A Web Developer|
I Bought This Amazing premium looking '.com' Domain and created a Informative and beautyful domain For Sale Landing page. plus listed on diffrent Aftermarkets to get free attention
I Bought This Amazing premium looking '.com' Domain and created a Informative and beautyful domain For Sale Landing page. plus listed on diffrent Aftermarkets to get free attention
Since every Business are Shutingdown bcoz of this Covid situation,So I am helping my client INFINITE LEARNING to migrate there existing Coaching Business online, Hosted on a VPS which is also maintained by me
A ToDo Application created with react.js, bootstrap 5 , Material UI and connected with firebase avilable on github and netlify
This certifies that i Sah kritik has successfully completed the freeCodeCamp.org Responsive Web Design Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.
I am the part of Guinness World Record Event. & This Certificate verifies that kritik sah, Completed the Build a Face Recognition Application using Python successfully.