телям, которые организуют процесс подготовки к ЕГЭ, и методистам.
Пособие дополняет учебно-методический комплекс «Английский язык. Подго
товка к ЕГЭ».
Замечания и предложения, касающиеся данной книги, можно присылать почтой
или на электронный адрес: [email protected].
Обсудить пособие, оставить замечания и предложения, задать вопросы можно на
форумах издательства http://legion-posobiya.livejournal.com; h ttp :// f .legionr.ru.
ББК 81.2Англ
5. Divide the grammar forms given in the table. Fill in the ta
ble with given grammar forms.
(1) potatoes, (2) unfortunately, (3) one hundred and twenty, (4) will
make, (5) have been taught, (6) mine, (7) thirty, (8) is raining, (9) necessary,
(10) you, (11) ten, (12) the most comfortable, (13) foreign, (14) successfully,
(15) nicely, (16) easier, (17) the seventh, (18) him, (19) whole, (20) our,
(21) writes, (22) themselves, (23) strategy, (24) two, (25) knowledge,
(26) jeans, (27) level, (28) closely, (29) furniture, (30) evident, (31) his,
(32) the twenty-first, (33) bought, (34) selling, (35) well, (36) greatly
Give examples. Use words and phrases from the table below.
(1) Myself, (2) me, (3) girls, (4) the most comfortable, (5) they, (6) apple,
(7) my, (8) nice — nicer — the nicest, (9) the fourth, (10) two, (11) more beau
B. True or false?
1. English adjectives have singular and plural forms.
2. Adverbs can have degrees of comparison.
3. Objective case refers to the nouns and pronouns.
4. ‘Our’ is an example of a personal pronoun.
5. ‘Three’ is an example of a plural form.
C. Answer the questions.
1. Which of these grammar notions refer to the noun?
2. Which of these grammar notions refer to the adjective?
3. Which of these grammar notions refer to the pronoun?
4. Which of these grammar notions refer to the numeral?
5. Which of these grammar notions refer to the adverb?
7. Read the text. In the text find and underline
1) 4 plural forms1of nouns;
2) an example of a possessive pronoun2;
3) 2 examples of personal pronouns3;
1 plural forms — формы множественного числа
2 possessive pronoun — притяжательное местоимение
3 personal pronouns — личное местоимение
10 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
4) 3 examples of adjectives;
5) an example of a comparative form 1;
6) 2 examples of adverbs.
As a child, her parents had often brought her to this lovely part of Switzerland
and she remembered her father telling her, years ago, how therapeutic it was
simply to sit and look at the mountains. It was more useful than any medicines
or treatments. She desperately needed to think, allow the pain to subside2, and
reassess3her life. (Never send flowers. John Gardner)
8 . A. Refer the given grammar forms to the parts of speech.
(1) cook, (2) leaf, (3) cooks, (4) more often, (5) ten, (6) is cooking, (7) warm,
(8) are cooking, (9) am cooking, (10) was cooking, (11) most comfortably,
(12) were cooking, (13) cooked, (14) leaves, (15) will cook, (16) will be cook
ing, (17) have cooked, (18) has cooked, (19) is cooked, (20) had cooked,
(21) cooked, (22) cooking, (23) softly, (24) tenth, (25) to cook, (26) will have
cooked, (27) the warmest, (28) I, (29) myself, (30) warmer, (31) me, (32) my,
(33) mine _____________________________
B. Can you name grammar forms for each part of speech and
relate them to grammar notions you know?
1 a comparative form — сравнительная форма
2 to subside — затихать, стихать
3 to reassess — производить переоценку
How to Succeed in State Exam Grammar Tasks: Basic Knowledge 11
9 . A. Read the text. Find and underline 10 verb forms in it.
Morning sun splashed into the room moments before the first notes came
from the clock radio. David Shelton, eyes still closed, listened for a few seconds
before silently guessing Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, probably the Summer
concerto. It was a game he had played nearly every morning for years. Still, the
occasions on which he identified a piece correctly were rare enough to w arrant1
a small celebration.
B. Which of the forms you’ve underlined are
1) examples of Past Simple?
2) Past forms of the verb to be?
3) examples of Present Participle, Past Participle and Infinitive?
C. Find one example of Past Perfect in the text.
10. *A. Define if the verbs in bold refer to the past, present or
1. This is a fine meal.
2. Lisa dropped her pad2 and pencil on the couch and crossed the room,
wondering who might be calling her on his telephone.
3. Fred left the room and returned with a small box in his hands.
4. My Betsy is a fine-looking woman, beautiful in my mind and in the eyes
of most.
5. Sandwiches will be fine today.
6. I’ll introduce you when I find her.
7. Cruise lines reduce their rates and those of their travel agency partners
to ensure ships don’t tour the seas empty.
8. Governments spent a fortune encouraging3people to buy houses.
9. He read it last night and was so excited that he couldn’t sleep.
10. Instead, however, the machine rose again and continued on its way.
B. Define if the verbs in bold refer to the active or passive.
1. Librarians have been saying they want and need to buy more scholarly
monographs in electronic form.
1 to warrant — служить оправданием, основанием
2pad — блокнот
3encourage — ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать
* Если при выполнении данного задания учащиеся испытывают значительные трудно
сти, мы рекомендуем отложить его выполнение и вернуться к данному заданию после осво
ения второй части пособия (раздел Verb).
12 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
13. Translate the words in the first column. Define which part
of speech the words refer to .1What helps you to make your deci
sion? Explain your choice.
1. dresses A.noun
2. have dressed B. verb
1 .last A. adjective
2 .lasted B. verb
1 .have thought A.noun
2. thought B. verb
1. closes A. adjective
2. closest B. verb
1. faced A.noun
2. faces B. verb
1. risks A.noun
2. risked B. verb
15. Define which part of speech the words in bold refer to.
Choose the part of speech in the table on the right. Underline it.
1 . Every member of the community should have a vote in elect Noun
ing those delegates. Adjective
2. The members vote against the suggestion to prevent the law Noun
being passed. Adjective
3. The pound was firm against the dollar. Noun
4. He established his firm in 1998. Noun
5. Our product will stand the test of time. Noun
6. Working in the new school gave him a chance to test out some Noun
of the latest ideas in education. Adjective
7. There is merely a short note of what he decided. Noun
8. We often note their reluctance to help us. Noun
9. You were right to refuse. Noun
16 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
1 6 . A. Define which part of speech the words on the right refer to.
1. There were three boys ...William in my class. NAME
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
2. The ... are off. LIGHT
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
3. The book was dedicated to the g re a t... of history. NAME
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
4. The ball is ..., the players are faster, the tactics are more LIGHT
complex. ______
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
5. Ann ... all evening with Richard. DANCE
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
6. He has travelled to d ista n t... PLACE
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
7. When the orchestra struck up fresh ..., James invited Su DANCE
san to the center of the hall.
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
8. Each of these ..., which early in life must have been famil INFLUENCE
iar to him, tempered and modified the other.
A. noun B. adjective C. verb D. adverb
How to Succeed in State Exam Grammar Tasks: Basic Knowledge 17
1 шаг
Определите части речи,
обратите внимание не только на само слово, но и по его месту
в предложении убедитесь, что Вы не ошибаетесь в определении части
____________________________ речи______________________________
_________________________ Ф________________________
2 шаг
Вспомните возможные варианты грамматической трансформации для
________________________ данной части речи________________________
_________________________ Ф________________________
3 шаг
Проанализируйте предложение и общий контекст фрагмента и выберите
соответствующий вариант трансформации представленной части речи
4 шаг
Подумайте, не относится ли данное слово к исключениям.
Образуйте необходимую форму слова.
_____Убедитесь, что при написании соблюдены правила орфографии_____
Your answer:
Useful Tips
При образовании форм множественного числа имени существительно
го важно помнить о существовании значительного количества исключе
ний, которые проявляются как в форме чередования букв, так и в форме
существенных изменений самого слова при образовании множественного
Также важно помнить, что в английском языке существуют неисчис
ляемые имена существительные, которые не образуют формы множе-
ственного числа.___________________________________ ______________
Read the words and underline the nouns which are un
bread, table, lamp, butter, telephone, pencil, idea, sugar, tea, computer,
coffee, dress, leather, T-shirt, paper, skirt, lesson, wood, book, box, silver,
crystal, picture, flower, plastic, toy, porcelain, doll, metal, balloon, car, water,
house, child, air
19.Divide the sentences into two groups. Characterize count
able and uncountable nouns.
1 exception — исключение
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 21
1 substances — вещества
22 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
2 1 . Analyze the rules. Give examples for each rule. The words
from the table will help you.
1. [NOUN] + -s
2. [NOUN -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x] + -es
3. [NOUN (согласная) + -у] —» -ies
4. [NOUN (гласная) + -у] + -s
5. [NOUN -o] + -es
6. [NOUN -o] + -s
7. [NOUN -f/-fe] -> -ves
a piano — pianos, a fly — flies, a hero — heroes, a wife — wives, a cat — cats,
a bus — buses, a day — days _______________
Useful Tips
При образовании множественного числа существительных, оканчива
ющихся на -f/-fe, важно помнить об исключениях, которые не изменяют
окончания на -ves. К ним относятся:
chief — chiefs ( шеф, начальник)
roof — roofs ( крыша)
safe — safes (сейф )
cliff — cliffs (утес)
belief — beliefs (убеждение )
chef — chefs ( шеф-повар, главный повар)
Также важно выучить слова, оканчивающиеся на -о. Их можно разде
лить на три группы.
1. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -es
hero - heroes
potato — potatoes
tomato — tomatoes
mosquito — mosquitoes
2. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -s
piano — pianos
photo — photos
video — videos
zoo — zoos
radio — radios
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 23
Useful Tips
Некоторые имена существительные английского языка образуют фор
му множественного числа не по правилам, например, a man — теп.
Также есть группа имён существительных, форма которых не меняет
ся в единственном и множественном числах: a fish — fish._____________
5. a mouse ciem
6. ап ох ехпо
7. a child dnrilech
8. a businessman essnmsienbu
9. a grandchild ldcidanhgrren ->
10. a goose eeegs ->
3. Deer don’t usually browse1 them, but the plants are subject to a number
of pests and diseases.
4. As she walked across the field, a deer came bounding2out of the forest on
the hill.
5. The sheep are bleating3outside.
6. A stone cottage up the road was the only sign of inhabitation, and a herd
of sheep raised their heads as he neared.
7. That mosaic image consisted of a crow, a sheep, a turkey, two doves,
a pony, and sundry fragments.
8. Still, goats and sheep had been in North America for hundreds of years.
9. Trout are taken in most of the loughs, and pike of great size in the Loughs
10. The brown trout is a relative of the Atlantic salmon, and is found in
freshwater rivers and lakes throughout the European continent.
11. The Truckee river and the western lakes abound4in trout.
12. Trout have been introduced into some of the higher reaches of the riv
13. This species inhabits the eastern parts of the United States.
14. The summit of the hill above is covered in birch, with oak the dominant
species on the sides.
15. Species are going extinct at rates equaled only five times in the history
of life.
16. Horses, cows, deer, sheep, goats, swine, cats and dogs were introduced
by the early Spaniards.
17. Swine is a name properly applicable to the domesticated pig, but also in
cluding its wild relatives.
18. The common shrimp is found abundantly on the coasts of the British Is
lands, in shallow5water wherever the bottom is sandy.
19. Shrimp are abundant; the shrimp fishers are Chinese and four fifths of
the catch is exported to China.
20. «I have other means of obtaining stu ff, » Gabriel said with some offense.
21. Telephone is a very efficient means of communication.
сании соблюдены правила ор 10. Does the word have irregular
фографии. grammar form?
11. Complete the sentence with the
correct grammar form and write it
below. Check your answer in The An
swer Keys.
Your answer:
Useful Tips
Употребление имени прилагательного в заданиях 19-25 связано с об
разованием грамматических форм сравнительной или превосходной сте
пеней сравнения.
Важно помнить, что каждая грамматическая форма имеет определён
ные условия применения, что, как правило, выражается в определённых
словах, фразах, указывающих на необходимость употребления сравни
тельной или превосходной степеней сравнения:
The book is more interesting than the magazine.
В сравнительной степени подобным указателем является слово than
(чем), а также усилители сравнения: far, much и т. п.
Our town is the most comfortable for tourists.
В превосходной степени к подобному указателю может относиться
определённый артикль (the), предшествующий грамматической форме
Но: обратите внимание на существование конструкции
the + сравнительная форма, the + сравнительная форма,
в которой употребление артикля the свидетельствует о необходимости об
разования сравнительной степени:
The more comfortable the house is, the higher its price becomes.____
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 31
Useful Tips
Необходимо выучить следующие исключения:
good — bettei— the best
bad — worse — the worst
little — less — the least
much — more — the most
Обратите внимание, что существуют также прилагательные с двойны
ми формами степеней сравнения:
far — farther — the farthest (употребляется при описании расстояния)
fai— further — the furthest (употребляется в значении «дальнейший»)
neai— nearei— the nearest (употребляется при описании расстояния)
neai— nearer — the next (употребляется в значении «следующий по по
late — latei— the latest (употребляется при указании времени)
late — latter (указывает на «второй из упомянутых») — the last (упо
требляется в значении «последний по порядку»)
old - older - the oldest (употребляется в значении «старый», для харак
теристики возраста)
old - elder - the eldest (употребляется в значении «старший», использу
ется для характеристики возраста в семье)
7. the shortest
8. simpler
9. the biggest
1 0 .funny
11. the narrowest
12. modern
lu. txiG most iniGlligGnt
14. hospitable
15. old
16. easier
17. the tallest
18. more important
19. the lowest
20. pleasant
21. hotter
22. small
23. friendlier
24. impersonal
25. frequent
26. faster
27. the tastiest
28. the most useful
29. warm
30. higher
31. good
32. kind
33. more boring
3 4 .bad
35. the neatest
34 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
2. Is it a pronoun?
но и по его месту в предложении убеди
тесь, что Вы не ошибаетесь в определе
3. What place does it have in
нии части речи. the sentence? What words are
around/near it?
Вспомните возможные варианты 4. What grammar forms does a
грамматической трансформации для personal pronoun have?
данной части речи. 5. How many personal pro
nouns do you know?
Your answer:
Useful Tips
Употребление местоимений в заданиях 19-25 связано с образованием
грамматических форм объектных, притяжательных (относительная и аб
солютная формы), возвратных местоимений.
Безусловно, важно знать правила образования указанных местоиме
ний, но не менее важно понимать условия их употребления в контексте,
предложении, так как наибольшее количество ошибок связано именно
с недопониманием функций местоимений, а значит, и с их некорректным
Запомните, что личные местоимения {I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) мо
гут употребляться только в функции подлежащего, в остальных случаях,
когда местоимение выполняет функции дополнения или обстоятельства,
т. е. употребляется после глагола или предлога, используются объектные
местоимения: те, you, him, her, it, us, them.
Притяжательные местоимения отвечают на вопрос чей? и трудность,
проявляющаяся при их употреблении, относится к выбору относительной
{ту, his, her, your, its, our, their) или абсолютной {mine, his, hers, yours, ours,
theirs) формы. Относительная форма употребляется в конструкции ПРИ
а абсолютная форма предполагает самостоятельное употребление притя
жательного местоимения {Is it your book? — No, it isn’t mine, it’s hers.)
Возвратные местоимения {myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself,
ourselves, yourselves, themselves) переводятся на русский язык словом
«себя» или «себе» и употребляются, когда мы показываем, что действие
переносится на субъект (подлежащее): I have hurt myself. Будьте внима
тельны и не забудьте, что данные местоимения разграничиваются по чис
лам: единственное и множественное, что выражается в употреблении —
-self или - s e l v e s . ________________________
38 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
T h e p la n b e lo n g s to h im . T h is is h is p la n . T h e p la n is his.
These are our tickets.
The car is mine.
41. Complete the sentences using the right form of the pronouns.
1 .1 expect... to phone tomorrow,
a. he b. him c. his d. himself
2. They wanted ... to explain ... everything.
a. us, them b. us, their c. our, them d. our, their
3. We’d like ... to have dinner with ....
a. your, our b. you, our c. you, us d. your, us
4. He expected ... to solve ... problem.
a. their, his b. them, his c. they, his d. themselves, himself
5 .1 w a n t... to take part in the concert,
a. yourself b. yours c. your d. you
6 .1 expect... to change ... opinion.
a. their, them b. them, their c. they, theirs d. themselves, them
7 .1 hate Mum teaching ... what to do.
a. me b. my c. mine d. myself
8. Nobody expected ... to repair ....
a. he, its b. he, it c. him, it d. his, its
9. He wants ... daughter to be a doctor.
a. us b. him c. her d. herself
1 0 .1 would like ... to take part in our concert,
a. them b. they c. their d. themselves
42. Which of these sentences are correct? Mark them with a tick.
1. They wanted to do it themselves. □
2. He broke his leg so he cannot dress him. □
40 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
Your answer:
Useful Tips
Употребление наречия в заданиях 19-25 связано с образованием грам
матических форм сравнительной или превосходной степеней сравнения.
Важно помнить, что каждая грамматическая форма имеет определён
ные условия применения, что, как правило, выражается в определённых
словах, фразах, указывающих на необходимость употребления сравни
тельной или превосходной степеней сравнения.
слова. Убедитесь, что при напи 9. Does the word have irregular
сании соблюдены правила орфо grammatical forms.
графии. 10. Complete the sentence with the
correct grammar form and write it
below. Check your answer in The An-
swer Keys.
Your answer:
Useful Tips
Употребление числительных, как правило, не вызывает трудностей
у школьников. Единственная проблема, которая иногда проявляется, —
это правописание. В этом случае рекомендуется обратить внимание на не
которые особенности трансформации количественных числительных
в порядковые, а также повторить правила орфографии при образовании
числительных. Это поможет избежать возможных ошибок на экзамене.
46 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
1 stroke — удар
2 reluctant — делающий что-л. с большой неохотой
3 finite verb forms — личные формы глагола (глагол является сказуемым)
4 non-finite verb forms — неличные формы глагола
5 all along = all the time
6 stiff — жёсткий
7 pigeons — голуби
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 51
Useful Tips
Обратите внимание на то, что в некоторых случаях в английском язы
ке употребляется инфинитив без частицы to (bare infinitive).
Перечислим некоторые конструкции и глаголы, с которыми употреб
1. после модальных глаголов (can, must, may);
2. в конструкциях
had better + BARE INFINITIVE,
would rather + BARE INFINITIVE
3. в конструкциях, выражающих разрешение или принуждение к
make + объектное местоимение /существительное + BARE INFINITIVE,
let + объектное местоимение /существительное + BARE INFINITIVE,
4. в конструкциях Complex Object с глаголами чувственного восприятия:
feel/ see/ hear + объектное местоимение /существительное +
58. Match the beginning of each sentence on the left with its
ending on the right.
1. But her parents were so wrapped a. to notice anything unusual in his
up in their own silly little lives attitude.
that they failed b. to talk too much when I'm nervous.
2. Maybe, they will decide c. to see you on your birthday if you
3. Jane didn't seem can get away.
4. They become so blinded1by adora- d. to convince4 themselves their child
tion2they manage has qualities of a genius.
5. They could afford3 e. to drop in and see you the very next
6. After all, they refused time I'm up this way.
7. I'm sending you this card and hope f . to help someone.
8. Sorry, I tend g. to spend the money and deliver the
9 .1 promise update next month.
10. This is a really simple way to offer h. to participate in your programe
i. to notice anything unusual about
their daughter.
j. to buy him a horse of his own, and
he would learn more this way.
1blinded — ослеплённый
2 adoration — обожание
3 afford — позволить себе
4 convince — убедить
56 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
60. A. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives/nouns from the ta
Important, pleasure, reluctant, quick, difficult, decision, happy, ready,
clever, surprised
1. It was a ... to walk in the garden.
2. He is ... to go there.
3. Peter was ... not to trust her.
4 . 1 was ... to hear that Steven won the competition.
5. It is his ... to start his own business.
6. It is ... to get to the airport on time.
7. He is ... to help.
8 . 1 am ... to hear it.
9. It was ... to refuse his request.
10. Her mind was so nimble and she was so ... to learn.
B. Complete the following sentences about yourself.
1 .1 am happy to ...
2. It is my decision to ...
3. It is difficult to ...
4 . 1 am ready to ...
5. It is a pleasure to ...
6 1 . A. Read and analyze the sentence.
Surface water, though, is not enough ... farmers' needs. MEET1
1meet — удовлетворить
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 57
Useful Tips
Обратите внимание на грамматическую конструкцию Complex Subject,
которая представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже
или местоимения в именительном падеже, выполняющего в предложе
нии функцию подлежащего, с инфинитивом. Она употребляется со следу
ющими глаголами и фразами:
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 59
1behaviour — поведение
64 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
3 .1 tolerate
4 .1 like
5 .1 dislike
6 .1 prevent
7 .1 don’t mind
8 . 1 appreciate
Useful Tips
Обратите внимание, что герундий употребляется после следующих фраз:
Гт busy, it's по use, it's (по) good, it's ( not) worth, what's the use of, can't
help, there's no point ( in), can't stand, have difficulty ( in), in addition to, as
well as, have trouble, have a hard/difficult time, look forward to, be/get used
to, be/get accustomed to.
Эти выражения нужно выучить наизусть!
refuse ->
would like
be seen
i t ’s no use
agree ->
be used to
object to
i t ’s worth
7 7 . Complete the texts with the verbs written on the right us
ing correct forms of gerund or infinitive.
A REAL WITCH gets the same pleasure from (1)_ (1) SQUELCH
______ a child as you get from (2)_______ a plateful (2) EAT
of strawberries and thick cream. She reckons on
(3)______ away with one child a week. Anything less (3) DO
than that and she becomes grumpy. A witch never
gets caught. She can make stones jump about like
frogs and she can make tongues of flame go (4)______ (4) FLICKER
across the surface of the water. Luckily, there are
not a great number of REAL WITCHES in the world
today. But there are still quite enough (5)______ you (5) MAKE
nervous. A witch is always a woman. I do not wish
(6) ______ badly about women. Which lady is the (6) SPEAK
witch? That is a difficult question, but it is one that
every child must try (7)______ . (7) ANSWER
“W itc h e s ” R o a ld D a h l
78. Don’t forget spelling rules! Divide all verbs into 6 groups.
Formulate spelling rules (in Russian).
Make — making, compel — compelling, run — running, lie — lying, study —
studying, die — dying, visit — visiting, listen — listening, play — playing,
rebel — rebelling, write — writing, drive — driving, pay — paying, stop —
stopping, tie — tying, put — putting, travel — travelling, order — ordering
Useful Tips
Обратите внимание на конструкцию Complex Object.
После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие и ощущение,
употребляется инфинитив без частицы to (Bare Infinitive) или глагол с
-ing (Present Participle):
I see them
You watch us
He notice her coming
She observe him come.
We feel me
They hear you
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 69
8 4 . Complete the text with the verbs on the right using correct
non-finite verb forms.
"What do you use it for?" Matilda asked him.
"Ha!" the father said. "Wouldn't you like (1)...." (1) KNOW
"I don't see how sawdust can help you (2)... sec (2) SELL
ond-hand cars, daddy."
"That's because you're an ignorant little twit,"
the father said. His speech was never very delicate
but Matilda was used to (3)... it. She also knew that (3) IGNORE
he liked (4) ... and she would egg him on shame (4) BOAST
"You must be very clever (5) ... a use for some (5) FIND
thing that costs nothing," she said.
"I wish I could do it."
"You couldn't," the father said. "You're too
stupid. But I don't mind (6) ... young Mike here (6) TELL
about it seeing he'll be joining me in the business
one day." (7) ... Matilda, he turned to his son and (7) IGNORE
said, "I'm always glad (8) ... a car when some fool (8) BUY
has been crashing the gears so badly they're all
worn out and rattle like mad. I get it cheap. Then
all I do is mix a lot of sawdust with the oil in the
gear-box and it runs as sweet as a nut."
"How long will it run like that before it starts
(9)... again?" Matilda asked him. (9) RATTLE
"Long enough for the buyer (10) ... a good dis (10) GET
tance away," the father said, (11) .... "About a (11) GRIN
hundred miles."
“But th a t’s dishonest, daddy,” Matilda said.
“It’s cheating.”
“No one ever got rich being honest,” the father
said. “Customers are there to be diddled1.”
“M a tild a " R o a ld D a h l
8 5 . Complete the text with the verbs on the right using correct
non-finite verb forms.
Like a boy on a toboggan, Brian sprawled
belly down on the sled, head (1) ... toward the (1) POINT
mouth of the tunnel. He engaged the throttle,
the engine's roar (2)... off the walls. With a fi (2) ECHO
nal thumbs-up, Brian shoved the throttle for
ward. The sled shot into the narrow tunnel.
Peter crouched down (3)... Brian's de (3) WATCH
parture. The lights faded as the sled roared
around a distant curve. After a few moments
more, even the sound of the sled whined down
to nothing. Peter was alone in the cavern.
Using his lantern, he checked the time. Bri
an should be back in five minutes. He smiled.
Maybe even twenty minutes if he needed (4) ... (4) DISASSEMBLE
the communications relay and replace some
parts. That gave him more than enough time.
He slipped a joint from his vest pocket.
Peter set down his lantern and rotated it for
wide dispersal (5) ... the area. Then he leaned (5) ILLUMINATE
back against the cavern wall, fished a match
from his pocket, and struck a flame. He in
haled sharply on the narrow joint. Ahhh! (6) ... (6) LEAN
his head back, he savored the smoke deep in his
“S u b te r r a n e a n ” J a m e s R o llin s
86 . Complete the text with the verbs on the right using correct
non-finite verb forms.
This morning, two years later than that, was
sweet and fragrant as he emerged from the cave
he called home until he could think of (1) ... a (1) FIND
better cave.
He had just had a wonderful idea about how
(2)... with the terrible lonely isolation. (2) COPE
He beamed again and took a bite out of a rab
bit leg (3) ... over from his supper. He chewed (3) LEAVE
happily for a few moments and then decided
formally (4)... his decision. (4) ANNOUNCE
72 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
1 predicate — сказуемое
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 73
Useful Tips
При выполнении заданий 19-25 важно различать формы активного
и пассивного залога. Для этого нужно внимательно перевести предложе
ние и проанализировать роль подлежащего с точки зрения того, соверша
ет ли оно действие само или действие совершается над ним:
The teacher explains grammar rules.
Grammar rules are explained by the teacher.
Необходимо уметь образовывать грамматические формы пассивного
залога в разных временах.
Будьте внимательны: такие предлоги как by, with иногда являются ин
дикаторами пассивного залога.
By показывает, что действие совершается лицом:
This cheese was made by my granny.
With показывает, что действие совершается предметом:
The file is made with Microsoft Visual. ________________________
В. Complete the text with the right grammar forms from the text.
1. A. will see B. will be seen C. are seen
2. A. am married B. married C. have been married
3. A. asked B. have been asked C. is asked
4. A. am lived B. live C. have lived
5. A. love B. have loved C. loves
6. A. is limited B. are limited C. limits
93, A. Read the sentences. Define grammar tenses in each of
them. Do they refer to the present and future or to the past? Un
derline your answer. Complete the table dividing grammar tens
es into two groups.
The verbs in the sentence
In those last moments when it was too late, she - PRESENT AND FUTURE
had decided to go with them. -PA ST
Fred was absent when they arrived home, but - PRESENT AND FUTURE
returned just as Cynthia was cutting a warmed -PA ST
apple pie for a late afternoon snack.
You will have perfected your English by the - PRESENT AND FUTURE
time you come back from London. -PA ST
Until recently, researchers haven't had the data - PRESENT AND FUTURE
to distinguish the different possibilities. -PA ST
Is that newly baked bread I smell? - PRESENT AND FUTURE
We will still be waiting for them at midnight. - PRESENT AND FUTURE
The last time he made a business trip to Colum - PRESENT AND FUTURE
bia, he had said they needed the money. -PA ST
Or maybe he was thinking about their conversa - PRESENT AND FUTURE
tion last night. -PA ST
Useful Tips
Как Вы знаете, в английском языке действуют строгие законы согла
сования времён. Поэтому важно знать, какие времена относятся к плану
прошедшего, а какие — к плану настоящего. Времена глаголов этих двух
планов, как правило, не смешиваются. _____________________________
9 6 . Complete the sentences with the verb forms from the table.
writes, have been written, wrote, are being written, were written, had been
written, was writing, are written, were being written, will be writing, will be
written, has written, had written, is writing, will write, will have written,
has been writing
Present have
Perfect prepared
Present have
Perfect been
Continuous waiting
Useful Tips
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Future Simple
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 81
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Обратите внимание, что такое количество времён требует большого
внимания к контексту (общему смыслу предложения).
Правильное выполнение заданий предполагает, что Вы знаете фор
му образования каждого времени, значение, которое их характеризует,
а также умеете анализировать предложение и замечаете индикаторы
(указатели) того или иного времени.
C. Can you add any other time expressions to the table? The
words and phrases below can help you.
Every week, always, rarely, never, ever, sometimes, in the morning, at night,
on Sunday, ever, yet, how long, so far, recently, today, this month.
82 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
Useful Tips
Важно помнить, что в английском языке есть группа глаголов, кото
рые не употребляются в Present Continuous.
Глаголы восприятия:
to see — видеть
to hear — слышать
to notice — замечать
to smell — пахнуть
to feel — чувствовать
to recognize — узнавать
to listen — слушать
to watch — наблюдать
to taste — иметь вкус
Глаголы эмоционального состояния:
to want — хотеть
to desire — желать
to refuse — отказываться
to forgive — прощать
to wish — желать
to hate — ненавидеть
to like — нравиться
to love — любить
88 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
106. Complete the sentences with the verbs on the right. (The
verbs are given out of order). What group of the verbs do they
refer to?
1. Some fish ... harmful chemicals, which can be the result TASTE
of both natural causes and water pollution.
2. Ravens ... a relatively high degree of cooperation REMEMBER
between partners.
3. Frogs ... to a group of animals called amphibians. BELONG
4. Many car-makers ... a big opportunity in adding new SUPPOSE
functionality to the computers built into many models.
5 .1 ... seeing some old pictures of Granddad when he had POSSESS
just begun his career.
6. The voice you ... when you speak is the combination of HATE
sound carried along both paths.
7. Do you ... to find this person in Ashley? SEE
8 . 1 ... to ask you for another favour, but I wonder if I EXPECT
could pay you to drive me home.
9 .1 ... no place is better than home on Christmas. HEAR
10. Apples ... as good as oranges. CONTAIN
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 89
107. Complete the text with correct forms of the verbs given
on the right.
Who am i? And how, I wonder, will this story end?
The sun has come up and I (1) ... by a window that is SIT
foggy with the breath of a life gone by. I’m a sight this
morning: two shirts, a scarf wrapped twice around my
neck and tucked into a thick sweater knitted by my
daughter thirty birthdays ago. Eighty years. I wonder if
this (2)... how it is for everyone my age. BE
My life? It isn’t easy to explain. I have no complaints
about the path I (3) ... to follow. I wouldn’t have had it CHOOSE
any other way.
As a rule, time, unfortunately, (4) ... it easy to stay (NOT) MAKE
on course. I cough, and through squinted eyes I check
my watch. I realize it is time to go. I stand and shuffle
across the room; stopping at the desk to pick up the
notebook I (5)... a hundred times. READ
I hear the muffled sounds of crying in the distance
and know who is making them. The nurse (6) ... me and SEE
we smile and exchange greetings.
“There he (7) ... again.” I hear. “I hope it turns out GO
well.” But she (8)... nothing directly to me about it. SAY
“T h e N o te b o o k ” N ic h o la s S p a r k s
Основное значение — действие, которое закончилось до определённого
момента или другого действия в прошлом (ПРЕД
Особые случаи — результат действия, которое закончилось к опре
употребления делённому моменту в прошлом.
Основное значение — действие, которое началось до определённого
момента в прошлом и продолжается до опреде
лённого момента повествования (акцент на ПРО
Useful Tips
He забывайте, что в английском языке существует достаточно обшир
ная группа неправильных глаголов, которые имеют особые формы, ис
пользуемые для образования Past Simple и времён группы Perfect. Для
того чтобы успешно справиться с заданиями 19-25 важно знать данные
глаголы наизусть и уметь правильно писать их. _____________________
pay платить
put положить
read читать
ride ездить верхом
ring звенеть
rise подниматься
run бежать
say говорить
see видеть
sell продавать
send посылать
set ставить
shake встряхивать
show показывать
sing петь
sit сидеть
sleep спать
speak говорить
spend тратить
stand стоять
steal красть
swim плавать
take брать, взять
teach учить
tell рассказывать
think думать
throw бросать
understand понимать
wake просыпаться
wear носить (одежду)
win выигрывать
write писать
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 95
Stanley Yelnats was the only passenger on the
bus, not counting the driver or the guard. The
guard sat next to the driver with his seat turned
around facing Stanley. A rifle lay across his lap.
Stanley (1)... about ten rows back, handcuffed to SIT
his armrest. His backpack lay on the seat next to
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks
The lift reached the ground floor and (1) ... STOP
with a jerk. My grandmother walked out of it
and crossed the lobby of the hotel and (2) ... the ENTER
Dining-Room. It (3) ... a huge room with gold BE
decorations on the ceiling and big mirrors around
the walls. Waiters (4)... about all over the place, BUZZ
carrying plates and dishes. My grandmother
(5) ... her way to our table and sat down. My MAKE
grandmother looked towards the long tables but
said nothing. She unfolded her napkin and (6)... SPREAD
it over the handbag on her lap. My grandmother
pretended she (7) ... something, and as she bent DROP
down, she (8)... me out from under the napkin on SLIDE
to the floor under the table.
“T h e W itc h e s ” R o a ld D a h l
100 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
1 1 7 . A. Make up sentences.
I meet him at the museum tomorrow.
You win the competitions tonight.
He forget about it next week.
She enjoy the book in a year.
shall soon.
It send the letter
will in 2020.
We watch the program
You buy the tickets the day after tomorrow.
They help me next month.
Helen be away tomorrow morning.
Useful Tips
Нужно быть особенно внимательным при употреблении будущего вре
мени в сложных предложениях. Не забудьте, что в придаточных времени
и условия будущее не употребляется.
Важно отличать придаточные предложения времени и условия от при
даточных дополнительных, которые могут вводиться при помощи if
и when.
Запомните! Если if переводится как «если», это придаточное условия,
и времена группы Future употреблять НЕЛЬЗЯ!
I will go to the party if they ask me.
Если if переводится как «ли», это придаточное дополнительное, и вре
мена группы Future употреблять МОЖНО!
They ask те if I will go to the party.
Подобное явление наблюдается также в придаточных времени и в при-
даточных дополнительных.
I will finish ту report when I find this information.
He asks me when I will finish my report.
_________________________________________________________Useful Tips
Будьте внимательны, так как в придаточных времени, кроме when,
употребляются следующие союзы и союзные слова:
till ( until) — пока, до тех пор, пока;
as soon as — как только;
before — прежде чем, до того как;
aftei----после того как;
while —в то время как;
until — пока (не).
Useful Tips
Обрати внимание на то, что употребление if связано с пониманием пра
вил образования условных предложений в английском языке.
В английском языке существуют три типа условных предложений.
I тип — реальное условие
If + Present Simple, Future Simple
Future Simple, if + Present Simple
I f the weather is fine, we’ll go to the seaside.
We’ll go to the seaside if the weather is fine.
II тип — желаемое условие
(при переводе на русский язык используется частица БЫ, действие от
носится к настоящему или будущему)
If + Past Simple, would + verb
would + verb, if + Past Simple
I f the weather was fine, we would go to the seaside.
We would go to the seaside if the weather was fine.
III тип — нереальное условие
(при переводе на русский язык используется частица БЫ, действие от
носится к прошлому)
If + Past Perfect, would + have done
(глагол с окончанием -ed или 3 форма глагола)
would + have done (глагол с окончанием -ed или 3 форма глагола)
if + Past Perfect
Yesterday if the weather had been fine, we would have gone to the seaside.
Yesterday we would had gone to the seaside if the weather had been fine.
Будьте внимательны, если в задании ЕГЭ употребляется if, так как это
может быть условное предложение. Проверяйте себя на основе сопостав
ления двух частей предложения, а также временного плана (настоящего
или прошедшего).
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks 105
Useful Tips
Употребление would может быть связано не только с типами условных
предложений, но и с правилами трансформации прямой речи в косвен
Перевод прямой речи в косвенную требует определения на основе глав
ного предложения, которое вводит косвенную речь, временного плана:
настоящего или прошедшего.
Сравните: Не says — план настоящего
Не said — план прошедшего
В плане прошедшего проявляются существенные грамматические из
Present Simple Past Simple
(выражает одновременность по отношению к
действию, выраженному в главном предложении)
Past Simple Past Perfect
(выражает предшествование по отношению к
действию, выраженному в главном предложении)
will would
(выражает предстоящее событие по отношению к
действию, выраженному в главном предложении)
Будьте внимательны! В плане прошедшего, если действие относит
ся к будущему, will употребляться не может; вместо него употребляется
108 Английский язык. Грамматика. Тренировочная тетрадь для подготовки к ЕГЭ
T A SK 1
T A SK 2
T A SK 3
T A SK 4
T A SK 7
T A SK 8
T A SK 9
T A SK 10
A. A. 11 B. 4 C. 10 D. 6 E. 3 F. 8 G. 5 H. 1 1. 7 J. 9 K. 2
B. 1. (-) 2. (+) 3. (+) 4. (-) 5. (-)
1. parents, years, mountains, medicines, treatments; 2. her; 3. she, it; 4.
lovely, therapeutic, useful; 5. more useful; 6. simply, desperately.
8. A.
(1) (3) (6) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (15)
(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (25) (26)
NOUNS (2) (14)
NUMERALS (5) (24)
ADJECTIVES (7) (27) (30)
PRONOUNS (28) (29) (31) (32) (33)
ADVERBS (4) (H) (23)
A. Morning sun splashed into the room moments before the first notes came from
the clock radio. David Shelton, eyes still closed, listened for a few seconds before
silently guessing Vivaldi, The Four Seasons, probably the Summer concerto. It was
a game he had plaved nearly every morning for years. Still, the occasions on which
he identified a piece correctly were rare enough to warrant a small celebration (The
Sisterhood by Michael Palmer)
B. 1. Splashed, came, listened, was identified, were; 2. was, were; 3. closed,
to warrant, guessing
C. had played
11 .
1. teacher; 2. nicely; 3. then; 4. leaf; 5. song.
12 .
use / /
match / /
form / /
sweet / /
early / /
Answer Keys 121
weather / У У
suit / У
fine / У У /
store У У
act У У
present / У /
ban / /
perfect ✓ / ✓/
1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Noun 5. Noun 6. Verb 7. Noun 8. Verb 9. Adjective
10. Adverb 11. Noun 12. Verb
A. 1. C. verb 2.A. noun 3. A. noun 4. B. adjective 5. C. verb 6. A. noun 7. A. noun
8. A. noun 9. C. verb 10. C. verb
B. 1. I. named 2. G. lights 3. E. names 4. H. lighter 5. A. danced 6. J. places
7. D. dances 8. C. influences 9. F. are influenced 10. B. am placed
Your answer: LEAVES
bread, butter, sugar, a coffee, leather, a paper, wood, silver, a crystal, plastic,
porcelain, metal, water, air
1. These nouns refer to things that we 2. These nouns refer to things that we
can count. cannot count.
3. These nouns can take either singular 5. These nouns do not take «а/ап» or a
or plural form. number in front of them.
4. These nouns can be used with «many» 6. These nouns can be used with «much»
and «few». and «little».
7. These nouns can be used with «a lot 7. These nouns can be used with «a lot
of» and «по». of» and «по».
9. These nouns can be used with «some» 8. These nouns take only singular form.
and «any». 9. These nouns can be used with «some»
10. These nouns take «а/ап» or a num and «any».
ber in front of them.
122 Answer Keys
Human feelings Abstract ideas Substances Activities
and qualities
joy hope sugar work
anger peace food help
cruelty beauty water sleep
happiness death wine travel
honesty fun salt shopping
pride life blood swimming
21 .
1. [JVOUN] + -s a cat - cats
2. [NOUN -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x] + -es a bus - buses
3. [NOUN (согласная) + -у] —>-ies a fly - flies
4. [NOUN (гласная) + -у] + -s a day - days
5. [NOUN -o ] + -es a hero - heroes
6. [NOUN -o ] + -s a piano - pianos
7. [NOUN -f/ -fe] -> -ves a wife - wives
22 .
+s + es -> ies -> ves
journey potato story scarf
video church lorry wolf
school mosquito party knife
teacher box baby leaf
kite class fairy calf
A. 1. a roof - roofs 2. a play - plays, 3. a book - books, 4. a photo - photos,
5. a brush - brushes.
B. 1. a fox 2. a chief 3. a tray 4. a key, 5. a river
Singular form Plural form Singular form Plural form
1. box boxes 21.chief chiefs
2. fox foxes 22.thief thieves
3. lock locks 23. blouse blouses
4. line lines 24.pan pans
Answer Keys 123
Степени сравнения Степени сравнения Исключения
образуются при помощи образуются при помощи
суффиксов наречий
clever wonderful bad
cheap interesting good
tall expensive far
Spelling type I Spelling type I I Spelling type I I I
close hot dry
large thin easy
polite wet noisy
late fat dirty
safe sad busy
1. sad, 2. funny, 3. friendly, 4. thin, 5. hot.
1. fashionable more fashionable the most fashionable
2. successful more successful the most successful
3. terrible more terrible the most terrible
4. stressful more stressful the most stressful
5. competitive more competitive the most competitive
6. nervous more nervous the most nervous
7. short shorter the shortest
8. simple simpler the simplest
9. big bigger the biggest
1 0 .funny funnier the funniest
11. narrow narrower the narrowest
12. modern more modern the most modern
13. intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
14. hospitable more hospitable the most hospitable
15. old older/ elder the oldest/ the eldest
1 6 .easy easier the easiest
Answer Keys 125
Personal Objective Possessive Reflexive
pronouns case pronouns pronouns
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
126 Answer Keys
1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. b, 5.d, 6. b, 7. a, 8. c, 9. c, 10. a
1. correct 2. incorrect 3. incorrect 4. correct 5. incorrect 6. correct 7. incorrect
8. incorrect 9. correct 10. correct
1. their, 2. our, 3. your, 4. their, 5. our, 6. your, 7. us, 8. their, 9. our, 10. your,
11. their, 12. them, 13. our, 14. your
I. 1. her, 2. her, 3. herself, 4. herself, 5. her, 6. me, 7. you
II. 1. his, 2. her, 3. it, 4. itself, 5. him, 6. his
III. 1. himself, 2. his, 3. his, 4. my, 5. your, 6. themselves
Answer Keys 127
Н а р еч и я = п р и л а га т ел ьн ы е Н ареч и я , сост оящ ие и з д в у х и И склю чени я
б олее сл о го в
Your answer: FIRST
1. don’t have, 2. can be, 3. show, appears, 4. tend, 5. filled, placed, 6. makes,
finds, 7. are located, 8. can take up, 9. suffered, became unable, 10. may make
1. Gerund 2. Present Participle 3. Gerund 4. Present Participle 5. Present
Participle 6. Gerund 7. Present Participle 8. Present Participle 9. Present Participle
10. Present Participle
1. playing 2. finding 3. stolen 4. left 5. travelling 6. impressed 7. driving
8. required 9. damaged 10. cutting
Your answer: TO SAVE
Your answer: TO CAPTURE
1. i, 9. e,10. f
Your answer: TO VISIT
128 Answer Keys
1. It was a pleasure to walk in the garden.
2. He is ready to go there.
3. Peter was clever not to trust her.
4 .1was surprised to hear that Steven won the competition.
5. It is his decision to start his own business.
6. It is important to get to the airport on time.
7. He is reluctant to help.
8 .1 am happy to hear it.
9. It was difficult to refuse his request.
10. Her mind was so nimble and she was so quick to learn.
Your answer: TO MEET
1. He was too young to give me a wise advice.
2. He is clever enough to understand my explanation at once.
3. He’s strong enough to carry that bag.
4. He’s too weak to lift that box.
5. He is too young to vote.
6. The subject is too difficult for me to understand.
7. The weather is not warm enough to go swimming.
8. This task isn’t easy enough for the children to do.
9. The rooms are too cold for children to sleep in.
10. The boy isn’t tall enough to climb the tree.
Your answer: TO TAKE
Your answer: TO COME
6. Eating ice cream on a hot day can be a good way to cool off.
7. Waking up early is always difficult.
8. Volunteering at the hospital is just one of her activities.
9. Complaining won’t help.
10. Surfing is one of life’s great pleasures.
Your answer: FALLING
1. g, 2. d, 3. b, 4. j, 5. e, 6. i, 7. h, 8. f, 9. a, 10. c.
Your answer: SPENDING
1. cooking, 2. touring, 3. listening, 4. waiting, 5. setting, 6. learning,
7. keeping, 8. forcing, 9. getting, 10. living
mind -> DOING
promise TO DO
deny -» DOING
forgive -> DOING
without -> DOING
what -> TO DO
used -> TO DO
decide ■) TO DO
suggest -» DOING
refuse -» TO DO
would love TO DO
be seen TO DO
it’s no use -> DOING
agree TO DO
would like -* TO DO
risk DOING
be used to DOING
object to -> DOING
it’s worth -> DOING
(1) squelching, (2) eating, (3) doing, (4) flickering, (5) to make, (6) to speak,
(7) to answer
Your answer: DANCING
130 Answer Keys
1. divided, 2. bearing, 3. barking, 4. earned, 5. sleeping, 6. bitten, 7. served,
8. shared, 9. done, 10. forbidden, 11. watched, 12. sinking, 13. living, 14. coming,
15. smiling, 16. needed
1. to know, 2. to sell, 3. ignoring, 4. to boast, 5. to find, 6. telling, 7. ignoring,
8. to buy, 9. rattling, 10. to get, 11. grinning
1. pointing, 2. echoing, 3. to watch, 4. to disassemble, 5. to illuminate, 6. leaning
86 .
1. finding, 2. to cope, 3. left, 4. to announce, 5. to add
Your answer: WERE STRUCK
Present PastFuture Present Present
Simple SimpleSimple Perfect Continuous
Passive Passive
Passive Passive Passive
The soup is cooked. will
was cooked. has been is being
be cooked. cooked. cooked.
The are done. were done. will have been are being
exercises be done. done. done.
Grammar are taught. were will have been are being
rules taught. be taught. taught. taught.
The house is painted. was painted. will has been is being
be painted. painted. painted.
The car is repaired. was will be has been is being
repaired. repaired. repaired. repaired.
The is written. was will be has been is being
letter written. written. written. written.
I am asked. was asked. will have been am being
be asked. asked. asked.
The are taken. were taken. will be have been are being
photos taken. taken. taken.
We are helped. were will have been are being
helped. be helped. helped. helped.
The is was will be has been is being
building constructed constructed. constructed. constructed. constructed.
Answer Keys 131
1. was telling, 2. has advised, 3. found, 4. pushed, 5. was running, 6. had left,
7. noticed, 8. had touched, 9. uncovered, 10. have done
1. writes wrote
2. are written
3 . wrote
4. were written
5. will write
6. will be written
7. is writing
132 Answer Keys
Present Simple Every day, seldom, often
Present Continuous Now, at the moment
Present Perfect Already, since, just
Present Perfect Continuous For, since
100 .
1 .1sometimes go to the cinema. постоянное и регулярное действие
2. She has been learning English for акцент на продолжительности
5 years.
3. You are always interrupting me. действие или привычка, которые
совершаются слишком часто
и вызывают раздражение.
4. I’ve never seen such a beautiful pic акцент на опыт человека
ture before.
5. Thomas passes to Mario and Mario спортивные комментарии, обзоры,
scores the goal. повествования
6 .1 have seen this film 5 times. акцент на количестве раз при описании
7. He is writing a book now. действие в процессе, происходящее
в момент речи или в настоящий
период времени, хотя и не обязательно
в момент речи
8 .1 am working as a waiter now. действие, которое носит временный
9. After work I come home, have supper перечисление действий в настоящем
and watch TV.
10. He has been playing football that’s длительное действие, которое
why he is so dirty. завершилось в недавнем прошлом,
результат которого представлен
в настоящем
11. The train arrives at 7.45 tomorrow. расписания и программы (со значением
12. The earth goes round the sun. законы природы
13.1 have passed my exams. при описании действия не важно,
когда оно было совершено, а важен его
14. Her English is improving. изменение ситуации, её развитие
134 Answer Keys
cost cost cost стоить
cut cut cut резать
do did done делать
draw drew drawn рисовать, тащить
dream dreamt dreamt мечтать, дремать
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven водить
eat ate eaten есть
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought бороться
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
get got got получать
give gave given давать
go went gone идти
grow grew grown расти
have had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hide hid hidden прятать
hold held held держать
hurt hurt hurt ушибить
keep kept kept содержать
know knew known знать
lay laid laid класть
lead led led вести
learn learnt learnt учить
leave left left оставлять
lie lay lain лежать
Answer Keys 137
lose lost lost терять
make made made производить
mean meant meant значить
meet met met встречать
mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
pay paid paid платить
put put put положить
read read read читать
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
ring rang rung звенеть
rise rose risen подниматься
run ran run бежать
say said said говорить
see saw seen видеть
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать
set set set ставить
shake shook shaken встряхивать
show showed shown показывать
sing sang sung петь
sit sat sat сидеть
sleep slept slept спать
speak spoke spoken говорить
spend spent spent тратить
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen красть
swim swam swum плавать
take took taken брать, взять
teach taught taught учить
tell told told рассказывать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросать
138 Answer Keys
understand understood understood понимать
wake woke woken просыпаться
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
win won won выигрывать
write wrote written писать
111 .
buy -* bought break -»broke, broken cost -*• cost, cost
catch -*• caught choose -+ chose, chosen cut -*■cut, cut
seek -*• sought freeze -*■froze, frozen hurt -►hurt, hurt
teach ->■taught speak ->• spoke, spoken put -*■put, put
think -> thought steal -*• stole, stolen set -*■set, set
112 .
Your answer: HAD DEPARTED
Your answer: WERE HAVING
Your answer: LOCKED
1 was blowing. 2. had arrived 3. found 4. were descending 5. realized 6. had packed
7. had not told 8. was 9. did not want
1. was sitting 2. contained 3. had given 4. had tried 5. used 6. tried 7. had fallen
8. was wearing 9. could not 10. had been
1. stopped 2. entered 3. was 4. were buzzing 5. made 6. spread 7. had dropped
8. slid
118. _______
Your answer: WILL HEAR
Answer Keys 139
1 attended, 2. found, 3. believe, 4. will provide, 5. will expand, 6. will deliver,
7. will become, 8. will help, 9. will facilitate, 10. will depend, 11. will bring
120 .
Your answer: READ
121 .
1. stops, won’t go; 2. will be made, know; 3. finish; will go out 4. will move, finds;
5. go, will book; 6. prepares, will invite; 7. will buy, saves; 8. will go, is; 9. will go, is;
10. will wait, explains.
122 .
1. arrives, 2. simmers, 3. recognised, 4. switched, 5. lit, 6. had trained, 7. kept,
8. saw
Your answer: FELL
Your answer: WOULD BE
1. had been killed, 2. will disappear, 3. came, 4. would go
Your answer: WOULD HAVE
Your answer: HAD GIVEN
От а в т о р а .............................................................................................................. 3
How to Succeed in State Exam Grammar Tasks: Basic K now ledge...............5
Parts of Speech: Follow the Steps and Complete the Tasks ..........................18
N oun.................................................................................................................19
Adjective.......................................................................................................... 29
Pronoun ........................................................................................................ 36
A d v e rb ............................................................................................................ 42
N u m eral.......................................................................................................... 44
V e r b .................................................................................................................47
Grammar Practice Tasks: 19—2 5 .................................................................... 110
Task 1 ............................................................................................................ 110
Task 2 ............................................................................................................ I l l
Task 3 ............................................................................................................ I l l
Task 4 ............................................................................................................ 112
Task 5 ............................................................................................................ 113
Task 6 ............................................................................................................ 114
Task 7 ..................................................... 114
Task 8 ............................................................................................................ 115
Task 9 ............................................................................................................ 116
Task 1 0 .......................................................................................................... 117
Answer K eys...................................................................................................... 119