[PDF][PDF] The P versus NP problem
S Cook - Clay Mathematics Institute, 2000 - cs.utoronto.ca
… There are interesting examples of NP problems not known to be either in P or NP-complete.
One example is the set of composite numbers, mentioned in the first section, with checking …
One example is the set of composite numbers, mentioned in the first section, with checking …
The history and status of the P versus NP question
M Sipser - Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM …, 1992 - dl.acm.org
… of the solution to a problem. … in a similar sense, This would mean that if there were no
polynomial time algorithm for the clique problem, we would never be able to prove the nonexistence…
polynomial time algorithm for the clique problem, we would never be able to prove the nonexistence…
[BOOK][B] P, NP, and NP-Completeness: The basics of computational complexity
O Goldreich - 2010 - books.google.com
… of them can encode any other problem in NP. Thus, these demonstrations provide a method
of encoding instances of any NP problem as instances of the target NP-complete problem. …
of encoding instances of any NP problem as instances of the target NP-complete problem. …
The status of the P versus NP problem
L Fortnow - Communications of the ACM, 2009 - dl.acm.org
… So while we don’t expect the P versus NP problem to be resolved in the near future, the
question has driven research in a number of topics to help us understand, handle, and even take …
question has driven research in a number of topics to help us understand, handle, and even take …
P, NP and mathematics–a computational complexity perspective
A Wigderson - Proceedings of the ICM, 2006 - ems.press
… general, and the P vs. NP problem in particular, have gained prominence within the mathematics
community in the past decade, it is still largely viewed as a problem of computer science…
community in the past decade, it is still largely viewed as a problem of computer science…
Solution of P versus NP Problem
F Vega - 2015 - hal.science
… We demonstrate that equivalent-P = NP and equivalent-P = P. In this way, we find the … to
which any other NP problem can be reduced in polynomial-time, but whose solution may still be …
which any other NP problem can be reduced in polynomial-time, but whose solution may still be …
Approximate solution of NP optimization problems
G Ausiello, P Crescenzi, M Protasi - Theoretical Computer Science, 1995 - Elsevier
… problem is a paradigmatic example of an NP problem which is difficult to solve in polynomial
time and since no … In the following section we will show examples of OPT NP problems. …
time and since no … In the following section we will show examples of OPT NP problems. …
[PDF][PDF] P versus NP
E Mayordomo - Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias de …, 2004 - researchgate.net
… I will also mention important connections of the P vs. NP problem with finite model theory and
… of the two possible solutions of the problem. Notice that the mathematical consequence of …
… of the two possible solutions of the problem. Notice that the mathematical consequence of …
A solution to the p versus NP problem
FV Delgado - arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.2730, 2010 - arxiv.org
… the complexity class NP. We find a problem in NP which is not in P; because if it would be
present in that class, then it will imply that some undecidable problem will be in NP too. That's …
present in that class, then it will imply that some undecidable problem will be in NP too. That's …