By purchasing and downloading digital resources from A Sanctified Art LLC (SA), you hereby agree to the following terms of agreement:

  • All downloaded artwork, digital files, and written content remain the sole property of A Sanctified Art LLC.

  • Downloading files grants you licensing permission to use the resources for ministry purposes only in your local context, which pertains to the faith community, church, or ministry in which you serve. If you are a larger ecclesial body wishing to share our resources with multiple churches in your conference, district, or presbytery, consider becoming an institutional patron.

  • Downloads constitute permission for one-time use only. One-time use refers to one specific event, occasion, or liturgical season. You are welcome to use the digital resources multiple times within the confines of one specific event or liturgical season, but please purchase again if utilizing resources for an additional occasion, event, context, or liturgical season.


These guidelines have been created to protect our work, which allows us to continue in ministry. If you have any questions regarding the following terms, please email us at [email protected].

  • Sharing purchased Sanctified Art resources with other parties is against our terms of use. This means you may not share our resources with other churches or organizations, use our resources in more than one ministry setting, upload digital files where they may be publicly downloaded, or reproduce our resources for profit or monetary gain. You must also take all reasonable precautions to protect the digital files from being shared outside of your organization.

  • Sharing files internally within a patron congregation or institution is permitted during the time period of your one-time use license. If you need to share our resources digitally with staff, leaders, or members of the patron congregation or institution, please email the resources directly or place them on a password-protected webpage. Do not distribute the original files on social media or public websites where non-patrons can access them freely.

  • Credit, including a link back to, must be given anywhere the resources are used, whether in print or electronically. Every product page on our website will contain the appropriate credit line for you to use. Credit lines are typically placed in bulletins for resources used in worship (see below for more about streamed/online worship). Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions about how to properly credit.

  • We ask that you follow our licensing guidelines for one-time use, meaning: if you want to use the resources again for a different season, congregation, or context, we ask that you purchase the bundle or resource again to obtain a new license. However, if you want to reuse one poem or a particular prayer for an additional worship service or ministry event, please make a financial contribution for this additional usage here.

  • If you are a larger institution and want to purchase our resources on behalf of individual churches or local congregations, consider becoming an institutional patron.


As congregations share more of their communal lives online, we recognize that you will likely want to share our resources online as well. Here are some guidelines for how to do that within our licensing terms:

Websites and Social Media

  • Please do not share the original digital files. You may share excerpts from the content, photos of resources in use, etc.

  • If you would like to share an image from our visual art collections, you are welcome to use any of the promotional photos on our website (such as thumbnail images), or share a low-res version of the image. Please do not use the high resolution images included in the download. If you are looking for a specific photo of an image, please reach out to us at [email protected].

  • If you would like to share one of our videos, you may share the watermarked preview version of the video. You can find the preview version of the video on its product page on our website, or on our Vimeo page. Please do not share the video without our watermark in such a way that anyone can freely download it from your website or social media pages. Embedding the un-watermarked videos within your online/streamed worship is permitted.

  • When sharing about our resources online, you must provide proper credit including a link to You may also tag us in social media posts (@sanctifiedart).

  • Closed, private groups such as Facebook groups may be considered password-protected webpages for the purpose of safely sharing resources within your ministry context.

Streaming/Online Worship

  • You are welcome to adapt our resources for streamed or online worship as long as credit is provided. Credit may be placed in video description boxes, within the video itself, in digital bulletins, within a pinned comment, etc.

  • If the video will be posted publicly, please ensure that all resources are embedded properly. This means you are welcome to include our images, videos, liturgy, etc. as part of your worship, so long as they are not posted separately where non-patrons may be able to download them.


In addition to all terms stated above, here are additional guidelines specific to the various types of resources we create:

Visual Art Images

This includes any full color image or black and white coloring page contained within our Image License Library or in the visual art collections we include in our bundles. It does not include theme logos, graphics, or photography included in branding bundles (as we encourage you to use these images in your print/online communications).

You may (with credit):

  • Include images in printed and projected resources used in worship services, educational events, and ministry programs (i.e. bulletins, Sunday School publications, Powerpoint presentations, etc.).

  • Include images in print and digital communications (i.e. newsletters, emails, weekly updates, etc.). Please be mindful about not making the resource files accessible and downloadable to the public (i.e. embed images in church newsletters & bulletin covers, share low-res versions of the images, or photos of printed images, etc.).

  • Create a temporary art installation to be displayed through the series. The included print files will print well up to 16x20 inches for close viewing, or up to about 3 feet on the longest side for distance viewing. If you require a larger file, please reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Include low-res images or promotional photos of the art (such as those on our website) on your worshiping community’s website and social media platforms. 

  • Include images in worship videos. You may also share any original videos you create using our images, so long as they are not sold.

  • Use our images for visio divina or other visual meditations. A guide is included with every image download.

You may not (without permission):

  • Modify, stretch, or crop images, or display text over images. Minor cropping of visual art for bulletin covers and print materials for best fit is permitted, but please keep in mind that the composition of the image is part of the art.

  • Create permanent installations of the artwork or print the artwork for personal collections. If you are interested in permanently installing an art piece in your space, please purchase a print from our print shop or reach out to us to obtain an additional license.

  • Incorporate images into a logo, trademark, or service mark. If you are interested in this, reach out and we can negotiate licensing terms and compensation for this particular use.

Theme Branding Images & Logo Files

This includes theme logos, graphics, and branded photography, or any files we include in a “branding bundle.” These are images we encourage you to use in your print/online communications to share about your worship series, theme, and/or the liturgical season.

You may (with credit):

  • Use logos, graphics, backgrounds, and photos to create printed and projected resources used in worship services, educational events, and ministry programs (i.e. Powerpoint presentations, bulletins, Sunday School publications, etc.). 

  • Use logos, graphics, backgrounds, and photos to create print and digital communications (i.e. social media posts, promotional videos, newsletters, emails, etc.).

  • Crop and resize backgrounds and photography as needed, as we highly encourage you to customize these graphics for your needs and purposes.

You may not (without permission):

  • Modify or crop logos.

  • Use branding files for commercial banners and signs used for advertising. If you are interested in this, reach out and we can negotiate licensing terms and compensation for this particular use.

  • Incorporate images into a company/organizational logo, trademark, or service mark.

  • Use branding files for conferences, camps, church logos, etc. Our theme branding is designed to help you communicate the Sanctified Art series/theme with your church and should not be used for other purposes without permission.


This includes worship films, theme song music videos, and customizable promotional videos.

You may (with credit):

  • Project films in worship services, educational events, and ministry programs.

  • Include films in digital communications, such as email newsletters.

  • Share the watermarked version of worship videos with your congregation on social media or your website.

  • Embed the un-watermarked version of worship videos in streamed/online worship services, provided that the original file is not able to be downloaded separately. (Please note that YouTube may issue copyright strikes when their algorithm detects the same audio in your worship video as in other patrons’ videos. Unfortunately, we do not know how to avoid this or why it happens to some churches and not others. The video will not be taken down if this happens and tends to have little effect on churches’ channels.)

  • Share a customized promotional video (such as the Anything But Ordinary customizable film) without a watermark, as these videos have been customized by us to include your organization’s information. You may share this video freely on your website or on social media.

You may not (without permission):

  • Upload and share un-watermarked worship films to social media accounts or on your website. 

  • Strip the audio from the video to use separately or create your own video. We allow our guest musicians to choose whether or not to include an audio recording of theme songs, so some theme song music videos may include an audio file in the download. Other theme song audio tracks may be available for licensing separately on the musician’s website.

  • Edit worship films or customized promotional videos in any way. (If you need something changed on your customized promotional video, please contact us at [email protected].)

Original MUSIC

This includes hymns and songs commissioned by A Sanctified Art and written by our creative team and guest contributors. This does not include any other hymns listed on our hymn suggestion blog posts, as we do not have any particular licensing agreement with their respective publishers.

Note: Download of original music includes a license for use within your congregation. Unless otherwise noted, no additional license such as CCLI is required, nor is reporting the use of these hymns in your quarterly CCLI reports.

You may (with credit):

  • Print the lyrics and/or sheet music for use within your congregation, including printing in bulletins, printing for accompanists, and printing for choirs, soloists, or praise teams.

  • Project the sheet music and/or lyrics on slides in congregational settings.

  • Recreate the sheet music in other programs, such as Finale, provided the credit line remains.

  • Arrange the hymns for choral performance and/or sing them to other tunes in the same meter. Please include the arranger credit as well as the writer and composer credits.

  • Record and broadcast the hymns for local congregational use, including live streamed worship, congregational social media, and church websites.

  • Use the hymns in unrecorded sessions of camps, retreats, and conferences. Please reach out to us at [email protected] for additional broadcasting or recording licenses for paid events such as camps, retreats, and conferences.

You may not (without permission):

  • Redistribute the sheet music or lyrics beyond your local congregation. Instead, we ask that you share a link to our website.

  • Use the hymns for non-ministry purposes.

  • Publish the sheet music in a hymnal, song book, or other publication outside local congregational use. If you are interested in publishing one of our hymns in a collection, please reach out to us at [email protected] for licensing.

  • Share a recording of the music beyond your local congregation, such as recording for use on an album or a YouTube video intended for the wider public. Please reach out to us at [email protected] for recording licensing.

Written Resources

This includes all written resources such as liturgy, full worship services, prayers, poems, sermon planning guides, curriculum, lessons, practical guides, and artist reflections.

You may (with credit):

  • Quote written resources in a sermon, homily, event, or class.

  • Utilize part or all of the written liturgy or worship services, with adaptations as needed. (You must still provide credit even if you adapt the liturgy or service.)

  • Adapt prayers and liturgy to fit your context for best use. (Please still provide credit. For example: “Liturgy adapted from a prayer by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC |”)

  • Post excerpts on your social media or website.

You may not (without permission):

  • Share the entirety of the written resources on your website and social media. Please share excerpts on public domains.

Devotionals and Study Journals

This includes devotional booklets, study journals, and other devotional materials such as our Words for the Wilderness resource. These are resources we expect you to print and distribute within your ministry context.

You may (with credit):

  • Print & distribute devotional materials and study journals for Sunday School, educational events, personal reflection, and ministry programs (including worship).

  • Distribute devotional booklets and study journals in printed or electronic form. When distributing electronically, please follow our digital sharing guidelines under “General Guidelines.” Our devotional materials are formatted and organized for print. With purchase, you may request an e-version of the devotional booklets that can be read on a computer or tablet by emailing us at [email protected].

  • Share excerpts from the devotional materials in your digital communications (i.e. website, social media, emails, etc.), including excerpts from artist statements, journaling prompts, prayers, or discussion questions.

  • Share photos of visual art included in the devotional booklet (see “Sharing Resources Online” above).

  • Adapt the order of the content in any of our customizable series booklets, such as Unraveled or Faces of Our Faith. Please note that we cannot fulfill requests for reordered or reformatted booklets. Our licensing terms prevent us from distributing editable files of our devotional booklets or resources.

You may not (without permission):

  • Post original files of the devotional materials on a public website, including social media. If you need to distribute resources electronically, please follow the digital sharing guidelines under “General Guidelines.”

Worship Art PROJECTS & Banner DESIGNS

This includes intergenerational worship art projects, paper lace banner designs, coloring posters, sanctuary art installations, etc.

You may (with credit):

  • Adapt our instructions to best suit your community. This includes resizing, using different materials, etc. We hope our resources inspire your creativity!

  • Share photos of your in-progress or completed project in print and digital communications (i.e. newsletters, social media, website, etc.). Our Sanctified Art Community Facebook Group is a great place to share your worship installations and art projects!

You may not (without permission):

  • Sell the completed banner art or art project curriculum.


If there are other ways you would like to use our images and digital resources, please email us at [email protected] to request permission and, if necessary, negotiate a different licensing agreement with additional compensation.

The following are ways our resources may be used with further permission and compensation:

  • Conference posters and promotional materials

  • T-shirts and merchandise

  • Books, magazines, journals, and other publications

  • Commercial banners and signs used for advertising (different than liturgical art banners used for worship)

  • Greeting cards, notepads, stickers, or calendars

  • Logos and identifying trademarks

Thank you for supporting us as artists and for helping us protect our work so we can continue to create!