A property-driven approach to formal verification of process models
B Combemale, X Crégut, PL Garoche… - … Information Systems: 9th …, 2008 - Springer
More and more, models, through Domain Specific Languages (DSL), tend to be the solution
to define complex systems. Expressing properties specific to these metamodels, and …
to define complex systems. Expressing properties specific to these metamodels, and …
Past-and future-oriented time-bounded temporal properties with OCL
We present the syntax and semantics of a past-and future-oriented temporal extension of the
Object Constraint Language (OCL). Our extension supports designers to express time …
Object Constraint Language (OCL). Our extension supports designers to express time …
Approche de métamodélisation pour la simulation et la vérification de modèle--Application à l'ingénierie des procédés
B Combemale - 2008 - theses.hal.science
Nous proposons dans cette thèse une démarche permettant de décrire un DSML (Domain
Specific Modeling Language) et les outils nécessaires à l'exécution, la vérification et la …
Specific Modeling Language) et les outils nécessaires à l'exécution, la vérification et la …
Towards a Formal Verification of Process Model's Properties-SimplePDL and TOCL Case Study
B Combemale, PL Garoche, X Crégut… - International …, 2007 - scitepress.org
More and more, models, through Domain Specific Languages (DSL), tend to be the solution
to define complex systems. Expressing properties specific to these metamodels and …
to define complex systems. Expressing properties specific to these metamodels and …
Early modeling and validation of timed system requirements using Timed Use Case Maps
J Hassine - Requirements Engineering, 2015 - Springer
There is a general consensus on the importance of good requirements engineering for
achieving high-quality software. Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of …
achieving high-quality software. Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of …
An evaluation of timed scenario notations
There is a general consensus on the importance of good Requirements Engineering (RE)
for achieving high quality software. The modeling and analysis of requirements have been …
for achieving high quality software. The modeling and analysis of requirements have been …
[PDF][PDF] A formal framework for uml modelling with timed constraints: Application to railway control systems
R Marcano, S Colin, G Mariano - … and Validation of UML models for …, 2004 - hivernal.org
In the context of railway signalling systems, time related features play a relevant role at the
validation process and specialists are more and more confronted with the necessity of …
validation process and specialists are more and more confronted with the necessity of …
[PDF][PDF] Architecting software systems using model transformations and architectural frameworks
G Perrouin - 2007 - dial.uclouvain.be
Software systems have become essential to many human activities and have proliferated
thanks to various hardware innovations such as mobile computing (laptops, personal digital …
thanks to various hardware innovations such as mobile computing (laptops, personal digital …
[BOOK][B] UML-Based Specification of State Oriented Real Time Properties
S Flake - 2003 - researchgate.net
In recent years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has received significant attention by
software designers to model object-oriented software systems. Complementary to UML …
software designers to model object-oriented software systems. Complementary to UML …
[PDF][PDF] Approche de métamodélisation pour la simulation et la vérification de modèle
B Combemale - IRIT Doctorate Thesis, 2008 - core.ac.uk
Résumé L'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) a permis plusieurs améliorations
significatives dans le développement de systèmes complexes en permettant de se …
significatives dans le développement de systèmes complexes en permettant de se …