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Antipoison (1)
Release27 February 2002 (Update)
Quest itemNo
Examine1 dose of antipoison potion.
Options [?]
BackpackDrink, Empty
Value144 coins
High alch86 coins
Low alch57 coins
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight0.02 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange12 coins (info)
Buy limit1,000
Advanced data
Item ID179
LinksMRID • recipe

An antipoison is a potion made via the Herblore skill. An antipoison cures poison and reduces poison damage by 100% for 3 minutes. Members can make one with three doses by using clean marrentill on a vial of water and then adding unicorn horn dust. This requires level 13 herblore and gives 50 Herblore experience.

It is recommended that players use antipoison++ instead of this potion, as antipoison++ offers an immunity period four times longer (12 minutes per dose).

If the player adds roe to a 2-dose potion, it will become a 2 dose antipoison mix which heals 300 life points.

An unlimited amount of Antipoison (1) can be found in a chest in the goblin dungeon that is accessed during the Observatory quest, though this chest's location may be randomly generated.

This potion can be made into an antipoison flask by using at least six doses of it with a potion flask. Players do not need a specific level to turn potions into flasks.

Price per dose[edit | edit source]

Item GE price Price per dose
Incl. vial / flask Potion only
Antipoison (1).png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison (1) 12 12 10
Antipoison (2).png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison (2) 147 74 73
Antipoison (3).png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison (3) 180 60 59
Antipoison (4).png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison (4) 225 56 56
Antipoison flask (6).png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison flask (6) 17,748 2,958 755

Creation[edit | edit source]

Ticks2 (1.2s) / 1 (0.6s) [r 1]
Herblore Herblore13 (b?)50
Marrentill potion (unf)13,921
Unicorn horn dust1475
Total cost4,396
Antipoison (3)1180
  1. ^ When mixing a single potion

Production costs[edit | edit source]

HerbSecondaryVialMaterial costProfitProfit/XP
Clean marrentill Unicorn horn dust Vial of water5,814−5,634−110.47
Grimy marrentill Unicorn horn dust Vial of water5,102−4,922−87.89
N/A Unicorn horn dust Marrentill potion (unf)4,396−4,216−84.32

Products[edit | edit source]

The following versions have no products: Antipoison (1), Antipoison (3), Antipoison (4). This, and the following lists are auto-generated (click here to update).

From 2 doses

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

1 dose

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

2 dose

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

3 dose

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

4 dose

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
  1. ^ This drop is on the Ancient Warriors' drop table.

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

The following versions have no shops: Antipoison (1), Antipoison (2), Antipoison (4). This, and the following lists are auto-generated.

3 dose

Antipoison protection comparison[edit | edit source]

Antipoison Price/dose Seconds/dose Price/second
Antipoison.png: RS3 Inventory image of AntipoisonAntipoison (4) 56.25 86 0.65
Antipoison flask.png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison flaskAntipoison flask (6) 2,958 86 34.4
Super antipoison.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super antipoisonSuper antipoison (4) 2,044 346 4.58
Super antipoison flask.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super antipoison flaskSuper antipoison flask (6) 5,105.5 346 11.45
Antipoison+.png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison+Antipoison+ (4) 2,283.75 518 4.41
Antipoison+ flask.png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison+ flaskAntipoison+ flask (6) 9,029.17 518 17.43
Antipoison++.png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison++Antipoison++ (4) 372.75 720 0.52
Antipoison++ flask.png: RS3 Inventory image of Antipoison++ flaskAntipoison++ flask (6) 4,067.33 720 5.65
Sanfew serum.png: RS3 Inventory image of Sanfew serumSanfew serum (4) 1,655 86 19.24
Sanfew serum flask.png: RS3 Inventory image of Sanfew serum flaskSanfew serum flask (6) 3,476.17 86 40.42
Marrentill incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Marrentill incense sticksMarrentill incense sticks 2,210 600 3.68
Irit incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Irit incense sticksIrit incense sticks 12,701 600 21.17

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Antipoison (1)
Disassembly categoryPotions and flasks
Disassembly XP0.3
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  85.7%
Common materials
Delicate parts35/101
Organic parts32/101
Crafted parts30/101
Rare materials
Enhancing components3/101
Healthy components1/101

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 12 December 2016 (Update):
    • Can no longer apply a weaker anti-poison effect if a stronger effect is already active.
  • patch 7 February 2012 (Update):
    • There is now a warning about when anti-poison is about to wear off.
  • update 9 November 2009 (Update):
    • A large number of items with parentheses after their names have had spaces added for consistency and easier searching on the Grand Exchange (e.g. "Agility potion(4)" is now "Agility potion (4)").
  • update 26 October 2004 (Update):
    • An "Empty" option was added to the item.
  • update 29 March 2004 (Update):
    • The 4-dose potion became permanently available with the launch of RuneScape 2.
    • 1-dose, 2-dose and 3-dose potions can now be decanted into one vial.
  • beta 9 March 2004 (Update):
    • The 4-dose potion was added to the RuneScape 2 beta.
    • 1-dose, 2-dose and 3-dose potions can now be decanted into one vial.